Starting with Cryptocurrencies

Starting with Cryptocurrencies

Coin Support

The cryptocurrency market is usually a challenge, particularly for investors who are used to traditional methods. This is due to the fact that investing directly into Cryptocurrency requires the use of innovative technology, tools and certain new ideas.

If you are planning to try your hand at the Cryptocurrency consulting services world, you'll be required to have an understanding of what you need to do and how to prepare.

It could be Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum or any of the 1300 tokensavailable, purchasing and selling cryptocurrency requires you to select an Exchange which deals with the items you are looking for.

The most well-known and well-known cryptocurrency that is decentralized, Bitcoin leads the crypto market so strongly that the terms bitcoin and crypto are frequently used to refer to them. However, the fact is that there exist other cryptocurrency options which can be trusted to make crypto-investments.


Litecoin is also known as'silver in Bitcoin's gold' , is an open-source decentralized payment network that works without the need for an intermediary.

What exactly does Litecoin differ from Bitcoin? They are both similar in many ways. However, the process of creating blocks for Litecoin is much quicker than Bitcoin. This is making investors from all over the world willing to accepting Litecoin.

Charlie Lee, a former engineer at Google created Litecoin in the year 2011. While Litecoin doesn't have the same anonymity features as Bitcoin however, recent research has revealed the fact that Litecoin is preferred to bitcoin due to its enduring. Another reason that favors Litecoin has to do with the bitcoin SegWit tech which ensures secure peer-to peer trading of currencies, without the need for exchange participation.


Zcash was first noticed during the latter half of 2016 and is focused on resolving the issue of transactions that are not logged. To better understand Zcash, we can think of it in the form of "if bitcoin is similar to an HTTP server for cash, Zcash is HTTPS".

The currency provides the option of shielded transactions to guarantee privacy, transparency and security of transactions. Investors can transfer data as of encrypted codes.


Originally known as darkcoin Dash is a less selective variant of bitcoin. Dash was created at the beginning of January in 2014 with the help of Evan Duffield with the name Xcoin. It's also called The Decentralized Autonomous Organization or simply DAO. The idea behind the coin was to remove all existing restrictions of Bitcoin. At present, Bitcoin has earned a significant position in the world of cryptocurrency.

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