Steampunk Harlots

Steampunk Harlots


Steampunk Harlots

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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Steampunk Harlots Ch. 16
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Waiting in the junction, watching her dress fluttering in the dark, Emma found the heat and humidity sucking the energy out of her. She had been waiting for a while, worried about Leira, wondering if she had been caught or hurt. It wasn't until she finally saw her crawling out of the vent that she let the worry go for a moment before sensing difficulty in her movement.
"What happened? Are you alright?" Emma whispered urgently.
"Fell down a vent. Hit the floor fucking hard. Met some doc, gave me some shit for the pain. Explained what was going on and such." Leira was slow moving and badly bruised.
"Thanks, girl. I'm hurt but I will be fine eventually. As soon as we get out of this shithole."
"Sorta. Like, he didn't say he would, but he knows enough about this place. I figure we force his hand and he will get over being scared really fucking quick. Said there was a radio upstairs as well."
"I think I saw it. But I don't think we can get to it with the vents. They didn't really lay them out conveniently."
"No, we need the others if we are gonna fight these fuckers."
"And we just have to rescue a human who can give them orders. We go get him, he can tell us how to take off the collars."
"I think you can. My back is really fucking sore, even with the meds he gave me, and I don't think it's gonna get better."
"But if there are soldiers guarding him..."
"Then we gotta be really careful. But I'm barely able to move myself. Not gonna be tackling some fucker like this. Of course, neither are you, but you are prolly better at being subtle than I am."
Emma couldn't really argue any specific point with Leira but still didn't like it. She moved behind Leira, who was facing away and resting with her arms on the wall to support herself. Sliding one hand over her back and the other between her legs. Leira spread her legs the moment she realised what was going on, letting her breasts swell to full size. Touching Leira the way she liked to touch herself, she moved her hand over Leira's back, slowly tracing the bruises. Although telling her body to heal was beyond her ability, telling the muscles to relax was almost as good. Leira quietly moaned as the pain drained from her back and pleasure spread forth from between her legs.
"Feeling better?" Emma whispered in her ear as she pushed harder on Leiras panties.
"Fuck yes. Keep going. Make me fucking cum," Leira whispered desperately.
"Not this time," Emma let go of her and backed away. "That would just tense you up again."
Leira turned around and sighed with a pout, "For a girl who doesn't like other girls, you are damn good at that."
"I've had a lot of practice with myself and it's what I need to do to avoid living here. Also, you're a friend in need so why not?"
"It's nice to have friends." Leira smiled.
"Yes, it is." Emma returned the smile.
Emma shook her head, rolling her eyes with a smile, and started down towards the lower vent. Being rather more careful, they avoided the fall into the lab and found another drop at an angle that lead into a lavatory. Thankfully, someone had left the light on and Emma unlatched the vent cover. She was slowly crawling out when the door latch was suddenly making noise. Dashing to the wall where the door would cover her when it opened, she waited and hoped that Leira wouldn't come out or that he wouldn't notice the open vent.
Instead, he closed the door behind him and Emma could see herself in the mirror over the sink. Their eyes met in the mirror, and while he was distracted by the barely dressed elf, she rushed up behind him. Putting a hand on his back, his legs suddenly gave way causing him to fall to his knees. Emma guided his fall and bent him over the toilet. She put her hand on his head and shoved it in.
It was harder to control people when they were pumping adrenaline through their bodies, but one lungful of water meant she only had to counter his actions for a short while. Another lungful and he was still. His body fell back on the floor as Leira came out of the vent with a look of shock on her face.
Emma stomped on his chest. He suddenly sputtered and spewed the water out of his lungs onto the floor. As he recovered Emma drew his pistol and handed it to Leira as she took his knife. Holding it against his throat, she waited for him to realise his situation.
"Some people think that if you save someone's life, that life belongs to that person. Now, since I'm also the one who killed you I don't think that would apply, but either way your life is in my hands. So tell me, you going to do what I say? Or am I going to have to kill you again?"
