Статья На Тему The Improvement Of Work On The Rhythm In The Classes Of English On The Materials Of Limericks

Статья На Тему The Improvement Of Work On The Rhythm In The Classes Of English On The Materials Of Limericks


And Short Stories
The article about the work on the rhythm in the classes of English on the materials of Limericks and Short stories.
In the article we describe the methods of improving the work in the class on the English language.
English is a language that has been widely used for centuries.
It was created by the people of England.
The English is spoken in many countries of the world, especially in England, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
People from these countries speak English.
The rhythm is a very important part of a poem.
It is the way in which the poem is written.
The English language is rich with rhymes and meter.
For example, in the rhyming verse, there are four syllables in each line, and one of these syllables is stressed.
Rhyming is difficult to do correctly.
This is why many writers use it as a trick to make their poems interesting.
Another type of rhythm is meter, which is also used in poetry.
There are several different kinds of meter in English.
The article is devoted to the problems of improving the rhythm of English sentences in the classes of Limerick.
This problem is an important component of the modern educational process, which is the means of improvement of students’ language skills.
The Limerick is a well-known form of humor and caricature, which has been used in education for over a century, and is still popular among English speakers.
Limerick can be used as a tool for improvement of the rhythm in English classes.
УДК 378.147
Статья на тему «The Improvement of Work on the Rhythm in the Classes of English on the Materials of Limericks»
Е.В. Глебова, М.Ю. Гришина, А.А. Сазонова
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Рязанский государственный университет имени С.А. Есенина», г. Рязань
Аннотация: В статье рассматривается проблема развития музыкального слуха учащихся в процессе изучения английского языка.
В качестве одного из элементов обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе можно рассматривать обучение ритмике.
Ритмика – это искусство управления телом, включающее в себя: • координацию движений; • умение подстраиваться под музыку; • чувство ритма; • пластику; • а также умение передать с помощью движения эмоции и чувства.
The music of the English language is very rich.
There are a lot of songs, tunes and limericks.
But the most interesting for me is the work on the rhythm in the classes of English on the materials of limericks with the help of which it is easy to improve the rhythm of speech.
I think that the best way of improving the rhythm is to use the language in everyday life.
It is possible to learn the rhythm through the lessons, the television programs, films and through reading.
In Russian
В статье рассматриваются вопросы развития ритмики в процессе обучения английскому языку на материале лимериков.
The article deals with questions of rhythm development in the process of teaching English at classes on the materials of limericks in Russian.
Ключевые слова: ритм, лимерик, развитие ритмики, обучение английскому языку.
Keywords: rhythm, limerick, development of rhythm, teaching English.
Лимерики – это короткие юмористические стихотворения.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the rhythms of English rhymes and lirics.
It is shown that in the Russian and foreign literature, the rhythm of rhymes is used not only as a technique of poetic speech, but as an independent art form.
It has been demonstrated that the rhythmic and syntactic composition of Russian rhymes are characterized by the diversity of its forms.
Keywords: English poetry, rhythm, rhymes, lirics, syntactic compositions
The Rhythm Of The Classwork On English
Статья На Тему Improvement Of Working On The Rhythms In Classes Of English.
Rhythm Of Classwork In The Class Of English: The Methods Of Improvement
The Improvement Of Rhythms Of The Work On The Text In The English Class.
Methods Of Improvement.
Improvement Of The Rhythmic Method In The Work Of The English Teachers On The Teaching Texts.
In The English Texts There Are Many Rhythms.
They Are Natural To English Language.
Статья на тему: «Улучшение работы на ритмике в классах английского языка на материалах лимериков».
Автор: ученица 3 класса Н.О.А. СОШ No4 г.Бугульма
Научный руководитель: учитель английского языка С.Н.М
В современном мире существует множество различных методов изучения иностранного языка, но все они не отличаются новизной и оригинальностью.
Поэтому, чтобы заинтересовать детей, заинтересовать их изучать английский язык, необходимо найти новый, оригинальный, интересный метод.
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