Standing Piss

Standing Piss


Standing Piss



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Wouldn't it, honestly, be easier if we could just stand up to pee? Those who have mastered the act without wetting themselves are to be envied rather than seen as weird!

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Photo courtesy of SteadyHealth

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13 yo daughter pees standing up

Do many girls pee standing up?

Excessive sweating when standing

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Exercises to fast reduce hips and thighs in women

is it ok for a female doctor to use a female secretary as a chaperone for a male genital exam?

Why men dislike overweight girls?

Fatigue, Dizziness/lightheadedness, Blurred vision, fast heart rate when standing, etc.

Why is it hurting after I pee?

Have I miscarried? I passed a long black clot but without blood

headaches, dizziness, uncontrolled shaking, blurred/black out vision when standing up

High sized thighs, legs are normal, how to reduce slim size?

is this normal or am i weird? Depression?

Transgendered/ Intersexed and other sexes

Is it normal to see your external jugular vein pulse when standing?

If it normal to see your external jugular vein pulse whens standing?

What is DASH diet and how it can help my heart?

sharp pain in hip when standing up-right

Is it normal to see your heartbeat through your chest??

Diziness when standing up

What is health anxiety and how do you treat it?

Unisex restrooms, Do you knock before entering?

Do any fathers have advise on how I can teach my 3 year old son to pee standing up?

Nipples hurting, Dizziness when bending or from sitting to standing, slight cramping but no period?!

Is it normal to see your external jugular vein pulse near the collar bone when standing?

Sudden chest pain, dizzyness and nausea when standing up, 22

Is it possible to get pregnant with your own cum

Pee or Precum?

Upper abdominal "spasms", the pain intense when standing or walking

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More stories to check out before you go
Does a woman or girl you know prefer to pee standing up "like a man", and are you wondering what's causing this phenomenon that isn't seamlessly supported by her anatomy? Let's take a look at possible reasons a female might pee standing up โ€” as well as ways in which girls and women can more comfortably stand to pee.ย 
I was a bit of a tomboy as a little girl, and have a distinct (now probably not politically correct!) memory of having competitions to see who could pee the farthest with some boys I was friends with. I never won, but did quite well nonetheless. It seemed quite unfair to me that boys could do all that without even having to take their pants off, at the time!
I can easily see a little girl developing a habit of standing to pee and then keeping it later on, though it is, most likely (I can't find any research to confirm this) quite unusual. And there's reason number one for standing to pee as a female โ€” because she can do it without making a mess and finds it rather convenient .ย 
What is indeed familiar to many women is the experience of needing to use a public restroom but it being so icky we really don't want to sit down on it. (In such moments, we might wish w
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