The guard, still sputtering water as he coughed, nodded his head. They got him to his feet, then Emma went to take a peek through the door. Suddenly it swung open.
"Hey dumbass what..." was all he said before he noticed the knife in his throat and the delicate elf hand holding it.
The body slumped to the floor. Emma was shocked in disbelief at what she had done. The drowning was a risk she knew but figured she could bring him back. This was unexpected, permanent. She felt numb. Leira pushed the prisoner past Emma and the body to the door to the lab so he couldn't see her reaction. Emma shuddered and looked away.
Leira pushed the prisoner towards the door, "Open it."
He turned the handle and opened the door, looking back at Leira, wondering if he would be killed right after.
"Again?! What are you... did you fall in the toilet or something?" Adler asked.
"Or something," Leira answered, pushing him further in the lab.
"What about the other one?" he asked.
"Dead. If you don't mind taking care of this one, I will go check on my friend."
Adler took the pistol as she offered it to him, and grinned madly as he looked at the guard who had been taunting him for a very long while. Leira left and returned to Emma, who was just outside the bathroom leaning against the wall and staring at the empty floor.
"All these fuckers deserve to die. Even if it's not in self-defense. One less to put a noose around later." Leira took Emma by the shoulders for a firm shake.
"I've seen people die before. Like, get shot or something. I always wondered why they needed to do that. Couldn't they just figure a way around their problems? But I knew right then that I didn't have time. The risk that he wouldn't listen was too great. If I didn't do anything then, then I wouldn't be able to do anything later."
"Look, this is all good shit to examine for one's mental health. But not right now. Like you said, don't do anything now, can't do it later. Well, we need to rescue the fuck out of our friends and ourselves right now. If we don't, then we can't later on. So shove that shit aside until we are safe. Then if you want to spend hours talking about it, I will totally fucking listen. Even if we don't fuck while doing it. Friends do that shit, right?"
Emma looked at Leira and nodded. Then nodded at the two rifles resting against a table the soldiers had been playing cards at. Leira went back to the lab.
"Strip that fucker naked and hope his shit fits you. We are getting out of here."
Hannah bounced as the truck rumbled over the dirt road, almost knocking her from her seat. A mild panic ensued as two soldiers burnt some fingers trying to keep the small stove from tipping or losing their soup.
"You two have heard of gloves, right?" Hannah scoffed.
"Yes, Ma'am. Got them right here in my pocket." The master chef replied sheepishly, putting them on before going back to keeping the soup stable for the next bump.
Another series of bumps pleasantly reminded Hannah of her favourite toy as it vibrated the man inside her in a similar way for a few moments. Her hips swayed on his lap as his hands held her mostly in place. She needed all the support she could get since her hands were busy pressing her breasts around the hard cock of the man standing in front of her. Watching it slide between her flesh mounds, Hannah kept her mouth open and ready. The truck suddenly came to a stop that almost sent the soup flying.
"Shit, they're gonna make us get out," said the man, suddenly pumping faster between her breasts.
He was working rapidly when they heard Gray call out, "Leftenant Hannah?" as he walked down the convoy of trucks.
He arrived at hers in time to see her wrapping her lips around the man finally relieved of his seed.
"Is she in that one sergeant?" The general called out.
After a pause that allowed Hannah to at least start buttoning up her jacket, he replied, "Yes, sir."
The man holding her hips bucked himself firmly to have his satisfaction as well and grunted at his release. Swallowing the last of it, Hannah pulled her mouth away and snatched a handkerchief from the hand of Grey as he offered her one. Cleaning her face and then between her legs as she stood up, she was helpfully assisted with her pants by the man she had been sitting on. Just as everything was fastened and both soldiers had stuffed themselves back in their own pants, the rear curtain opened up wide to reveal the general.
"My dear, I must apologise for not including you in my carriage." The general eyed her appreciatively.
"No worries, sir. Some men have more important matters to concern themselves with than where their lowly officers sit."
"Ah, true, but a lady such as yourself is never below the concern of a proper gentleman. Please, it is lunch time and I would hate to eat without you at my table."
