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"Star Comes To Earth"- Star and Marco hug at the end of the episode
In "Cleaved", Star and Marco's love for each other bonded the dimensions of Earth and Mewni together.

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Starco , also known as Marar , is the romantic pairing of Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz .

In the episode " Blood Moon Ball ", Star and Marco's souls were joined under the light of the Blood Moon, which, according to demon lore, "selects two lucky souls, binding them together for eternity in its hypnotic, ruby brodum." Episodes " Sleepover " , and " Bon Bon the Birthday Clown " , both confirmed that Star has a crush on Marco, but Marco doesn't seem to reciprocate her feelings. Additionally, Star became extremely jealous when Marco and Jackie went on a date in "Bon Bon the Birthday Clown" to the point where her spells went out of control, further showing Star's true feelings for Marco. Then after that in " Starcrushed ", Star confesses her crush to Marco after Toffee returns but Marco doesn’t have a chance to respond before she flees the room, so his thoughts are currently unknown. He goes to Mewni to find Star as she went back to Mewni and he helps in the battle against Toffee. After that, Marco returns to Earth as he and Star part ways. In the following episodes, Marco comes to live on Mewni after not being able to adjust to life back on Earth and let Star go. In " Sophomore Slump ", Jackie sees him still being attached to Mewni and breaks up with him, realising that his friendship with Star is more important than their relationship and that he would be happier in Mewni than in Echo Creek.

In " Lava Lake Beach ", after having a talk with Tad , Marco realises that he has feelings for Star, but feels that he may be too late because Star is in a relationship. After the events of Lava Lake Beach , Star and Marco's friendship is seen to come to a strain. In " Booth Buddies " Marco relents and explains that the real difference between the past and present photos is that the past photos were taken before Star's confession in "Starcrushed". Despite his efforts to not think about it again, he says he can't keep pretending things aren't different now. Star is unsure what he means, but when he says things are different for him specifically, Star realises he's now confessing his feelings for her . They sit in silence before joking about how their guts feel, and Marco admits he feels better having talked about it. With the money they have left, Marco says he knows what kind of photo the booth wants. In the final reel, Marco turns to look at Star, she returns his gaze, and they kiss, meaning that Star has cheated on Tom. At the end of the episode Star is shown quickly grabbing the reel of photos which shows Star and Marco's cheeks are glowing. As the episode ends the Blood Moon is shown in the sky symbolizing their bonding of their souls. During the live chats, after having fans using the term Starco, due to Star and Marco unaware of the term, the pair believes that “it’s probably just a way of putting our names together so it’s faster.”

Towards the end of Season 4, Star and Marco's relationship is taken to a whole new level as they face new challenges in the face of both of them being aware of their feelings for each other. After "Curse of the Blood Moon", Star realizes that her feelings for Marco weren't caused because of the Blood Moon Cure but instead were her own true feelings. After Star and Tom break up Star takes up an opportunity to be open with her future relationship with Marco in the episode "Here to Help" . Star remembers Marco's confession of love to her when they were in the Realm of Magic and brings it up, which opens up the conversation to which Marco reveals he has been in love with Star since they first met. After they each confess their love for each other, they share their first genuine kiss since "Booth Buddies" and become a couple for the first time in the show's history.

These moments include some subtle moments such as hugs and compliments but can be interpreted as romantic interest:

