Steam engine перевод

Steam engine перевод

Steam engine перевод

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Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data. A piston engine driven by steam as contrasted, for example, with a steam turbine. Any heat engine that uses steam as its primary working fluid to do mechanical work. UK A steam locomotive. An external combustion engine that makes use of the thermal energy that exists in steam, converting it to mechanical work. Подобные фразы в словаре английский русский. It made steam engines in total. The enterprise manpower steadily rose, so in persons worked there, in persons, in persons, and in there worked already people in the enterprise. In the enterprise was equipped with 2 steam - engines by total yield 20 horsepower and 2 steam boilers. Historically the steam engine was the dominant form of locomotive power through the midth century, but other sources of power such as horses , rope , wire, gravity , pneumatics , or gas turbines are possible. Coal, canals, and metalworkers were the foundation for building, installing, and using the automatic spinning machines, power looms, and railway locomotives that were the first modern machine industries. Найдено предложения с фразой steam engine. Найдено за 14 мс. Накопители переводов создаются человеком, но выравниваются с помощью компьютера, что может вызвать ошибки. Они приходят из многих источников и не проверяются.

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