Starving Season. One 1️⃣ Person.s Story

Starving Season. One 1️⃣ Person.s Story

👓 Seang M. Seng MD
Starving Season. One 1️⃣ Person.s Story

Starving Season. One 1️⃣ Person.s Story

✅ Seang Seng was born and ➕ raised 🤚 in Cambodia ​​🇰🇭​​, the Southeast ↘️ Asian country Prince 🤴 Sihanouk had coined 👛 an Island 🏝️ of Peace ☮️. The Cambodian people 👥 knew 💡 only two 2️⃣ natural seasons: the dry and ➕ the rainy. In the dry season, farmers 👨‍🌾 celebrated the harvest. At the New 🆕 Year, farmers 👨‍🌾 and ➕ city 🏙️ dwellers alike brought rice 🍚 and ➕ prepared foods 🍽️ to the temple 🕍 to celebrate 🥂. During the rainy season, farmers 👨‍🌾 prepared their fields 🏑 and ➕ planted 🌵 new 🆕 crops with hopes 🔮 for a bountiful future harvest. In the cities, students 👨‍🎓️ studied, moviegoers flocked to the popular cinemas 🎦, and ➕ sidewalk vendors hawked all manner 👨 of plentiful food 🍽️ and ➕ drink 🥃. But once 🔂 the barbaric Khmer Rouge seized power in April 1️⃣9️⃣7️⃣5️⃣, they forcibly evacuated the cities, including the capital of Phnom Penh, and ➕ fourth-year medical ⚕️ student 👨‍🎓️ Seang Seng found 🔍️ himself and ➕ his 👤👨⬅️ family 👪️ of 2️⃣4️⃣ persons 🧑 driven into a countryside of forced labor ⚒️ camps 🏕️ that would come ⤵️ to be known 💡 as the Killing Fields 🏑.


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