Star Wars The Force Awakens Xxx

Star Wars The Force Awakens Xxx


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''As Rey and her friends are trying to escape from Starkiller Base, Rey gets caught and interrogated by Kylo Ren.''
Title: Star Wars Force Awakens: A XXX Parody Online (2016)
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''As Rey and her friends are trying to escape from Starkiller Base, Rey gets caught and interrogated by Kylo Ren.''
Featured in Parodies Awaken 2 (2016) See more »
The acting were okay, the sex scene good and the props not as good.
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Release Date:
4 April 2016 (USA) See more »

We have our third video in the series which means this is a full on thing now, woohoo.
I shall be working on making a Force Awakens series next and so, get your hype levels, efficiently raised, or something I dunno.
Congratulations. You actually made this film watchable. Something I wouldn't have thought was possible.
You are truly the best thing happening to these movies. Best recap ever
i think the only way you can explain the incompetence of the first order when they're trying to get the map would've been if kylo was supposed to luke at some point
Everything is clear when you realise episodes 7, 8 and 9 are badly written pieces of fan fiction
Rey is a way far more a Mary-Sue than the original Mary-Sue, the whole genre of Mary-Sue Characters should be renamed in "Rey Characters".
Ah Star Wars, the only franchise where we root for terrorists
I wrote better shit after lunch in high school after getting high and drooling on my composition paper.....
Why??? Why for the love of GOD would you NOT use this opportunity to use Finn as a fucking Picasso for one hell of a story ark... Nope..... The END
How great would the story have been if finn didn't meet Rey and there were 2 completely different stories going on with both of them at the same time.
Urghhh tapped out after 12mins of nitpicking. This is not a good film but so many of the "issues" you have are addressed in the film. And you don't pay attention to the actual problems
Don't let main stream directors be writers as well. They only think of "do" and not "why"
If I knew in hindsight we were getting a new Star Wars trilogy, but it was going to go out of it's way to destroying the OT characters and all their accomplishments so ultimately some underdeveloped and overpowered Mary-Sue can turn out to be the true hero of the Saga I quite frankly would have been totally content with nothing.
12:20 I dunno we’re over 100 years since WWI and everyone’s memory of it these days seems to be that it was not caused by multiple global alliances shattering when one country is wronged or the general growing pains of globalism but by Germany deciding to blindly pick fights with over half of Europe.
I B Y P A S S E D T H E C O M P R E S S O R !
Alternate reading at the beginning of the movie: Luke Skywalker has been replaced, in his absence a sinister threat with most cringest name called the first order suddenly came out of nowhere and will not rest until luke who is called the last jedi for no reason has been destroyed. With the support of the republic, General leia Organa leads a brave random resistance, which is unexplainable since there's literally the republic. She is desperate to find her brother luke and gain his help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy even though, the galaxy was already at peace and justice. Leia has sent her most daring pilot.....What? We don't know, but on a secret mission to jakku, where an old ally......again what? We still don't know because we don't know what we're talking about but has discovered a clue to lukes whereabouts.....what? Again we don't know how.
Even Luke Skywalker who spent his teenage years flying T-16s and doing all kinds of crazy shit ended up terribly average the first time he was put into a starfighter. He hit a lucky shot ("one in a million") but other than that he really didn't do much. Somehow, Rey is able to fly the Millenium Falcon which I can only assume is 100x harder to pilot than an X-Wing and she's doing stuff Han Solo (a great pilot) couldn't do. And worse, she "doesn't know" how she was able to do it. All the sequel movies were terrible. This was just the least terrible one.
If the original Star Wars Trilogy was all about Princess Leia it wouldn’t have been such a cash cow. Little girls want Barbies & her Dream house . Little boys want space ships, GI Joes, laser gun, action figures, tanks, planes, lightsabers. Disney was really, really DUMB. Disney had to have a new take on a Disney Princess. Shame, shame, shame.. What if they (Disney) stopped trying to single out the virtual unknown actor “Rey” Daisy Ridley & focused on the smarter choice John Boyega “FINN” because the kidnapped child soldiers journey to Jedi master would have been more awesome. Even from the advertisements everyone (who wasn’t upset a Storm Trooper was Black) was expecting the blood marking tribal paint style Lion King African ritual was when The Force Awakened, but nope. Disney was Afraid of the Black Jedi. SMH. People still talk about Sam Jackson “what if Mace Windu is really alive” 15 years later. There’s lots of racist people in the world. But real Star Wars fans aren’t racist. I know that was terrible grammatical. Run on sentences etc. But hopefully you understand. Lol.