Star and Marco are caught in the blood moon's hypnotic, ruby brodum, binding their souls together for eternity.
Star and Marco hug after Star destroys her wand for the first time.
In the episode “Star on Wheels”,Marco is seen holding on to Star's waist after hugging and being relieved that Star is safe.
Star truthbombs the Truth or Punishment cube
Star using the "all seeing eye" spell to spy on Marco whilst Jackie teaches him how to skateboard. She is then seen to have a jealous expression and uses magic uncontrollably to make them fall.
Star starts crying after confessing to Marco, who initially had no reaction to it.
Star hugging Marco after being uncuffed.
Star and Marco hug before Marco returns to Earth.
Star and Marco sharing a hug after Star returned from the Magic Realm.
Star and Marco kissing inside the photo booth.
Star and Marco hugging just before carrying out their plans to stop Meteora and save Queen Moon. When Star's door is opened they quickly break apart and blush.
Star and Marco gazing at each other after the defeat of Meteora.
The beach day photo that falls out of Star's purse.
Star and Marco dance once more under the Blood Moon's light.
Star and Marco hug after dancing to see if they still may have feelings for each other.
Star and Marco watching the sunrise while their capes form a heart.
Star and Marco state that they both "like each other" after they have finished playing in the magic.
Star and Marco agree to mother and father a lost little warnicorn
Star and Marco gaze at each other before saying their last words of the Series.
While it seems likely for Starco to be canon, it is safe to say these two have and will sustain a healthy friendship to some degree, no matter their relationship status. Regardless of all the ship teasing the show and the creators still like to throw at the fans, there is hope to believe that these two could become more. Now that Jackie has broken up with Marco, he is single again. There is also the inclusion of the Blood Moon in many episodes. Although the curse has been broken, it has teased at Starco for a lengthy time now. Although the relationship with Tom and Star put a snag on the ship, there's reason to believe Star’s feelings for Marco are still unchanged, as to her using Tom as a way to get over her crush at the idea that he will never feel the same. Especially since Star and Tom broke up in Sad Teen Hotline , a new possibility for canon Starco has opened. The way Star acted towards Marco when he came to Mewni could only make sense if she still had feelings for him. She pushed him away to be a laundry squire so she could try and forget those feelings in peace, but after realising Tom won't be the same as Marco, she made Marco her squire so they could go back to the way things were and just hang out as friends, and Marco being her squire made it so Star had control of Marco's actions and ensure that she would not feel emotionally hurt again. Although fans are disappointed in yet another love triangle, there’s reason to believe that this is necessary and that we will now be one step closer to a romantic pursuit between them. In the episode Monster Bash , it is shown that Tom and Star are spending less and less time together, ending in their breakup. Furthermore, in Booth Buddies Marco revealed his feelings to Star and at the end of the episode, they shared a kiss, still dealing with the after-effects of it. Also, when Marco confessed to Tom in the Season 3 finale of him kissing Star, he surprisingly didn't erupt into a fit of rage but instead took it well and even hugged Marco and Star at the end of the episode. This could be seen as him becoming more mature and accepting the fact that he will no longer be in a relationship with Star (as of Sad Teen Hotline they are broken up) but still would be on good terms with both her and Marco. Small things, such as Star suggesting their feelings weren't from the Blood Moon Curse, point to the possibility of Starco. Especially with Marco's confession to Star in Mama Star, it seems that Starco has great possibility to be the main endgame ship of Star vs. the Forces of Evil. With the most recent episodes, Star and Marco are now a canonical couple by the end of "Here To Help" and their relationship as a couple so far is overwhelmingly positive with the sheer closeness that they shared in the next few episodes.

