Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Porn

Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Porn


Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic Porn

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Tales of the Jedi

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The Mandalorian

The Book of Boba Fett

Obi-Wan Kenobi



The Acolyte


Skeleton Crew

The Clone Wars



The Bad Batch


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The Clone Wars




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Tales of the Jedi

Obi-Wan Kenobi

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The High Republic

The Clone Wars

Rogue One


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Rogue Squadron

The Mandalorian

The Book of Boba Fett

Obi-Wan Kenobi



The Acolyte


Skeleton Crew

The Clone Wars



The Bad Batch


Tales of the Jedi

Young Jedi Adventures



Clone Wars

The Clone Wars




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Fantasy Flight Games

Galaxy's Edge

Knights of the Old Republic



The Clone Wars

The High Republic

The Old Republic

Administrators' noticeboard



Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (comic series)

She-Hulk Trailer Dropped - The Loop

" And one of the things I kept coming back to was right there in the very first prose Star Wars novel, ghost-written by Alan Dean Foster. There's a brief introductory history of the Old Republic that closes with a quote from Leia Organa: "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally, they became heroes." "
―John Jackson Miller [23]

" The one who confesses, lives. I don't care which of you does it. It doesn't matter where they send you. You have a death mark, same as me. Don't look for me, Lucien. Because I'll find you. And if I do end up collapsing the Jedi Order, just remember one thing. You started it.' "
―Zayne Carrick [24]

" They left?" " Recalled—to Coruscant. Yesterday, we heard. That's when Mandalore gave all of us the signal to attack. Taris is the key to this entire sector. I don't know who that rogue Jedi is, but he's got a lot more to answer for than murder. " […] " I'm going to make this right. I don't know how… "
―Zayne Carrick and Rohlan Dyre, on the Jedi and Taris [29]

" Zayne? " " Hi, Dad . Ummm… how's it going? "
―Arvan and Zayne Carrick, as Arvan is kidnapped by the Moomo Brothers [12]

Zayne Carrick : " The people! The people!' "
Squint : " Master—! "
The Revanchist : " I feel it! I feel it! "
Lucien Draay : " Q'Anilia! It's Lucien! What was that? "
Q'Anilia : " That—that was what it feels like when a vision starts to come true. "
―Jedi across the galaxy sense the bombardment of Serroco [src]

" They're a plague. " " Just so. And now, thanks to Gorman Vandrayk… the man you call Camper … this plague works for me . "
―Jarael and Arkoh Adasca, on the exogorths [35]

" You've gone too far, Adasca! You don't have standing to offer a truce! " " Don't I? I told you, gentlemen, this changes everything. Adascorp was a major corporate player. Now it is a galactic player. We no longer seek contracts. But we may accept allies . "
―Admiral Karath and Lord Adasca [5]

" And in the time of tribulation to come, there will be five… One for the darkness… and one for the light. Another from the darkness stands in the light, while one from the light stands in the darkness. The last one stands apart from all. And between them… between them… all that has been built will fall. "
―Krynda Draay's Prophecy of the Five, as overheard by Raana Tey as a child [39]

" I will complete my mission—beginning with dealing with the two of you! " " Your mission, Celeste? Your mission is to protect the galaxy from Sith power! Well, look behind you! There's your threat. Millions of Mandalorians—all gone! An infinitely expanding army of the Sith —and created by you! Unimaginable damage, Celeste? You've just gotten started!' "
―Celeste Morne and Zayne Carrick [41]

" What in the galaxy is this ? " " The break against the Covenant we've been looking for. Folks— we've just gone on offense.' "
―Jarael and Zayne Carrick, upon discovering the Sanctum repository [44]

" What—what will it take? " " One of their number must turn, Shel. Someone who's seen everything from the beginning. Someone must raise his voice. "
―Shel Jelavan and Vandar Tokare [7]

" This is Haazen, calling all Covenant acolytes—both Knights and Shadows. Command word— Vindication ! I repeat—the Sith force predicted by our prophecy has been found —in the Jedi High Council , uncovered by Master Lucien's investigations! This is the worst case—but we are prepared! You, the true Jedi, are already in action! "
―Haazen instigates Vindication [46]

