Stand Pussy

Stand Pussy


Stand Pussy

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Ulli Lust


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VyVy Trinh

Published on Aug 15, 2022 8:00AM EDT

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Ulli Lust was born in 1967 in Vienna; moved to Berlin in 1995, where she now lives as a cartoonist. Her published work includes pieces of comics journalism featuring pointed observations on modern life as well as erotic-mythological poems. She runs the online publishing company , which publishes e-books and online comics by an ever-increasing group of international cartoonists.
Ulli Lust, comics, Pussy and the Private Parts

Ulli Lust was born in 1967 in Vienna; moved to Berlin in 1995, where she now lives as a cartoonist. Her published work includes pieces of comics journalism featuring pointed observations on modern life as well as erotic-mythological poems. She runs the online publishing company , which publishes e-books and online comics by an ever-increasing group of international cartoonists.
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Bored of cranking one out with your mitts… but too single to find someone to rub the magic lamp for you? Well, a pocket pussy is just the answer you need to get you off!
But with so many options out there, how are you supposed to know which pocket pussies are worth your hard-earned dough and your throbbing hard-on?
Well, don’t worry, guys – we’re here to give you a list of some of the best pocket pussies that you should absolutely get for yourself if you want your wank sessions to feel like you’re inside a real vagina!
There’s a reason that Fleshlight (the company) has become synonymous with male sex toys: they make some of the best pocket pussies around.
And with the release of the Quickshot Vantage, it seems the company has outdone themselves once again by providing you with one of the best pocket pussies around today, especially if you want a male masturbator that you can pretty much take anywhere.
Like, literally anywhere. It’s very small.
Gone are the traditional heavy tubes that feature a vaginal sculpt, since the FQV opts for a more streamlined design that’s more reminiscent of a classy little clear shot glass than a recognizable fake pussy that you hump at night.
When it comes to performance, the FQV doesn’t disappoint one bit, as it provides you with just the right amount of squeeze to your penis without suffocating it. However, bigger guys might find it a little tight.
Still, the overall design makes your rod look bigger, since it’s made of transparent Real Feel SuperSkin : Fleshlight’s trademark material for their high-end toys, which mimic the exact feel of a woman’s vagina.
The FQV might provide you with high-end performance, but you’re going to find that the price is anything but. It’s actually one of the more affordable options out there, and one that lasts long with proper care.
Cleaning it is a breeze, since this pocket pussy is more of a cock sleeve, which won’t have you reaching for tight surfaces when you cream all over it. It unscrews on both sides, so it’s easy to rinse through with warm water and mild soap.
The Tenga Flip Zero just shows how far we’ve come when it comes to male sex toys. There’s no need to make it look like a fake cooch anymore, with companies like Tenga opting to focus more on the overall feel and materials they use to make their products.
The Flip Zero is a perfect example! 
This is one of the best pocket pussies if you’re looking for some of the best sensations on your dick, and that’s thanks mainly to how Tenga provides strategically placed and varying patterns when they sculpted this pocket pussy’s interior. 
As such, this thing massages you from the shaft right to the tip of your penis when you use it.
It comes in a sleek, streamlined cylindrical package and the TFZ itself is kept inside its very own case, which is made of ABS plastic for lightweight durability, which you can easily display without anyone knowing how much you like to touch yourself. 
The only problem with this pocket pussy that you’re probably going to find is how it’s not the easiest male masturbator to clean, especially if you decide to finish inside it. 
With all those ridges, ripples, and waves in the interior of the TFZ, the whole cleanup process can be a literally sticky affair if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Still, the interior of the TFZ is made up of TPE , which is the same form of plastic that’s used in athletic shoes’ midsoles due to how soft they are. In this case, though, Tenga was able to create a TPE blend that nearly simulates a woman’s pussy almost to the letter.
Lovense is arguably the top company when it comes to providing you with the most advanced remote control sex toys around, regardless of gender. So much so, that it’s the preferr
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