Starlight in Malta

Starlight in Malta

We'd been around the pool for several hours. Lunch had been salad, cold meats, fresh bread, olive oil, tangy cheese. I felt fat, lazy and happy.

The girls' holiday to Kristen's family home in Malta had been planned for several months and we had all agreed not to do anything more vigorous than the occasional trip to the beach. Today the five of us were arranged messily around the pool: Kristen, Amy, Jemima, myself, and Jemima's friend Starlight. Starlight was exotic. We hadn't been expecting another to join our intimate party, but Starlight was a cousin of Jemima and Jemima seemed somewhat in awe of her.

It wasn't hard to see why. Starlight was statuesque, with a slender waist which belied the weight of her splendid breasts. She had very dark hair which fell almost to her waist, high cheekbones and extraordinary silver-grey eyes which were almost hypnotic. At first we were a little shy around her, feeling she was above our giggling girl talk and spilling of dull secrets. "She's like a film star," Kristen whispered to me soon after she joined us.

I felt the same. I felt as clumsy as a carthorse around Starlight, but I couldn't stay away from her at the same time. She was exotic and novel. She told us about her extensive stays in Paris and spoke about men she'd fucked as effortlessly as us talking about books we'd read.

She was the first one of us to go topless and did so without a murmur. I was too shy and balanced my bikini top over my unimpressive bust but I couldn't help taking looks at her from my shaded sunglasses. Her breasts were firm and as smooth as scoops of ice cream, topped with candy-pink nipples.

I looked at her once, then away - and then felt my eyes drawn back. I never looked at my friends naked bodies: I was used to them and to me they were like sisters. Starlight was different and new. I was unfamiliar with the curves of her body and was in awe of her beauty.

Suddenly I realised Starlight was looking back at me. I prickled with heat and shame and looked away.

"It's OK," she whispered, a smile curving at her lips. "I don't mind you admiring me. I like it."

I laughed, discomfited and ashamed. "I'm sure you're very used to it from men."

"And from women," she replied, "I like them both," and she stretched her back, pushing her breasts upwards. It could have been totally innocent, but I didn't think Starlight ever did anything by accident.

She looked over at me. "You should let the sun get to you," she said, and put her hand out. She moved my bikini top down a touch, so that it only just covered my nipples. I stayed very still, like a rabbit when its ears are being held. I didn't dare breathe. Starlight's hand was on my breast, not caressing, but not moving either. She was holding the cloth to me, but in her fingertips, as if she was itching to remove it.

Fine, I thought. I can take a challenge.

"Why not," I said, and defiantly removed the cloth from my chest. I leaned over to get some suntan lotion. My eyes met hers again and she smiled in approval. I felt a tingle between my thighs. As I carefully lotioned my breasts I found myself catching at my nipples, tweaking them. I purposely didn't look in her direction but I knew she was watching. My pussy started to heat up and I suddenly wanted to rub myself.

"Cheeky," called Jemima, and the spell was broken. I felt as if I had jumped into the cold swimming pool in front of us. I felt stupid and overexcited. But as I sat back down Starlight reached for her phone and her fingers briefly met mine, reassuring me. I hadn't been foolish. She had felt it too.

"Have I got all your numbers?" she called. "Apart from Jem, I mean. We ought to have a Whatsapp group."

She tapped our numbers into her phone as we called them out. Then she sent a took a photograph of her perfectly painted toenails, winking deep red, with the aquamarine pool in the background, and sent it to us on the group she set up. We all giggled and responded with emojis and photographs of our own.

My phone buzzed again. Starlight had sent me a private message, not in the WhatsApp group.

"Are you glad you took your top off?" she wrote.

I hesitated before responding. "Yes, definitely," I texted back. "No strap marks!"

"I'm glad too," came back the response. "Your body is so beautiful. You need to show it off."

Oh God. Jem had mentioned that Starlight swung both ways, but it had never occurred to me that she might make a move on one of us - let alone me. I was dull, average looking, and certainly the least sexy of the group. Was she taking the piss? I hesitated.

"I mean it," she wrote. "You should have more confidence. I've seen how you view yourself and you shouldn't. You're a sexy woman."

She was serious.

"Thanks," I wrote back. I paused, then added, "You're sexy too. The sexiest one here."

She sent a kiss emoji. There was silence for a few minutes. My mind was racing, my heart was pounding, and my breath coming in short pants. I tried to calm myself. My pussy was swollen and I felt if she parted my thighs she'd see how engorged and bubbling I was. I'd never felt like this before.

My phone went again. I looked down.

"Can I eat your pussy?" she had written.

My mouth went dry just as I flooded my bikini bottoms.

She was typing.

"If you're not into it, it's fine. But I get the feeling you might be. And you are so hot. I would love to make love to you."

I didn't know how to respond. My fingers hovered over the phone.