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You'd think Marco Diaz would be savoring every minute of his post-grad summer, but he can't help but feel like something's missing...
Fic exploring an alternate eventuality - one where Marco didn't immediately (or ever) go after Star post-confession - and the consequences of such a decision.
After saving Earth-Ni from evil invaders, Star Butterfly and friends head on a relaxing vacation through the newly re-opened Multiverse. As they explore exotic locales and delightful dimensions, they must deal with the mysterious effects of magic's resurgence... NOW COMPLETE!
Prince Ludo Avarius of Mewni must face his many vices in this tale of redemption. As he repairs burnt bridges and encounters a vengeful assassin with which he becomes smitten, a mysterious entity from Mewni's troubled past is revealed.
All canon characters are copyright Disney and Daron Nefcy. Jade, Emerald, Rat Ludo, General Reginald Alshain, Dr. Nanas, Enos, Dragonlily, and all other ocs c. me. Igginaus Rogannien created by zangoose28 on Reddit, characterization by me, and used with permission.
When her magic mirror names Earthling Marcia Diaz as the most beautiful on Mewni, evil Queen Grimhelde has but one goal-to take out the young girl and reclaim her rightful place as the fairest of all.
Adam grew up hating the Butterfly Family long before he ever met them. He knew of the Family's penchant for tyranny, cruelty and megalomania. He knew how they brutally enslaved, tortured or executed all who opposed them. The Butterflies are unstoppable and absolute - their dark shadow stretching across almost every dimension in the multiverse.
So when Adam acquires magical powers from a mysterious fragment of a wand, he sets out on a mission to put an end to the Butterfly rule. Permanently.
Until he winds up thrown through a portal into another multiverse. Now, he's trapped there, surrounded by ghosts.
Unbeknownst to him, though, his world is catching up to him. The Dark Butterflies are coming, bringing a whole multiverse of slaughter with them. Whether he likes it or not, Adam is going to have to protect the kingdom he hated most.
Es el año 201-X de la Nueva Era. A finales del siglo 21 la humanidad conoció al Creador una fuerza omnipresente que controla todo lo que existe en el multiverso. Con su ayuda la tierra se convirtió en una utopía perfecta donde reinan la paz y la armonía. Tristemente todavía existen criminales psicópatas a quienes no les importa arriesgar su propia vida con tal de cumplir sus deseos egoístas y ya ni se diga la vida de los demás. Afortunadamente existen nobles guerreros como la superheroina Lady Daimon quien cuando no esta pateando el culo de los malos esta divirtiéndose con sus guapos y viriles compañeros de equipo. Si te gustan los superheroes y la pornografia puede que esta historia sea de tu interes.
Star, a broken teenager who had to endure a lifetime of abuse, finally leaves Mewni in search of a dimension where she could hide from her strict mother. Hearing about Earth, the fragile princess decides it would be best for her to move to a new dimension. Adapting to a new life, could it be possible for the princess to change and hide from her mother's abusive lifestyle? (AU) (Same owners from
Meteora likes Marco. But it isn't your average everyday teenage-girl-crushing-over-an-older-married-man kind of deal. It's something more. MUCH more. And Mariposa finds out the hard way. The best way. Written in collaboration with and created by ReaperJ.
Evil's Final Gambit. Star and Marco have survived Bob's assassination attempt, yet despite Bob going missing Evil marches on. Were their wounds only skin deep and true love will prevail, or will Evil's final gambit be triumphant?
All original characters, dialog and situations used from Star vs The Forces of Evil are © 2015-2019 The Walt Disney Company.
All original characters, dialog and situations used from the fanfics are © 2015-present by their respective authors.
This is a work of fiction portraying alternate universes; all similarities to beings living, dead, or undead are entirely convergent.
I was living a normal, boring life, until I found an object that changed my life forever.
“Necesito tenerte de nuevo entre mis brazos...”
“Amo acariciar y saborear tu piel...”
“Que este momento nunca termine...”
El baile erótico despierta diversos sentimientos en las personas; ya sean de rechazo, de fascinación, de deseo. Ser stripper no era un trabajo para todo el mundo, pues cualquier cosa podía suceder.
En especial si había una relación bastante íntima entre el bailarín y el cliente.
Miguel Rivera y Star Butterfly, Dos grandes amigos, con una confianza la cual no conocía límites, que trabajaban en el mismo club nocturno (unas noches como camareros y otras como strippers) lo sabían perfectamente.
After Star is destroyed the source of magic, many worlds fuse together at the same time as a dangerous enemy is revealed.
Marco has lived his whole life as a demon with his brother, Tom. The Underworld and demonic lifestyle is all he's ever known, torturing others and the occasional short temper.
But when he begins having reccurring nightmares about a mysterious girl, Tom begins to act odd. Though the gruesome answers aren't what Marco is looking for, it's just what he needs to unlock his true past.
Accepting the truth is difficult, yet the girl in his nightmares is the only thing that can help him do so.
Star and Ludo find themselves in each other's bodies as the result of spell shenanigans.
"Cleaved? Now that's a funny word. You can cleave something apart, or you can cleave something together." (Glossaryck)
After the cleaving of Earth and Mewni, Marco and Star are tasked with navigating the rough road ahead. Under the watchful eye of a dangerous government, the rebellious Mewman public, and an unnamed shadow, how will the two persevere? - Post-Cleaved.
As Star struggles to find her place in the world, a newly formed cult declares Marco king—and tells him that to save his kingdom, he must take nine wives and “get them with child.”
Four years after Weirdmageddon, Dipper and Mabel Pines ha
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