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Magic!Anon: Currently None. Faceclaim: Takagi Manpei
Independent Kaoru Hitachiin roleplay blog. Comic!Verse: Before Long hair, but willing to rp that timeline.
Will rp with anyone, but please don't assume that Kaoru will fall instantly in love with you.
Tag lessmischievoustwin
((This blog is the newer version of my Kaoru Blog. All is the same, the only difference is that this one is not a side blog like my previous blog.
Previously: LessMischievousTwin-Archive (January 2014) ))
Spot The Difference (Telling the Twins Apart)
I felt this was a necessary thing to have on a Hitachiin Twins blog. XD Especially since telling them apart is kinda hard(my sister messes up all of the time -____-), and the Takagi twins (the actors who play the Hitachiins in the Ouran Live Action Drama) are even harder to tell apart.
This is mostly gonna be on how to tell the Takagi Twins apart because there’s more to explain between them that are different than the drawn pictures(aka anime and manga depictions) of the twins.
Truth be told I can tell the Hitachiin’s apart:
Anyway~ Let’s start with the basics:
Bisco Hatori has made about two special pages in her manga depicting which twin is which, but if you missed those pages, don’t worry they say the same thing so here’s one~.
Basically, Kaoru’s hair parts on our Left (looking at him), while Hikaru’s parts on our right (looking at him).
Starting here because this is where we first see the twins and it is also on paper, so really all we have are visuals(which blend into the Anime and Drama).
Most of the time, it’s fairly easy to figure out who is who. Reading from context (and looking at hair parts) easily tells you which twin is who.
The twins don’t often switch their hair parts, like they say they do but during the Middle School chapters, the twins did change their hair for when Tamaki visited them in class.
You can tell their hair is parted opposite ways because it looks like their hair is crazier than usual. I know when I try to part my hair against my natural part, it’s REALLY easy to tell, and my hair looks like it wants to go back to my normal part, as do the twin’s hair here. (Also, as you can see, you can obviously read from context and figure out who is who. The one drawing wasn’t Hikaru, thus the one reading is Hikaru and his hair is parted differently.)
Also, given almost any situation, the Twins wear different colors. Kaoru wearing the lighter color, and Hikaru the darker color.
I’d also like to think that Hikaru wears more “punkish” clothing.
Notice how Kaoru’s shirt and tie are on correctly, while Hikaru’s is not. (Also see the picture at the bottom of this section. Hikaru’s wearing a graphic tee and a feather earring, while Kaoru is wearing layers with an over jacket of some sort…. idk it just seems like he’s more open to looking more like a Punk while Kaoru followed more after their mom and strives to look more put together/fashionable. -shrugs-)
Starting in vol.12 of the manga, after their fight over Haruhi/their independence, Hikaru dyes his hair to be a dark ash color, and it stays that way until the end of the series.
In vol.18 it is shown, in the side stories, that Kaoru grows out his hair while Hikaru keeps his short(and still dyed).
Being as this is yet another visual, most of what is said in the Manga section stands true, except a lot easier. Lol! (This will also be the smallest section being as everything from the manga section applies here.)
The twins don’t change their hair parts at all, except for Kaoru the one time he pretended to be Hikaru to apologize to Arai. Other wise they remain with their same hairparts, thus how they’re much easier to tell apart in the anime.
Vocally, it is easy to hear. Their voices are different (both Japanese and English), with Kaoru’s voice being slightly higher pitched than Hikaru’s.
The only time you would get them wrong with this being your only way to tell them apart would be in the episode “The Life Of The Fujioka Family”. In the Japanese audio at the beginning of the episode, the club visits Haruhi in the worst possible home condition. They enter her house and she serves them tea in chipped cups and measuring cups which Kaoru is drinking tea from while talking to his brother and Tamaki. In this scene, the deeper voice comes out of Kaoru’s mouth, while the higher voice comes out of Hikaru’s. This is a joke. XD Being as it’s Tamaki’s dream, it’s making fun of the fact that he can’t really tell them apart still, thus the wrong voice out of the wrong face.
Now, the difficult part, XD, telling the actors apart. Not as easy telling real people apart as it is drawn people.
Their hair naturally parts, both, on our right(looking at them), thus making them harder to tell apart, compared to the drawn pictures of the Hitachiins, because the Takagi Twins either have the same part, or switch almost constantly. But you don’t have to worry about that too much while watching the drama, for they try to keep the Twin’s hair fairly true to manga. XD As much as Manpei’s hair tries to go towards the right (aka the beach episode where the wind blew his bangs the opposite way a few times).
First things first, since I can’t use pictures for this one, is their voices. Probably the hardest thing to hear unless one talks and then the other, but Manpei’s voice is slightly higher than Shinpei’s. It’s slight but noticeable. XD I’ve actually gotten to the point where I can hear and point out Manpei’s voice fairly quickly (I’ve been watching a drama with just him, thus I’m more use to his voice. XD)
On the opposite hand, one of the easiest things to see is their height. Manpei (actor who played Kaoru) is just a little taller than his younger brother, Shinpei (actor who played Hikaru).
This is an extreme difference, but it gives you the idea. Manpei is on the Left, and Shinpei is on the Right.
Also, if you look at their faces, Manpei has a slightly longer/slimmer face than Shinpei. I thought it was just a random fluke that only happens in pictures from certain angles but in one of the other drama’s they’re in, Indigo no Yoru, another character makes the same observation. (Moichi is the name of Manpei’s character)
Also going with this, there are times where it almost looks as if Manpei has sucken in cheeks compared to his brother.
Manpei is on the left, and Shinpei is on the right. I know it’s slight, but you can kinda see that Shinpei’s face looks a tad more round compared to Manpei’s, and you can see Manpei’s sucken cheeks. You can also see that Manpei is taller here as well.
Just as a helpful comparison, here’s both twins with opposite hair colors (even though there’s different lighting, lol).
Another thing, though probably not something you should look for as a main difference between theses two, but Shinpei tends to have his eyes open wider than his brother as we can see in the picture above.
And this is why you shouldn’t use it as a deciding factor. XD Shinpei just seems to be over reacting (which he seemingly does quite a bit. I’ve noticed it the Ouran Drama and the Indigo No Yoru Drama). But you can see that Shinpei’s eyes are open wider than Manpei’s.
I hope this helped some of you notice some difference between the Hitachiin and Takagi twins. If you, have any questions or would like to correct me on anything, go ahead and send me a message and I’ll gladly reply~!

28. Plant enthusiast/beer connoisseur. 18+ NSFW
Of course! Please just don’t send peen pics I am not here for that
My peen may be lean but my skills are mean. If I had STDs they’d call me Charlie Sheen
Sounds more like you either have a tiny peen or an STD
Originally Philadelphia. But I live in Southern California
Well if I can date you, I’d love to give it a shot and dm you to see where it leads, with your permission first of course. If not, I’ll respect it, nonetheless.
I will respect ya either way 🙂 regardless I love to talk to the peeps that follow me.
Uhhh I guess it depends on the situation/circumstance I’ve never really thought about that
I still haven’t gotten my license I need to go to the DMV these bitches be LAGGING
Ummm it turned out to be kind of a scam and they let me go so not well lol

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.
Sounds perfect
Wahhhh, I don’t wanna



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