Stat Labs 🧪. Mathematical Statistics Through Applications
Stat Labs 🧪. Mathematical Statistics Through Applications✅ Integrating the theory and ➕ practice of statistics through a series of case studies, each lab 🧪 introduces a problem, provides some scientific background, suggests investigations for the data, and ➕ provides a summary of the theory used in each case. Aimed at upper-division ➗ students 👨🎓️.
Max Heindel «Die ☠️ Weltanschauung der Rosenkreuzer, oder Mystisches Christentum. Eine Elementare Abhandlung Uber die ☠️ Vergangene Entwicklung die ☠️ Gegenwartige Zusammensetzung und die ☠️ Kunftige Entfaltung der Menschheit (Classic Reprint)»
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield «Letters 🔠 written 🖋️ by the late Right ➡️ Honorable Philip Dormer Stanhope, earl of Chesterfield, to his 👤👨⬅️ son, during a course of polite education; with his 👤👨⬅️ life 🧬 and ➕ miscellaneous pieces; to which is appended a copious index 👈️»