If I had a dollar for everytime "fuck" is said in this video 🤣
Rey is honestly the most stupid, dismal, and miserable excuse for a protagonist anyone could even imagine.
I was dying of laughter watching this, I agree with everything your saying because there's been so many stupid ideas in this film.
I left the original trilogy looking for more I left the prequels baffled by the characters but feeling more invested in the universe of star wars as a whole I left the The Force Awakens feeling nothing.
I see how thin you ran on ball euphemisms at the end lol
30. years in the future even though its still in a galaxy far away a long long time ago
"the plot armor is thick with this one"
the worst was the storm tropper throwing down to fight finn lol. traitor lol
Anakin was one of the only human pod racers (maybe even the only), Luke used to blast through begger's canyon with no brakes and Rey picked up liter on a desert planet. Seems legit.
In all fairness torturing doesn't take just a minute, you would want to capture Po and bring him back to do it well. Besides that yeah.
i was excited about a sw world @ disney. jaja
7:00 Oh wow, I forgot about this stupid bullshit. It has been long established, even in the new Disney canon, that TIE fighters don't have shields, few shots like those should have destroyed it -_-
Great video as always. All of these things are incredibly obvious but clearly disney writers didn't want to take on this kind of critique. They completely forgot or actively ignored every pre-determined lore or talking point, even in their own movie three minutes earlier. Making all of the character stupid or blind all of the time was ridiculous. "How do we make this move over two hours?" (Kylo decides leave Jakku after killing a possible source of information, then takes another less likely source of information off-planet for interrogation and torture, learns he must go back to Jakku, repeat in different ways over the course of three films to actually make them feature length)
27:10 this is explained in the dlc of lego star wars the force awakens,and im not joking.
32:10 MauLer: Maybe things will be different for him. Me & Critical Drinker: NNAAAWWWW it'll be fiiiine
WW2 was 75 years ago. In Star Wars years (At the time of TFA/TLJ) The Clone Wars were 56/55 years ago. We still learn about WW2. Luke Anakin and The Jedi are fucking myths in the Star Wars universe.
Gotta love how all the planets were all neatly in a row for the laser instead spread across the solar system in different orbits. but that would be logic now wouldn't it.
I love how he found 30483920 different Names for BB- no, wait, the Tennis Ball
the entire title scroll tells a more interesting story than all 3 sequel movies
Tie fighters have no shields and notoriously easy to destroy as the Empire felt the ships (as well as its pilots) were expendable. I'll add this was the cannon I grew up with, may be different now. "Do you think we will forget WW2?" So. Many. Jokes there.
'One in a million shot' Seems like those are pretty damn good odds in these films...
What we learned: - there's interesting stuff that this movie isn't about because god knows why we'd want a film full of interesting things - space ISIS did space 9/11 and nobody thought "oh shit better put a stop to that!" - space nazi ISIS's leadership consists of a mega-kyle, a spy and gollum-who-does-nothing but they're meant to be threatening - Rey can do anything - Finn is the only stormtrooper with a moral compass, ability to aim and personality - this movie is ep 4 but worse - the excuses for the plotholes are "but the prequels have plot holes!!!" as if writing can't improve, maybe they should have godawful CGI too since older films have that - pain - kylo has a force power for date rape purposes - space nazis are nais because evil, not because there are parallels in doctrine and rise to power from a crumbling republic like the empire had - coincidences gud - scale? what's that? - after 30 years everyone forgot the jedi just like they did after order 66, but this time there was no genocide and destruction of records because the jedi won - the new republic does nothing at all - space nazis needed a loyal, ruthless, massive army fast and under the radar, so they kidnapped kids even though cloning, mercenaries, alien hiveminds and droids exist - this movie is bad
Star wars...the convenience awakens.
You forgot how the orange yoda said Chewbacca was her boyfriend come on
You know the worst part about the sequels? It breaks the continous story that Star Wars has. Episode I to VI, so far has told one continous story. Even when new stuff are added to the franchise like The Clone Wars, Rebels, Rogue One, and even the Mandalorian, they've all followed one story from the perspective of different characters. Then the Force Awakens goes all "it's been 30 years and stuff happened, I guess"
Every time I see rey in any part of the star wars trilogy. I always see some hot BS with it
The originals were an awesome story with awesome delivery. The prequels were an awesome story with questionable delivery. The sequels were a death stick-fuelled nightmare
I thought it was good but after watching this. This movie was messy
Man, not gonna lie to you, this is officially better than the movie itself.
