Star Wars Incest Hentai

Star Wars Incest Hentai


Star Wars Incest Hentai
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— "Weird Al" Yankovic , "A Complicated Song"
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At least they didn't know at the time...

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Haha! Guess what you were doing?

Sometimes in stories, two people meet and just seem destined for romance. Love blossoms in a particular way, or perhaps the two have a loveless Arranged Marriage lying in wait for them instead. But then, someone makes a startling discovery — genetics has struck! The couple-to-be are related — and not in the "same species" sense — and the romance or arranged marriage is called off. The result may be either great rejoicing or great despair. If it's not called off despite the consanguinity issue, intentional Brother-Sister Incest results. Or if the two still want to be together and the author doesn't want to go the incest route, a counter-reveal may show up to prove that the genetics aren't a problem after all .

These days, many people are squicked out by this, so the characters often find out before they tie the knot/do the nasty. This wasn't always the case; Oedipus was very happily (but unknowingly) married to his own mother for many years and had several kids with her before things fell apart (to the extent that The Reveal resulted in Oedipus's mother killing herself and Oedipus himself stabbing his own eyes out), so this is Older Than Feudalism . Still, this trope is surprisingly common in Anime and Manga , as well as other Japanese entertainment, due to much more relaxed views on the subject in Japan.

The surprise relationship is usually either brother/sister, half-siblings, parent/child (much rarer these days than it was in ancient Greece), or, very rarely, uncle/niece or aunt/nephew. Cousins are only borderline squicky since marriage between cousins is actually legal in some regions, and is quite acceptable in many romance novels. In fact, in the Arabian Nights , a man will call a woman he loves or is married to "daughter of my uncle", because in that time marriage between cousins was considered the best option! Because of this, it almost never appears as a plot point since it's a little too close for some folks to be comfortable, but not close enough that the plot demands the relationship break up.

 Emi :"And so, I ended my summer break without being able to do a thing."

 Jill : Would it help if you went back to thinking I'm your sister?
Joe : What?! Like I'm some sort of white-trash perv?!
Cut to the outside of the house, the foundations shaking and a nailed-up hubcap clattering off to orgasmic cries:
Jill : I'm your sister! I'M YOUR SISTER!
Joe then assures the radio people he's telling the story to "No, that last part didn't really happen, I just thought it'd be funny."

 Mitch : Hey, hey! Hey, you remember in 5th grade when I was under the monkey bars and I sneaked a peek at your sister's underwear? Remember that? Hey, no no! I was sneaking a peek at my own sister's underwear!
Sam : That's right! Yeah, and then remember in the 12th grade, you had sex with her?
Mitch : [short awkward silence] Okay, enough reminiscing.

 The Hair : I think we're third cousins.
Liz : Yeah, I'll see you at the reunion.

 Sylvia: Oh, Fran, I see you've met your cousin.
(Fran and said cousin immediately jump apart, looking thoroughly Squicked )

 With your straight black hair and emerald green eyes
Hippies pointing "that's Pete's sister in disguise"
Maybe you had uttered those words as a jest
I don't mind the allegations of incest
At the time I thought I could love no other
Till I heard you say that I was your brother
In your e-mail said how much we look like twins
How it turned you on just knowing it's a sin

 Man : If she were my daughter I'd...
Girl : What would you do, Daddy?

 ROSE: You're wondering why I didn't tell you?
DAVE: no
ROSE: You're specifically wondering why I wasn't forthcoming with an answer to your question at the time, "hey who was that choice babe in the pajamas?"
DAVE: god fucking dammit

Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot.

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Did Slave Leia Have Sex With Jabba the Hutt?

Written By
Death and Taxes

April 14, 2018

11:20 pm

LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 12: Wax figures of Star Wars characters Princess Leia and Jabba The Hut on display at 'Star Wars At Madame Tussauds' on May 12, 2015 in London, England. (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images)

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Home » Death and Taxes » Did Slave Leia Have Sex With Jabba the Hutt?
This article was originally published in Death and Taxes on April 14, 2014.
It is the elephant in the room, or giant sentient slug in the room, that has haunted generations of Star Wars fans.
What was the purpose of Jabba’s slave girls?  Based solely on what we see in “Return of the Jedi ,” the gangster’s comely harum spent one-third of their screen time dancing, another third being eaten by monsters and a third of their time laying around sexily. I think it’s the laying around sexily part that makes us wonder what the point was.  They could be there for Jabba and his insatiable slug desires, or as mere set pieces.
Which brings us to the question of the hour: Did Jabba the Hutt make unwanted sexual advances on Leia Organa? Absolutely. There is no doubt that Jabba pawed, fondled, pinched, prodded and slobbered on Princess Leia.  He’s the Dov Charney of a galaxy far, far away. Jabba surrounded himself with a plethora of beautiful, weak-minded aliens who were forced to act as if he doesn’t look like a greasy turd.  Jabba’s Palace was a hostile work environment for Twi’leks, pig-faced guards and unwashed Rancor trainers alike.
However, if Jabba had actual sex with slave Leia is yet to be determined. First, we don’t even know if Hutts have sex.  According to the Star Wars expanded universe , all Hutts reproduce asexually; they keep their young in their wrinkly skin folds much like marsupials. However, this may not mean that little Hutt balls pop off if you get them wet or that they have sex-changing frog DNA. If we compare Hutts to banana slugs, for instance, this would mean that Hutts are hermaphrodites with both male and female genitalia. Fun fact: The banana slugs’ favorite sex position is 69, dude! Another fun fact: After mating, banana slugs often eat (as in literally eat ) each other’s penises. So have fun with that, Mrs. the Hutt.
Second, why would Jabba ever find Leia attractive? No matter how good she looked in that gold bikini (and she did look good), if you’re a giant space slug then you are probably attracted to other giant space slugs. Legs? Gross.  Smooth skin? No thanks. Symmetrical nostrils? Disgusting. Odds are that Jabba the Hutt would be more titillated by the likes of other, similarly repulsive-looking aliens such as Slurms MacKenzie , the “Slither” alien and possibly the coffee-chugging worms from “Men in Black” for when he’s feeling extra raunchy.
But assuming, for a moment, that bipedal humanoids do it for Jabba, was Leia really who he’s after?
The sail barge, the dancing girls, an in-house jazz fusion band, the frogs–these were just cries for help.  Jabba the Hutt was a confused kid, trying to come to terms with his own sexuality. Was he a man? Was he a woman? Who knows?! The only constant was his obsession with a certain, scruffy-looking nerfherder.
Why give Han Solo a second chance to get him his money?  Why send the most expensive bounty hunter in the galaxy to bring back a second-rate smuggler … alive? Why keep him frozen in carbonite so you can look at him every single day? Why only sentence the rebel scum to death after he’s had a tender moment with the woman he loved? Because if Jabba can’t have him, no one can. Jabba the Hutt never had sex with Leia or any other slave girl in his palace because he was and had always been in love with Han Solo.
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