Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine (April 30, 2022)

Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine (April 30, 2022)

The Russian Federation's Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response, in co-operation with the authorised federal executive authorities, continues to carefully record the continuing egregious facts of the inhumane treatment of civilians by the authorities in Kiev:

in Nikolaev, territorial defence fighters carry out punitive raids in order to check local residents for signs of pro-Russian views and facts of passing any information to Russian servicemen and representatives of the people's militia of Donbass. The slightest suspicion is triggered by the phone's call history and SMS messages to Russian numbers, correspondence in various messengers condemning the current Ukrainian authorities, subscriptions to Russian channels in social networks, and the Telegram app installed on the smartphones. All suspects are detained and tortured, threatened with being handed over to the Security Service of Ukraine, as well as with physical violence against relatives. In the course of these security raids, the nationalists forcibly seize valuable property and foodstuffs, ostensibly for the needs of territorial defence, as well as forcing them to set up strongholds and blockposts. Dozens of the detainees never returned home, and their fate is still unknown;

in Marganets in Dnepropetrovsk Region, Ukrainian militants have mined the dam of the Nikolaev reservoir, which the nationalists themselves are planning to blow up, blaming "allegedly advancing units of Russian troops". In the case of an explosion the town itself and a number of other settlements with a total population of over 45,000 would be in the potential flood zone. In addition, after the water leaves, the entire flooded area the population's life support system (sewage, water supply, water treatment facilities with chemical tanks) will be damaged, which will lead to a sharp deterioration of the sanitary and epidemiological situation and the spread of infectious diseases in Nikopolskiy district. The current situation is aggravated by inaccessible medical supplies, lack of medicines, including life-saving ones. This fact is clear evidence of the continuing inhumane attitude of the Kiev authorities towards their own people.

The official Kiev continues to prepare monstrous and ruthless provocations with massacres of civilians to further incriminate the Russian Armed Forces. To this end, AFU units have deployed artillery mounts near Tsupovka, Kharkov Region, to deliver a fire strike during the mass evacuation of civilians through a humanitarian corridor from Kharkov to the west, which was organized by the Ukrainian side. The Russian side has reliably established that the neo-Nazis are planning to carry out this monstrous bloody action in the near future.

In addition, according to sources of objective information, on April 29, 2022, civilians were evacuated in Orekhovo district of Zaporozhye region, after which AFU units launched a missile attack on a residential building located on Bezymyannyi Lane. At the same time, this fabricated fact is already being used, in the manner typical of the current Kiev authorities, to discredit the Russian Armed Forces, to whom this hastily prepared provocation is "attributed".

We warn the so-called civilised west in advance that this and other similar bloody fakes on the part of the Kiev authorities about alleged "Russian atrocities" are soon to be widely circulated in the media and on internet resources. Most of the world's media ignore the obvious facts about the atrocities of the Ukrainian nationalists and are not concerned with the real state of affairs, but with the implementation of a policy of further fomenting anti-Russian hysteria around the obviously fabricated events.

According to available information Ukrainian authorities have reportedly organised on a daily basis mass exports of grain, maize, oil crops and farm animals from the port of Izmail along the Danube to Romania by road and rail and by barge. Some 20 million tonnes have been exported so far. Foreign weapons and ammunition are brought into Ukraine by a reverse route in exchange for these agricultural products. All this is taking place against an acute shortage of foodstuffs for the domestic population, as well as a lack of grain crops in most regions of Ukraine for the spring sowing campaign.

Despite all the difficulties and obstacles imposed by the Ukrainian side, over the past day, without the participation of Kiev, 18,849 people were evacuated from dangerous areas, 2,395 of them children, and in total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 1,062,692 people have already been evacuated, of which 192,688 are children. The state border of the Russian Federation was crossed by 13,663 personal vehicles including 1,999 per day.

We continue to maintain a sufficient number of comfortable buses at checkpoints to transport people to their chosen places of residence or temporary accommodation, where hot meals are provided and qualified medical and psychological assistance is provided in a timely manner.

More than 9,500 temporary accommodation centres continue to operate in the regions of the Russian Federation.

The refugees are dealt with on an individual basis and are promptly assisted with various pressing issues relating to onward accommodation, employment assistance, places for children in kindergartens and educational institutions, and the provision of entitlements to social benefits.

Over the past 24 hours, the hotline of the Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response, federal executive authorities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and various NGOs received 142 requests from foreign and Ukrainian citizens to evacuate to Russia, the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, as well as to the Russian Armed Forces-controlled areas of Zaporozhye, Nikolaev, Kharkov and Kherson regions. In total there are 2,754,026 such appeals from 2,133 locations in Ukraine in the database.

Ukrainian nationalists continue to hold 90 foreign nationals from 5 countries hostage as "human shield".

In addition, 75 foreign vessels from 17 countries remain blocked in 7 Ukrainian ports (Kherson, Nikolaev, Chernomorsk, Ochakov, Odessa, Yuzhniy and Mariupol).

The threat of shelling and high mine danger created by official Kiev in its internal waters and territorial sea prevents vessels from safely leaving the ports and reaching the open sea.

In confirmation of this, the Russian Federation is opening daily from 08:00 to 19:00 (Moscow time) a humanitarian corridor, which is a safe lane south-west of Ukraine's territorial sea, 80 nautical miles long and 3 nautical miles wide.

Detailed information in English and Russian on the modus operandi of the maritime humanitarian corridor is broadcast daily every 15 minutes on VHF radio on 14 and 16 international channels in English and Russian.

At the same time, the Kiev authorities continue to avoid engaging with representatives of states and ship-owning companies to resolve the issue of ensuring the safe passage of foreign vessels to the assembly area.

The danger to navigation from Ukrainian mines drifting off their anchors along the coasts of Black Sea states remains.

The Russian Federation is taking a full range of comprehensive measures to ensure the safety of civilian navigation in the waters of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

Federal executive authorities, together with the subjects of the Russian Federation, various public organizations, patriotic movements, continue to accumulate humanitarian aid.

The greatest contributors to the relief effort were:

Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, Federal Maritime and River Transport Agency, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Nationalities, Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation;

The Republics of Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Dagestan, Crimea and Tatarstan, Altai and Krasnodar Territories, Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Bryansk, Kursk, Leningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Tula regions and the city of Moscow;

among political parties and non-profit organisations: United Russia, the People's Front All-Russian Public Movement, the All-Russian Public Organisation of Veterans "Battle Brotherhood", the autonomous non-profit organisation for the support of humanitarian programmes "Russian Humanitarian Mission", the All-Russian public and state organisation "Union of Russian Women", the Almaz-Antey Military Defence Concern Joint Stock Company.

More than 23 tonnes of basic necessities and food kits, including baby food and life-saving medicines, have been prepared at collection points.

Since March 2, 16,805.9 tons of humanitarian cargo have already been delivered to Ukraine, 941 humanitarian actions have been carried out, including 8 actions in Zaporozhye region, as well as in Donetsk People's Republic, during which 316.8 tons of basic necessities, medicines and food were transferred to the civilian population of the liberated areas.

On April 30, 10 humanitarian actions have been planned and are currently being carried out in Kharkov and Zaporozye regions, in Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, during which 320 tons of basic necessities, medicine and food will be distributed.

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