The only thing that Rey knows in the film that makes sense is her knowledge of ships, she’s been scrapping them her whole life of course she knows her way around them
The only way to begin to try to justify reys mary sue traits is that she turned to the darkside and the whole trilogy was concealing her true intentions like palps was back in the good old days and she could be the big bad in a new trilogy done by John and dave.
JJ Abrams tactic is trying to be clever by throwing in a load of unanswerable questions and plot threads. Its not clever.
"Palpatine wannabe fuck" That ended well.
14:04 As the semicolonizer would say, "more MORE *MORE* "
"But I do admit that his character and his story could be very interesting" Said Mauler about Snoke Rise of Skywalker: Exists Mauler:"EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
ok, not defending the movies(becuase they're crap)and i know I'm late to this particular discussion, but some of those powers people keep complaining about existed in the starwars universe, EX: in the old Republic Force Healing, Force Siphon, Force Storm and that force torturing thing all existed, not to mention in various comic books luke was able to use force healing, so while I agree with most complaints about the sequels the complaint about the powers isn't valid
Every couple of months this pops back up in suggestions and every time I have to watch it. Sooo satisfying.
He's ligit only on the story scroll and he's already mad and confused
Luke Skywalker was never promoted in the trailers for this movie at all, so personally I don’t think your complaint about that being the only reason you watched this is fair criticism.
TFA, the worst Star Wars movie that ever has or ever will be made.
Great video. Couldn't agree more. My Star Wars is ep 1-6 and maybe Rouge 1. There is no sequel trilogy.
I finished the video, and even now my main takeaway was the woman at the beginning saying "her actioms" lmao. I've never seen someone reflexively replace "n" with "m" in certain words like she seems to.
I didn't hear that. Sounded like "actions" to me.
Next, how in the hell did the laser from starkiller base split up and divert into different directions to destroy the other planets ?
Rey’s only good quality is she’s decent to look at. At least they didn’t put in some feminazi disgusting actress to play her. No personality though. BUT WHY is the movie a complete redo of a new hope. So immensely lazy and careless
'the first order rose from the ashes of the empire' So how the fuck did anyone afford to build that.
I can’t help but SIDE dude with this pompous sounding English men... he’s on point with THIS one...sadly.
MauLer, you're the bomb love these rage videos
This is written like a bad video game. One where you play as Rey. You get to run into all the old favourites. Gain new skills while you save the galaxy. The design team did not come up with one new concept. You have almost endless possibilities! Oh well.
I would love to see the video but. (Not being rude) I can’t understand your accent. I’m sure it’s probably funny and good tho
My folks were making fun of me for hating this dumpster fire of a movie. Then the last jedi happened, then rise of skywalker and now i'm laughting because i jumped off this garbage train after tfa. XD
Good thing a fell asleep in the cinema after 5 minutes and woke up at the end😂😂 Never watched it after SRS
The fact he says "can't wait to get more on that" and then shows Rian Johnson's face.
Anyone here who paid even a dime for any starwars content after this disaster, has major issues.
Even after 2 year I still cringe uncontrollably at the fact that Rey, having never flowed a ship in her life. The millennium falcon with expert grace and knew more than Han did. “I boi pass de compressa” bitch you pulled out the battery pack from someone’s 360 controller.
So Rey mentions Darth Vader like he’s common knowledge but Luke effing Skywalker is a myth? Seems legit
I like the ship at the beginning flying by. Looks like Disney giving us the figure.
Thank you for making this video, exposing the terrible new sequel trilogy will hopefully catch the attention of the terrible writers at Disney
Man this gets me depressed. The hype was so real. This movie set up something with so much potential. Sadly I’ve never been so disappointed in a movie after watch The Last Jedi. Absolute waste of using the OG crew.
why dont you just bitch about a new movie to watch more. you leeches are like worms. you complain about everything and then pay for the ticket
This trilogy was so fucking bad that I've seen fanfiction writers and online roleplayers with greater skills at storycrafting. How the fuck does Hollywood get beaten by random people on the Internet?
The Force Awakens would have been good if it was a Finn/Poe yaoi.
This guy's really hates this movie... And I'm in total agreement hahaha
Well I always thought that the force awakens would have been better off never being made, but this review gives it's making a purpose, even if it is only so I can piss myself laughing listening to this review.
I am a bit late watching this video, but you are my hero.
Glad Filoni, Favreau and Lucas are erasing this garbage sequel trilogy.
Star wars fans when TFA came out: ''Oh my god, disney have officially ruined star wars! Why couldn't they just leave lucasarts to make them?! NOOOOO!'' Star wars fans now: ''This is the greatest star wars movie disney has ever produced.''

Star Wars : The Force Awakens: An Unbridled Rage
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