"Ah well, I have already had something to eat..." Hannah looked down at the soup and the faces of the soldiers sitting, trying not to show anything on their face. "But I am sure you have much nobler fare to offer."
Grey rolled his eyes, happily behind the general, who replied, "Indeed I do. Come."
He closed the flap and returned to his carriage while Hannah turned to the man she had sat on, "I already did, twice."
Stifled chuckles followed her as she hopped out of the truck and went to join the general.
Ving could have set the ship down without a dock, but Inky had given a gesture to just get low and drop a ladder. Hovering there for a brief time as they climbed their way aboard, Ving wondered what they had found. Quickly getting some altitude and setting the helm to lock, she went downstairs to where Liddy would have greeted them. Everyone was there.
"Just an empty shack where they had been keeping trucks and shackles. The only other way they could have gone was back to the city," Inky replied, frustrated.
"If they took them all back to the city, they could be anywhere," Astra added.
"Slave market, docks, some warehouse, anywhere that handles cargo, and nowhere we can start kicking down doors. Don't know if the city knew about this, but we can't fight them and half the city at the same time."
"Hit the bricks then. Ask around and try to locate them first," Conna spoke up.
"See if we can find that investigator fellow?" Cat suggested. "He should still be around and does this for a living."
"Right, unless anyone else has a better idea, that is what we will do." Liddy decided.
"I can fly around a bit," Ving offered. "Get everyone on deck and see if we can spot truck tracks elsewhere?"
Liddy shrugged, "I doubt they would have gone off road, but keep us slow over the road and we will look all the same."
Ving got back to the bridge and numbly guided the ship as her world continued to fall to pieces.
One uniform swap later and Adler was almost looking like a soldier holding his new rifle. Leira held the other one while also wearing the ammo pouches from the dead guard across her chest to her hip. Emma held the pistol in her hands wondering if she could ever actually use it.
"Alright, well, this isn't how I expected my escape to go, I have to say it isn't the worst plan that's come to me in my time here." Adler tried to lighten the mood. "Now if we want to save your friends, we need the keys to their collars. They will be in the room where they were put on. Each collar has a unique key, so we can't just find one and release them all."
"Will there be anyone in there?" Asked Emma, worried she might have to kill again.
"It's been awhile since I knew much of what goes on, but if there aren't any deliveries or shipments then it's probably empty."
"We'll see, I guess," Leira concluded, not wanting Emma to dwell on it.
Up through some corridors and a short staircase passing a number of old doors, they arrived at a final door Adler motioned them to stop at. Standing tall, he opened the door and walked through as if he owned the place. Then beckoned for the girls to follow once he was sure the room was clear. He closed the door behind them and slid the lock into place, in case the guard he tied up got loose and escaped from the cell.
Leira and Adler spread out checking cabinets and crates while Emma went to the desk. The top drawer contained a few random items like an old fountain pen, monocle, and a key ring that Emma held up proudly.
"Master key copies, good for doors but not the collars. That idiot just left them there. I'm finally glad he's still in charge around here." Adler chuckled with a grin.
Emma opened a bigger filing drawer below the top one and gasped, "Well fuck me sloppy and sideways."
"If you think we have time," Leira replied with her own grin before coming over to look at what she had found.
In the big drawer were the keys they wanted. Along with absolutely every other one. Black tabs with rectangular metal wafers, all with different shapes, piled in without order or markings.
"Umm... well fuck berries on shit flakes," she added not wanting to be outdone by the first profanity she heard the elf mutter.
"Seriously?" Adler blurted, finally seeing what they were looking at. "That is either the most profoundly stupid security or the most genius."
"Think about it," he started. "Anyone tries to escape because they got an order they could work around, or wants to let someone go free, has to spend hours checking every damn key in here. Long enough to get caught doing it."
"Well, Foxy and Easy are new, so they would be on the top right?" Leira asked hopefully.
"I suppose," Adler answered. "But between deaths and releases to the market, they do need to unlock them from time to time. There needs to be some kind of system."
"There was only an old pen and a monocle in the other drawer."
