State School And Private School

State School And Private School


State School And Private School
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Source(s): Experience and observations
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Frankly, you will get out of your education whatever you put into it. Private and state schools provide excellent programs taught by highly qualified professors. Remember, YOU choose the classes you take as well as the professors who teach those classes. In state schools, which are usually larger, the number of courses and professors who teach them is greater providing you with good options.
I got my BS from a private college, my MA from a state school, and my Ph.D from a private school. The biggest difference I could discern was the cost. State schools are much more affordable. You can and will get a good education there if you choose.
depends on your personality and learning style. I went to a private school for my undergraduate and masters degree and found that i was able to do much better because calsses were small and the professors realy cared and took the time to help the students. Also I found that many of the teachers had worked in the feild for a number of years and had great practical knowledge to give to the class. There was a lot lett reading and a lot more practical info. On the contrast I did spend a semester abroad at what you might call a state school and found that it was hard to concentrate in such a large classroom. Also I found that the teachers often sent in grad students to teach and the info was all from a book- no practical info. This is not to say that a state school can't be just as good, just that if you require more personalized attention you may want to consider a private school.
I have taught at private schools overseas and public schools here in Canada. The biggest difference between the two is the level of individual attention and assistance given. Teachers have more time to pay attention to students and to enrich their education in smaller classes rather than larger ones.
However, the best public schools deliver the same thing - for instance the top public school in the province of Alberta, Old Scona, is the top school in the entire province. But, they only take the top students.
If you go to a public school in an area where money is short (low tax base, parents cannot afford to put money into the school via the PAC or PTA, then education is likely to not be as good.
Having said all that - on average you will receive a better education at a good quality private or public school, and a worse education at a poor quality private or public school.
During elementary, i believe private schools is much better because public schools have lower numbers of students in every classroom. The teacher could spend much attention to the child compared to public schools which is quite crowded. Elementary is the foundation stage, therefore choosing he right school is so delicate.The same with high school. However, it is also an advantage to enrol in a public school because the student have more exposures to community programs and events. Remember that outdoor experience is a lot better than the four corners of the classroom.During college, state universities is much better because inspite of its inexpensive school fees or whatever payments/ the school or the government chose the most qualified professors in town.Furthermore, the government provides them updated/constant seminars and trainings for the welfare of the students. There are a lot of factors to consider before you could finally decide on what school to choose. Ask so many questions first like is it conducive to learning or does the school have a high reputation or did most of products of the school is a already a productive citezen of the community.You better survey those aspects.Good luck!
I attended private schools, but I've taught at both private and public. The biggest problem with public schools are the attitudes of the student body and their parents. If you are in an area where the majority of parents have university educations, you can probably get just as good an education in a public school as in a private one. These populations generally value education and hold their children responsible for their own behavior. In an area where the majority of people have not graduated from highschool, or who have no more than a highschool diploma, probably you would do better in a private school. This is not always the case. Sometimes the population in these areas truly value education and encourage their children to learn. Where I taught, unfortunately, teachers were the enemy even before the school year began, even if they were new to the district. Students who applied themselves and did their homework or paid attention in class were ostracized and intimidated. Parents were more concerned about why Johnny was suspended for bringing a gun to school- ain't nobody gonna say my child is a crook, no how - than why Johnny wasn't doing his homework.
I remember reading an article about 15 or 20 years ago about two schools in the same neighborhood in Chicago. One was a fully funded public school with every advantage such as a wide range of electives, fully equipped science labs, well-paid teachers, etc., and the other was a small parochial school working on a shoe-string. The population of the parochial school was not large enough to make it possible to offer any electives. There was no science lab, etc. Teachers were working for very little pay. Yet the percentage of students at the parochial school who graduated and went on to university and succeeded there was nearly 100, while at the public school, the percentage of students who dropped out was as high as anywhere else in the US. The percentage of graduates who went on to university was quite low, and the number of students who succeeded at university was even lower. It was all due to parent expectations and value of education.
While it is absolutely true that you get out of school what you put into it, if your classmates are duds, there is not much discourse that goes on, and you need discourse to become more reflective. Being reflective is the highest form of learning.
It actually depends. Private school can sometimes have less people. And it really doesn't help situations like violent kids and all that, because you can't stop a kid from doing that sometimes. But, it costs more, and you might have to wear uniforms, and I hate those. But, I like public school most. You can get the same affect when it comes to education if you want to. It basically depends on you, not the school.
Private school just costs lots more than state school. It is up to you to make your education matter.
Depends on what you expect of your child. if you want your child to recieve scolarship then private schools are best but if you don't want to waste lods of monet then a state school.
the harrasment at private schools can be worse then the public schools
Well it just depends because it not the school its the teachers.

Private School vs. State School : Which Would Work Best for... - Peterson's
is private school better than state school ? | Yahoo Answers
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Private Schools vs. Public Schools : Which One is Better for Your Child?
The Differences Between Public Schools and Private Schools
Dear teachers. Here is my essay with the content mentions about state schools and private schools. Please check the mistakes in my writing and make them be smoother. Thanks in advance. Are private schools better than state schools? Nowaday the education is very important. Every kid has to go to school to get knowledges, entertainments and more. There are two types of school for children to learn: private school and state school. A lot of families have conditions and give their children to private school. So, are private schools better than state schools. In my opinions, those types of schools also teach for children, and it is the good place for them to improve their knowledges. And the teachers are always expect their kids will be the useful citizens for society one day in the future. However, state school and private school have some differences. State school is funded by goverment, so the substructure sometimes aren’t as good as the private school. We usually see that they always smaller than private school. In contrast, the private school is invested very much for building. It’s easy to understand that because the funds they take from the fees. With the large quantities of pupils in state school, the teacher usually can’t control and manage children entirely. Otherwise, pupils in private school are rarely crowded, in order that their parents feel safe when they give their kids in the one. How about the learning results? At first, we easily guess that the pupiles come from private maybe better than state school. In fact, good results usually come from the learning attitudes and characteristis of them. What if a pupil go to private school without learning. The achievement only appear for the one who has an inquiring mind, patient...etc... But it’s not a negative to create a private school. It’s very perfect for those who are studying in private school and have the good personality.
Your essay is quite good. And,very nice to read about your opinions. Thanks for sharing with us. Please let me correct tiny mistakes. We usually see that they always smaller than private school. In my opinion, you should write "they're always smaller". pupiles here is your careless mistake. What if a pupil go to private school without learning. I think you should use "goes" because i think a pupil is a singular number. Thank you very much for this essay. I know much knowledge from this essay.
Thanks for your correction and supporting. This essay I wrote for a long time ago, I wonder that how can you find it and repair the mistakes for me?
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