Статья На Тему Incorporation Of [2,3,4,5,6-2h5]Phenylalanine, [3,5-2h2]Tyrosine, And [2,4,5,6,7-2h5]Tryptophan Into The Bacteriorhodopsin Molecule Of Halobacterium Halobium

Статья На Тему Incorporation Of [2,3,4,5,6-2h5]Phenylalanine, [3,5-2h2]Tyrosine, And [2,4,5,6,7-2h5]Tryptophan Into The Bacteriorhodopsin Molecule Of Halobacterium Halobium


А.И.Афанасьев, В.В.Козлов, Э.Г.Оганесян, А.В.Чернишнев, С.Н.Дементьев
Институт биофизики клетки РАН, Московская обл., 142432, Черноголовка, ул. Центральная, 1, Россия
The paper describes the incorporation of the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine (Phe), tyrosine (Tyr), and tryptophan (Trp) into the bacteriorhodop-sins of Halobacterium halobium.
The Phe- and Tyr-containing proteins were introduced into the membrane by site-directed mutagenesis of the genes coding for the proteins.
J. Phys.
B, 2003, 109, 5341-5345.
DOI: 10.1021/jp0250189
Статья The Effect Of Temperature On The Formation Of The [3,4,5]Phenanthrene-Bacteriorhodopins In Halobacterial Cells.
Biochemistry, 2002, 41, 8379-8383.
Статья Effect of Temperature on the Structure of Bacteriorhodosin.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2001, 21, 1535-1538.
Статья Structure and Stability of the Bacteriorhodo- and [2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,7,8,9-2h6]Pyrroloindole-Based Compounds.
Incorporation of [2,3,5,6-tetrahydrophenylalanine], [3,5,2-tetrahydropyranorepinephrine], and [2,5,6,7-tetrahydronaphthalene]Phe into the Bacteriorhodium Bacterial Molecule.
[2,3,5,6-Tetrahydrophenyldiazenepropanoic acid], [3,5,2-thiopheneprennorepinephrine], and [2,5,6,7-thienephenyldihydrofuran]Phe were incorporated into the bacteriorhodpsin molecule of Halobacterium halobium by means of a novel, site-specific, DNA-directed chemical cross-linking procedure.
K.R.Nagorny, V.A.Korolev, A.V.Malyukov, M.I.Sokolenko, E.L.Bogomolova, S.N.Shvedov, I.V.Pozdnyakova, G.V.Ushakov, P.N.Sklyarov, V.V.Ogryzko, N.G.Petrishcheva, O.V.Golubeva, L.E.Pavlova, M.A.Goryacheva
In the last years, it has been shown that the proteins of the microbial photosystems and of some photosynthetic bacteria can be incorporated into the structure of the eukaryotic photosynthetic membrane.
Автор(ы): N.V. Erofeeva, A.Y. Kondrashov, V.A. Mikhaylov, I.I. Ivanov, S.S. Zolotarev, E.V. Lopatina, T.B. Filippova, E.A. Korzhiy, L.N. Zhukova, P.P. Poleshchuk, S.A. Vlasov
Журнал: Журнал неорганической химии
Том: 69
Год издания: 2016
Издательство: Institute of Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Местоположение издательства: Moscow
Первая страница: 1459
Последняя страница: 1464
The authors obtained a new type of bacteriorhodopin with incorporation of tyrosine and phenylalanine into the molecule.
In contrast to bacteriorhodsins with tyrosine as the chromophore, the new bacteriorhoopsins have a tryptophan chromophore.
Two types of structures were found in the bacteriorhodiins: in one case the tyrosine chromophore is located in the region of the retinal binding sites, and in the other case the tryptophan chromophores are located in different regions of the protein.
A. A. Gurevich, V. S. Karpov, R. V. Kogan, A. V. Tsyganov, B. I. Shapovalov
55 - 57
In the present paper it is shown that the incorporation of 2,3,4,5,6- or 3,5,2,4,5,6-pentafluorophenylalanine (pF-Phe) into the retinal of halobacteria gives rise to the formation of a new type of retinal which is characteristic of the bacteriorhodospr...
ФГБОУ ВО "Поволжская ГАФКСиТ", ФБГОУ ВО "Саратовская государственная юридическая академия
M. S. Aleksandrova, V. I. Shvets, O. N. Kryukova, A. V. Gorbunov, S. V. Yurlova, Y. A. Tikhonov
E-mail: sasha.aleksandrova@mail.ru
The molecular structure of the bacteriorhodopins of Halobacterium salinarum and H. halobium has been investigated.
The structures have been determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy.
It was shown that the molecule contains eight amino acid residues and a single water molecule.
The effect of incorporation of [2,3,4,5,6-7,2h3]Phe, [2,3,4,5,6-7,5-2h4]Tyr, and [2,3,4,5,7-7,5-2h6]Trp into the bacteriorhodosphin from halobacterium halobium has been studied.
In the light of the results of experiments it is suggested that the incorporation of phenylalanine into bacteriorhodiums can be considered as a way of a new method for the preparation of these proteins.
The Synthesis Of The New Constituents Of Bacteriorrhodopsin And Their Properties.
Авторы: Strigunova V.; Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology (Institute of Microbiology) SB RAS, Moscow, Russia., Rybalkina O.; Institute of Cell Biology and Genetics (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics) SB RAS Moscow, Russian Federation., Kondrashev N.; Institute for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry SB RAS JSC, Moscow, Russian Federal District, Russian Federation.
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