" You're late, partner. " " And you're in over your head again. Looks like vacation's over! "
―Hierogryph and Carrick [50]

" You are a sentimental fool. " " I'm like that. I pick up everything from catatonic droids to surplus Mandalorians. "
―Dyre and Carrick [8]

" I never knew what your tattoos meant. Jarael—before Camper found you—were you a slave ? " " No, Zayne… I was a slaver . "
―Carrick and Jarael [52]

" I remembered something. You helped me run. But you also gave me time —and helped me face the music when I was ready. Back there was the only way I could see to send Malak away. It's just a delay—but it's time . He won't forget you, Jarael. He'll be back. And I don't know if you really want to be with him or not. But… wouldn't you like to be free to make the choice ? "
―Zayne Carrick [9]

" I never wanted to think of the Crucible again—but now, I can't stop thinking. I saw Master Wyrick's school burned. Adults killed, trying to save us. Then the rest of us, ground up in their pointless "training." Zayne's right. I have to do something—before another family is destroyed. Like mine was. "
―Jarael [54]

" Oh and about the name the slaves I tended gave me—and these marks I keep. You're right, I guess I should get rid of them. If I don't, it's only because in the Crucible's language, "Jarael" means… protector . "
―Jarael [18]

" I hear there are Jedi who avoid emotional connections—physical contact. You—uh—you aren't a Jedi like that , are you? " " I'm not a Jedi. I would have been a very, very bad Jedi. And if I was a Jedi like that— I'd flunk out . " " We'll see. " " Umm… when you say physical contact —you're not going to beat me up again, are you? " " Oh, shut up. "
―Carrick and Jarael [20]
Main articles: Dob Moomo and Del Moomo

" Yes, there are huge, galaxy-shaking events going on—but these are also stories about people, people who don't stop bickering even when a Star Destroyer is bearing down on them. "
―John Jackson Miller, on his discussions with Randy Stradley and Jeremy Barlow about the original trilogy [63]

" In the beginning, I was going, "Hey, wait a minute. I'm going to have to make up a bunch of new characters!" Then I went, "Hey! I'm going to get to make up a bunch of new characters!" And I think that we've done a pretty good job of creating characters whose roles will be understandable to people who are familiar with Star Wars —yet which are not just shake-and-bake versions of the originals, "
―John Jackson Miller [src]

" The arcs for 2007, not coincidentally, refer to a downward spiral of events spoken of in the movies by Yoda. And here, following the Mandalorian onslaught, things are beginning to go from bad to worse for the Republic. It's like 1940 in Europe, with one country falling after another. "
―John Jackson Miller [23]

" This issue concluded "Days/Knights," a trip that certainly took us to a variety of places. It allowed me to try some new things while accomplishing a number of things I was intending to do with the existing characters. It also presented a couple of opportunities to bring video game characters on stage in roles where they had something to contribute. In all, 2007 looked very little like 2006 might have led readers to expect—and I can say that 2008 will look different yet. That's as it should be. "
―John Jackson Miller, on issue #19 on the Days/Nights cycle [src]

" The "origin story" phrase is one I've used before, and while it may seem an odd way to refer to three years of a comic-book series, it's apt. While a springboard for the early series, establishing Zayne's character and those of his allies, his fugitive status was never entirely what the series was about—as evidenced by the fact that we did pursue so many other threads. Many of them remain, and they and more will be pursued in the coming stories. If you think about it, we knew "New Hope" Luke for real-life three years before we knew "Empire" Luke. In a manner of speaking, with "Vindication," Zayne's story moved from the "fugitive" era to "renegade"—my original possible name for the series. "
―John Jackson Miller [src]

" Coming out of "Vindication," the aim with "Prophet Motive" was to launch the series immediately into its new direction. There was easily a whole issue—or two—that could have been done on Coruscant involving the events after "Vindication"—but that would have been looking backward, not forward. "
―John Jackson Miller [src]

" So, too, with Knight Errant around the corner, Knights of the Old Republic comes to a close for me as well. It was a wonderful journey, taken along with some talented fellow creators into some strange and unexpected places—and one I'll remember for a long time. A journey that, in some small way, began for me many years ago at the University of Tennessee. In Room 943, North Carrick Hall. "
―Miller's closing remarks in issue #50's product
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