"Oh, that fat sack of stupid," Adler opened the other drawer and took both items out. "These are mine. Used them to keep notes and such hidden."
He put the monocle on and took out a key. He smiled, taking a piece of paper off the desk and a normal pen to scribble down a number.
"That's the key number," he stated. "Invisible ink that this lens can see. Just need to match it up to the collars and we got it. Still not fast but it's a whole lot faster now."
"Right. Leira, you two go gather Foxy and Easy with whoever else you can without getting noticed. I will label keys on the top and hope we get lucky."
Leira stripped naked, "Best camouflage ever. You wait by the door, I tell them to look and you give orders to obey."
Adler nodded and opened the door to the breeding hall. Inside Leira saw all manner of Emberborn having sex in every way she could imagine. At least, the ways she could imagine that would also have a shot at causing pregnancy. Easy was easy to spot, having a crowd around her of men who had come to breed her but were instead breeding women who were more available.
Almost by her side, Leira was suddenly grabbed from behind and impaled by a man she couldn't see. Her back hurt again and she gasped in pain, suddenly drawing the attention of some of the nearby Emberborn. One of them was Easy who looked at her with surprise.
"Look over there," Leira muttered and pointed.
Easy and the man she had mounted, as well as a few others around them, looked over to see the gestures being given to them. They started moving over without interrupting their breeding as Leira started looking for Foxy. The man behind her let her go as he filled her up, and Leira slowly walked with her sore back deeper into the hall. She wasn't paying attention to the man who came at her next, even though he was in front of her. Wrapping her legs around him and feeling him push inside she spotted Foxy and pointed.
Leira worked her hips as best as her back allowed as she was carried into the fake hot springs pool. Foxy was currently bent over a rock in the water moaning as a fox man pleased her. Enjoying the hot water on her back, Leira inflated her breasts hoping it would get her partner off sooner.
"Foxy," Leira whispered, trying not to get distracted by the lovely breasts the fox had, moving in the water with each thrust.
"Leira? What's going on?" Foxy replied.
"Look over there." Leira pointed again.
"Oh, alright," Foxy replied, turning to show her partner.
Leira did the same and rode her partner to the doorway. They found Easy on the floor on top of her partner and four other couples still going at it.
"How are we doing?" Leira asked, still held by the man inside her.
Emma looked up, almost not surprised, "Got a bunch done, but no idea who they belong too."
Adler closed the door after another male walked in, "The collars have numbers. We need to check them and match them. I will do that, and you can read off what we have found."
"Alright, I..." Emma was picked up and pushed against the wall before being lifted by the final male who had come through after thinking the hand gestures included him.
He pulled her panties to the side and pinned Emma to the wall as he penetrated her. Emma wanted to resist and keep working, but felt so good feeling a man inside her and knowing she couldn't stop him anyway.
"Or I can do it all, I suppose," Adler took the monocle from Emma as she handed it over before wrapping her arms around the feline male whose forceful thrusts made her moan and forget she could have satisfied him right away with a touch.
"Men first," Leira called out. "Everyone told to enjoy this but it might not work when it's off. Can't have the women being forced by men who can't stop. Let them enjoy it until they are safe to release."
Adler checked and wrote down the numbers of all the collars, trying to ignore the fact they were still breeding, and got to work finding the matching numbers. Like Foxy and Easy, some of them had keys on the top as well. Leira had her partner freed first and finally relaxed against the wall with her back in too much pain to dwell on the fact she had her sex interrupted. It just wasn't fun for her when it hurt like that. The partner backed away and stood in shock as he collected himself.
The reactions of the other men were similar, once they were relieved of their collars. Easy and Foxy had theirs taken off as well in case they were discovered and they needed to fight, but kept allowing the men inside them to avoid them trying to get back into the hall. Thankfully the men were freed quickly enough and the keys for the women discovered were used as soon as they didn't have to worry about them being taken by another man.
"Couldn't you just tell them to stop?" asked Emma as her partner let her down and withdrew from her.
"No, moving about sure, but not to stop breeding," Adler replied, trying to find the final keys for the two women now
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