Star du body building

Star du body building


Star du body building
Vintage Brawnℱ – Golden Era’s Protein Blend
Classic Creatine – Creatine Monohydrate Powder
Vintage Burnℱ – Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner
Vintage Blastℱ – Two-Stage Pre-Workout
Vintage Buildℱ – 3-in-1 Muscle Builder
Samir Bannout REPLICA GH – Pro-Grade Growth Formula
Samir Bannout LAVA 196 – Pro-Grade 3-Stage Fat Burner
Vintage Boostℱ – Natural Testosterone Booster
Vintage Burnℱ Powder – Delicious Fat Burning Drink
Vintage Burstℱ – 3-Hour Natural N.O. Booster
Vintage Baseℱ – Daily ​Multivitamin + Probiotics
Classic BCAA – BCAA Powder with Probiotics
Vintage Blissℱ – Muscle Recovery & Sleep Aid
Vintage Bendℱ – Joint & Bone Strength Formula
Classic Immunity – Multi-Action Immunity Booster
Vintage Brightℱ – Focus & Brain Health Formula
Vintage Brawnℱ – Golden Era’s Protein Blend
Classic Creatine – Creatine Monohydrate Powder
Vintage Burnℱ – Muscle-Preserving Fat Burner
Vintage Blastℱ – Two-Stage Pre-Workout
Vintage Buildℱ – 3-in-1 Muscle Builder
Samir Bannout REPLICA GH – Pro-Grade Growth Formula
Samir Bannout LAVA 196 – Pro-Grade 3-Stage Fat Burner
Vintage Boostℱ – Natural Testosterone Booster
Vintage Burnℱ Powder – Delicious Fat Burning Drink
Vintage Burstℱ – 3-Hour Natural N.O. Booster
Vintage Baseℱ – Daily ​Multivitamin + Probiotics
Classic BCAA – BCAA Powder with Probiotics
Vintage Blissℱ – Muscle Recovery & Sleep Aid
Vintage Bendℱ – Joint & Bone Strength Formula
Classic Immunity – Multi-Action Immunity Booster
Vintage Brightℱ – Focus & Brain Health Formula
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Lundi 15 Août, 2022  15:06 PM à Abidjan
5:06 PM Ă  Paris
11:06 AM Ă  New York

Une star du bodybuilding meurt à 23 ans aprÚs une opération ratée pour ne plus transpirer

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Odalis Santos Mena est une culturiste et influenceuse fitness mexicaine de 23 ans . Elle a une certaine notoriĂ©tĂ© sur les rĂ©seaux sociaux oĂč elle a vantĂ© la sĂ»retĂ© et l'efficacitĂ© de la procĂ©dure MiraDry . 
Mais voilà, l'intervention qui visait à ne plus la faire transpirer a mal fini car e lle en est décédée le 7 juillet dernier . Ce traitement thermique vise à éliminer de façon permanente les glandes sudoripares pour réduire de plus de 80% les transpirations au niveau des aisselles .
Voir cette publication sur Instagram
Une publication partagée par Odalis Santos Mena (@odalis_sm)
Relativement sĂ»r et efficace, le traitement MiraDry est un traitement ayant reçu l'autorisation de la FDA. Selon ce que rapporte le New York Post , Mena a " fait un arrĂȘt cardiaque aprĂšs avoir Ă©tĂ© anesthĂ©siĂ©e et est dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e peu aprĂšs " . Les employĂ©s du SkinPiel de Guadalajara affirment avoir tout tentĂ© pour la ramener Ă  la vie tout en faisant appel Ă  des experts mĂ©dicaux pour dĂ©terminer si elle avait consommĂ© des substances.
Selon le rapport du coroner, " la mort de Mena est probablement due à la combinaison de l'anesthésie et d'un stéroïde qu'elle avait pris ". Quant à SkinPiel, Mena aurait eu plusieurs substances dans son sang . L'influenceuse de 23 ans aurait dit ne pas avoir pris aucune substance en remettant son formulaire au médecin .
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Le zapping du 18/12 : Stanimal, un français star du bodybuilding US

Le zapping du 18/12 : Stanimal, un français star du bodybuilding US

L’actrice Anne Heche est morte à l’ñge de 53 ans

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66 minutes, consacrait ce dimanche 17 dĂ©cembre un reportage sur Stanilsas de Longeaux alias Stanimal, un français devenu star dans le milieu du bodybuilding aux Etats-Unis. Le jeune homme y dĂ©voilait une musculature impressionnante

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The Lean Stack: Improve Energy & Promote a Lean, Strong Body

The Shred Stack: Improve Fat Loss & Muscle Retention While Cutting

The Superhero Stack: Maximum Strength & Lean Muscle Building

Movie Star Masterclass

Movie Star Bodyweight

Kino Baddie

Movie Star Body (Original)

Greek God

Superhero Bulking

Aggressive Fat Loss


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Not only did he slice off 20+ pounds of fat, Alfred gained some solid strength & muscle. From soft to carved out of granite, in 7 months. What’s better? Landed a Microsoft commercial post transformation.
In 6 months Abbie sliced off 17 lbs of pure fat and gained the perfect amount of muscle on the Kino Baddie Program. She even smashed her first pull up. So proud of you Abbie.
In 8 months Raden sliced off 35 lbs of fat and added some serious muscle on Movie Star Body. He used the cutting protocol to lean down with ease, then switched into our lean bulk protocol to add dense muscle size.
One of the biggest questions we get is "How can I make getting lean easier?"
Here's your answer: Take Kino Octane & Kino Collagen Protein daily. Why?
We surveyed our customers searching for their top concerns during a cut, and here's what we found:
Controlling hunger is the top struggle: The ingredients in Kino Octane are shown to blunt appetite and increase focus, helping you fast for longer periods. Kino Collagen Protein was made to be extremely satiating. When you break your fast with Kino Collagen Protein, you get 18g of protein for 90 calories and you won't be hungry again for hours.
Gym performance declines when you eat less: When you eat fewer calories, you don't have as much energy and your capacity for muscle recovery decreases. By taking Kino Octane before your workouts, you revitalize your energy, even on a cut. By taking Kino Collagen Protein, you improve your ability to recover post-workout.
Faster increases in strength and stamina†
Faster recovery & reduces muscle soreness†
Improve Workout Performance & Energy
You see, call us crazy but we believe that fitness should enrich your life. Taking a pre workout that leaves you exhausted or on edge for the rest of the day simply won’t work. Not when we’re trying to build the body and life of our dreams.
Kino Octane is the game changer. All natural ingredients and research backed with an absolutely incredible taste. Plus it’s zero calories too. With octane get ready to experience energy that lasts, an elevated mood and the best workouts and pumps of your life.
Faster increases in strength and stamina†
Faster recovery & reduces muscle soreness†
Love it very much. My wife uses it too and never could do anything with Caffeine in it as it gave her anxiety but this stuff is real with natural ingredients. She loves it and uses it every day with me with no side effects whatsoever.
Simply put the best pre workout of all time!!! I highly recommend mixing with a flavored - 0 cal sparkling water!
The Octane Pre-Wor
Ces salopes aiment ĂȘtre attachĂ©es et mises Ă  l'envers
Une expérience avec une infirmiÚre bandante
Jeune fille baisée dans le bureau de son tuteur

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