Публикации последователей Карла Роджерса на английском языке

Публикации последователей Карла Роджерса на английском языке

Kirillova E.I. Application of Intent-Analysis to Therapeutic Discourse in the Analysis of the Professional Activity of Psychotherapists // Current context of education and psychology in Europe and Asia. May. 2021, Vol. 9, SPE(3), e1199. [Читать]

Kirschenbaum H. On Becoming Carl Rogers. N.Y.: Delacorte Press, 1979. 444 p. [Читать]

Meadows E. E. Person-centered Approach in Organizational Relationships // Organizational Psychology. 2014. Т. 4. № 2. P. 46–52. [Читать]

Merry T. A guide to the person-centred approach. Loughton: Gale Centre Publications, 1990. 52 р. [Читать]

Orlov A. B. Person-centered approach as a variant of essential therapy // XI INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR THE PERSON-CENTERED APPROACH. 2010. [Читать]

Orlov A. B. The Phenomenology of Anxiety in the Process of Client-centered Psychotherapy, in: 10th Conference of the World Association for Person-Centered and Expiriental Psychotherapy and Counseling. July 8-12, 2012 – Antwerp, Belgium // Ed. by L. Neven. Antwerpen : Universiteit Antwerpen. 2012. P. 117–117. [Читать]

Orlov A. B., Orlova N. A. The psychological status of the therapist: individuality vs. individity, in: Anaıs do XII forum ınternacıonal da abordagem centrada na pessoa e do X forum brasıleıro da abordagem centrada na pessoa: Desdobramentos contemporâneos do pensamento de Carl Rogers. // Cumbuco : Universidad de Fortaleza. 2013. P. 19–21.

Orlov A. B., Orlova N. A. The psychological status of a psychotherapist // Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics. 2014. Vol. 11. № 2. P. 136–149. [Читать]

Orlov A. B. Psychotherapy is nonpolitical otherwise it is non psychotherapy: Person-centered aapproach as funfamentally and essentially nonpolitical enterprise or person-centered approach: the temptation of politics // Под общ. ред.: В. Ю. Меновщиков, А. Б. Орлов / Ежегодник по консультативной психологии, коучингу и консалтингу. Институт консультативной психологии и консалтинга (ФПК-Институт). 2018. Вып 5. С. 67–76. [Читать]

Positive Regard. Carl Rogers and Other Notables He Influenced / Suhd Melvin M. (Ed.) Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, 1995. 457 p. [Читать]

Rogers N. Emerging Woman: A Decade of Midlife Transitions. Santa Rosa, CA: Personal Press, 1980. 201 p.[Читать]

Rogers N. The creative connection for groups. Person-cепtered expressive arts for healing and social change. Palo Alto, СА: Science & Веhavior Воокs. 2011. 452 p. [Читать]

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