Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine (April 11, 2022)

Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine (April 11, 2022)

In accordance with its humanitarian commitments, the Russian Federation is carrying out systematic and coordinated work to evacuate civilians and foreign nationals from dangerous areas, and is also implementing a set of measures to provide comprehensive assistance to the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics and the population in the controlled areas of Ukraine.

The Russian Armed Forces have been opening humanitarian corridors in the Kharkov and Mariupol directions daily since 10:00 am (Moscow time). The Russian side is ready to deploy humanitarian corridors in any other directions as soon as possible and to ensure the safe evacuation of civilians.

Seven more corridors in the Zaporozhya and Donetsk directions have been declared by the Ukrainian side for the current day, of which, as before, none is towards the Russian Federation.

In response to humanitarian initiatives by Germany, Turkey and France to evacuate civilians and foreign nationals from Mariupol, also provide humanitarian routes daily open an additional humanitarian corridor to Berdyansk and onwards in two directions: the first by land transport to the Republic of Crimea or Zaporozhye (to Kiev-controlled territories), the second by sea transport to selected destinations.

The Russian Federation's Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine, in co-operation with the authorised federal executive authorities, continues to carefully record the continuing egregious facts of the inhumane treatment of civilians.

Here are just some of them over the past day:

in Kharkov, Ukrainian Armed Forces and nationalist fighters set up firing positions and deployed MLRSs near the Turboatom plant and public school No 100;

in Slavyansk, Donetsk People's Republic, militants of the territorial defence are conducting punitive raids in order to check local residents for any signs of pro-Russian views. The reason for the detention is the phone records of calls with Russian numbers, SMS and messenger correspondence condemning the current regime, social media subscriptions to Russian channels and others found in the phones. The detainees are taken to an unknown location, subjected to brutal torture, threatened with handover to the SBU, as well as physical violence against relatives (murder, gang rape of wives and daughters), and forced to set up strongholds and roadblocks. To get rid of this anguish, money of between $500 and $1,000 is extorted. Dozens of the detainees never returned home, and their fate is still unknown.

Against the background of unprecedented measures taken by the Russian Federation to save civilians and foreign nationals, the Kiev regime, under the "keen" guidance of the so-called "civilised West" led by the United States of America, which has years of experience in organising provocations with human casualties, continues a campaign to create and promote false "evidence" in the world media of mistreatment of Ukrainian civilians by the Russian army.

New false staged provocations to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of allegedly abusing the population of Ukraine are being prepared by the Kiev regime under the guidance of the British intelligence services in Sumy region.

Representatives of the Ukrainian and Western media have been invited to Seredina Buda town in Sumy Region, which was formerly under the control of Russian troops, to conduct staged video footage. In order to conceal the provocation and prevent it from being exposed by real witnesses, a curfew has been imposed in the city and the local population has been forcibly evicted from the places where the filming took place.

In Nizhnyaya Syrovatka near Sumy, bodies are being dragged into one of the basements of residential buildings to be presented as allegedly another victim of the Russian Army. As conceived by the "British filmmakers", units of Russian troops allegedly massacred and humiliated civilians as they withdrew. Another fake will be promoted by the Western media in the very near future. Its aim is to further increase Russophobia against the backdrop of Europe's rapidly developing economic crisis. Please note that Russian troops withdrew from this location three weeks ago - on March 20. Such events, if they really happened, could not have failed to become public in such a long period. Moreover, the Kiev regime is looking for any reasons to accuse Russia of genocide of the Ukrainians. A whole network of foreign information-psychological influences on the population is currently operating in Ukraine, producing "dirty tricks" on a professional basis. I am sure we will see the results of their anti-Russian activities more than once.

The Ukrainian authorities also make extensive use of interested countries and non-profit organisations.

For example, the French leadership has sent a group of French servicemen and the Gendarmerie to Ukraine to collect information on alleged crimes committed by Russian servicemen, together with representatives of the "International Commission on Missing Persons" (created at the initiative of the USA).

On April 11, French special operations forces personnel, together with technical experts from the French Gendarmerie and the Interior Ministry, arrived in Ukraine via Germany and Poland through the so-called "diplomatic corridor".

