Статья на тему лидерство

Статья на тему лидерство

Статья на тему лидерство

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Leadership theories take invaluable place on contemporary management science. Leadership phenomena is differently handled and interpreted by various research teams. The paper investigates leadership concepts shared by visible economists and schools of sciences in the 21st century. Subject classification and leadership theories analysis from methodology point of view and introduced approach has been conducted. Read the Full Article in Russian Login Username Password Remember Me. The magazine 'Modern Science: Comparative analysis of the toxicity of methylene blue and proflavine for saprophyti Chirp 'lidar' to scan a surface layer of the atmosphere: Noise immunity analysis for M-APSK signaling over satellite link with nonlinear dist Methods and means of information coding using spin-polarization devices: Information management system for the tax service: Automatic current control system in installations for measuring soil resistivity: Modeling of information exchange systems using stochastic graphs: Methods of automated question-answer search and their complex use: Automation of paper management system with the use of extremum-seeking combined cont The Viola-Jones method for object recognition in images: Heliometeorological factors and mortality from cardiovascular diseases among foothil To the question of the role of ethnicity as a risk factor of asthma incidence: Leadership in the 21 century: Topical problems of theory and practice. Reproduction of any materials is allowed only for non-commercial purposes and with link to the original publication. Protected by the laws of the Russian Federation. Any violations of the law are prosecuted. Issues of the journals Archive Экономика и право Гуманитарные науки Естественные и технические науки Познание. Series - Economics and Law Выпуск 06 Economics Выпуск 05 Economics page 1 Выпуск 05 Economics page 2 Выпуск 04 Economics page 1 Выпуск 04 Economics page 2 Выпуск 03 Economics Выпуск 02 Economics Выпуск 01 Economics Выпуск 12 Economics Выпуск 11 Economics page 1 Выпуск 11 Economics page 2 Выпуск 10 Economics Выпуск 09 Economics Выпуск 08 Economics Выпуск 07 Economics page 1 Выпуск 07 Economics page 2 Выпуск 06 Economics Выпуск 05 Economics page 1 Выпуск 05 Economics page 2 Выпуск 04 Economics Выпуск 03 Economics page 1 Выпуск 03 Economics page 2 Выпуск 02 Economics page 1 Выпуск 02 Economics page 2 Выпуск 01 Economics page 1.

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