"I'm going inside," she typed. "If you want to come with me, I'll be in my room. No pressure. But I know we could have a lot of fun. And I want to know if your pussy tastes as good as I've been imagining, lying here next to you."

Starlight was as good as her word: she stretched again and got off her sunbed. She dived into the pool and pulled herself out effortlessly. I watched the water drip down her flawless back. She was so white compared to our attempts at tanning, so flawless, unmarked and unscarred. It would be like going to bed with a goddess.

"I'm going to take a nap," she told us, "see you later." The others lazily acknowledged her, murmuring. The heat was intensifying and the sun was making us drunk and lethargic. The other girls were dozing under parasols now and when I cautiously dipped into the pool nobody even flinched. I didn't have Starlight's bravery, and strapped my bikini top on again, even though nobody was looking.

The cold water made me gasp. I went underneath and swirled my hair around. My head was pounding. I took a risk and slipped my finger under my bikini bottoms, finding my clit as swollen and hard as a pebble. I rubbed it, once, twice, three times. Then I remembered where I was and surfaced. The sun hit me as I got out, stumbling, with none of Starlight's elegance and panache. "Me too," I said, "I've got a bit of a headache."

Only Kristen mumbled, "OK" - the others had passed out.

Inside the house was cool and dim. Somewhere a clock ticked. The house had been built by Kristen's grandfather during the war and was made out of marble. The stone was smooth and gentle on my feet. I didn't make a sound as I climbed the marble stairs and headed up the corridor. Starlight's room was at the very end and the door was shut. Perhaps she had gone to sleep after all? I hesitated, then knocked gently.

"Hey," she said.

Inside, filmy linen curtains kept the room cool and the air was filled with her distinct fragrance. Starlight was lying, naked, on her stomach, one leg curled up. Her glorious hair spilled down her back like black silk and her skin was as smooth as cream. She blinked at me, smiling, and looked completely unsurprised to see me.

I came awkwardly into the room and shut the door behind me, feeling like a naughty schoolgirl summonsed to the headmistress's office.

"You came," she said.

I nodded. I couldn't speak. I was nervous and turned on and trembling, not just from the sudden cool of the house, but from what I was potentially getting into.

A fan turned lazily in the ceiling. The breeze gently lifted my hair.

"Come here," Starlight said.

I walked over to her.

She knelt up and presented herself to me, watching me as I looked her up and down. I drank her in, no longer embarrassed. Her milky skin, those incredible breasts, the surprising narrowness of her waist, the neat glossy curls at her thighs. "You are just stunning," I said to her.

She took my hips in her hands and brought me forward, kissing me. I had never kissed a woman before and was a little unsure at first but I loved the feel of her mouth. Her jaw and lips were so soft compared to the hardness of a man's. Her tongue darted into my mouth and tangled with mine. Without my realising it she had untied my bikini top and then my pants and I was naked in front of her. We ran our hands all over each other's bodies, whispering endearments and gasping, marvelling at the softness and smoothness, the hard knob of bone compared with the slipperiness between our thighs. I dipped my fingers into her, and was thrilled to find she was as wet as I knew I must be.

"You're so wet," I murmured into her mouth.

"I've been thinking about this all day," she replied. Then she stood up and pushed me back slightly, looking at me seriously. "I have wanted you since I met you."

In response, I dipped my fingers into my own wet pussy and rubbed them on my nipples. Then I held out a breast to her. I felt filthy and wanton and so, so hot I couldn't stand it. With a smile of triumph and a cry of want, Starlight lent forward and sucked the glistening liquid from my nipple. Her forceful suckling made me cry out in turn and hold her head to me. Those rosy red lips fastened on my nipple were almost too much to bear.

Within seconds she was kneeling down again, pulled me towards her by my hips and nudged my thighs open with her head. I opened them wider to allow her better access and let her tongue dance around my lips before she snaked it inside me and held me close to her, burying her face in my cunt. I dug my fingers into her silky black hair and sobbed with the exquisite unbearable sensation, listening to her as she made noises of pleasure while lapping at my juices. She was enjoying this as much as I was and that turned me on more than I could believe possible. I tried to keep quiet, but the pleasure was too much and my cries mingled with her muffled moans. She fastened those lips on my pulsing, throbbing clit and sucked it into her mouth. I came hard and fast on her tongue, grasping her face between my hands and rocking my hips, crying out and unable to control my juddering, thrusting pelvis.

I was still standing - just - and leaned against her as I came down from the orgasm. I still held her head at my pussy and she kissed me gently, giving little licks and rubbing her nose into my pubic hair, making noises of contentment as if she had fed at me.

"Oh my God," I managed to stutter.

Starlight gave my pussy one last kiss then knelt up and looked at me, smiling broadly. Her face was damp with my juices.

"Well now," she said, "my turn."

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