Given the partisanship of these "experts", there is no hope of an impartial investigation. Apparently, their main areas of activity will be to cover up numerous war crimes against the population of Ukraine and the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics committed by the Ukrainian authorities over the last eight years, as well as fabricating accusations against the Russian Armed Forces.

We once again draw attention to the fact that during the special military operation, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, unlike the Ukrainian army and nationalist armed formations, treat the local population with extreme humanity, providing civilians with all manner of assistance and support.

Despite all the difficulties and obstacles imposed by the Ukrainian side, over the past day, without the participation of Kiev, 17,117 people were evacuated from dangerous areas, 2,560 of them children, and in total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 740,219 people have already been evacuated, of which 140,623 are children. The state border of the Russian Federation was crossed by 96,416 vehicles, of which 3,082 per day.

In Mariupol, also without any involvement from the Ukrainian side, 135,659 people have already been rescued from the lawlessness of the nationalists, including 696 in the past 24 hours.

A daily analysis of appeals by Ukrainian citizens to the hotline of the Joint Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for humanitarian response in Ukraine, to federal executive authorities, various public organizations, as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to family, friends and acquaintances living in Russia shows that a significant part of the population forcibly held by nationalists in Ukrainian cities is still seeking any opportunity to evacuate to Russian territory.

Over the past day, another 934 such appeals have been received, and in total there are already 2,745,539 of 2,126 settlements in Ukraine in the database.

Ukrainian nationalists continue to hold 6,255 foreign nationals from 12 countries hostage as human shields.

Furthermore, 76 foreign vessels from 18 countries remain blocked in Ukrainian ports. The threat of shelling and high mine danger created by official Kiev in its internal waters and territorial sea prevents vessels from safely leaving the ports and reaching the open sea.

In confirmation of this, the Russian Federation is opening daily from 08:00 to 19:00 (Moscow time) a humanitarian corridor, which is a safe lane south-west of Ukraine's territorial sea, 80 nautical miles long and 3 nautical miles wide.

Detailed information in English and Russian on the modus operandi of the maritime humanitarian corridor is broadcast daily every 15 minutes on VHF radio on 14 and 16 international channels.

At the same time, the Kiev authorities continue to avoid engaging with representatives of states and ship-owning companies to resolve the issue of ensuring the safe passage of foreign vessels to the assembly area. At the International Maritime Organisation, Ukraine's representatives refuse to discuss issues of ship departures security, demonstratively avoiding dialogue.

The Russian Federation is taking a full range of exhaustive measures to ensure civilian navigation in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Mediterranean.

Once again we warn the entire international community that there is a threat of Ukrainian mines drifting off their anchor along the coasts of the Black Sea states. Once again, we call on the International Maritime Organization and the management of ship-owning companies to influence official Kiev to take measures aimed at unblocking and securing the departure of foreign vessels from Ukrainian ports.

More than 9,500 temporary accommodation centres continue to operate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are fully equipped with recreational facilities and hot meals. The refugees are treated individually and provided with qualified medical and psychological assistance.

A sufficient number of buses have been placed at the border crossing points to transport people to their chosen places of residence or to temporary accommodation centres.

Federal executive authorities, together with the subjects of the Russian Federation, various public organizations, patriotic movements, continue to accumulate humanitarian aid.

The greatest contributors to the relief effort were:

Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Fisheries, Federal Agency for Nationalities;

republics of Buryatia, Tatarstan and Khakassia, and the Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Irkutsk, Kursk and Yaroslavl regions;

Among political parties and non-profit organisations: United Russia, the All-Russian Public Movement "People's Front", the All-Russian Public Organisation of Veterans "Battle Brotherhood", the autonomous non-profit organisation for the support of humanitarian programmes "Russian Humanitarian Mission", the All-Russian Public Organisation "Russian Boxing Federation", the Charity Foundation "Pro Life" and the All-Russian Public and Public Organisation "Russian Union of Women".

More than 22 tons of basic necessities, food and medicines have been prepared at the collection points.

Since March 2, 10,807.3 tons of humanitarian cargo have already been delivered to Ukraine, 803 humanitarian actions have been carried out, including 10 actions in Kherson region, as well as in Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, during which 492 tons of basic necessities, medicines and food were transferred to the civilian population of the liberated areas.

On April 11, 7 humanitarian actions have been planned and are currently being carried out in Kharkov, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, in Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, during which 435.5 tons of basic necessities, medicine and food will be distributed.

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