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Updated on May 4, 2022




Manish Yadav

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If you aren’t giving your man an amazing dose of hand jobs then it is almost certain that he is resenting it in some way. No issues today you’ll learn exactly how to give a hand job, a good earth-shattering hand job he could only dream of.
In this amazing guide on how to give a hand job we will discuss plenty of techniques that you can use for male genital massage to get your man aroused and to climax in a matter of minutes – or if you feel like it, seconds or hours!
There are several things you need to do before getting started on your man’s member.
While he doesn’t have to do as much grooming and freshening up for a hand job (think of it as a great way to please your man after he’s mowed the lawn), you may have to put in a little more effort on your part.
Nothing can be more frustrating than for a man to be quite aroused but having his penis get snagged by a hangnail mid-job.
Generally, women have soft hands but if you notice any calluses or rough spots, you might want to take care of those first before beginning the massage.
Get some good lotion and let the lanolin soak in so your hands will the soft as an infants.
Last but not least, be aware if you have any cuts or open sores on your hand.
If you do and aren’t sure if your partner has a sexually transmitted disease (or if you know that he does), be sure to wear latex or vinyl gloves for the job.
Gloves are also great if you do have calluses or rough spots on your hands and most guys love them (contrary to popular belief) because it gives the massage a slicker, more uniform feeling.
No, lotion simply won’t do – it is too thick and gloppy!
Think twice before using oil if you plan on having intercourse using a condom later (it can break down a condom quickly).
Lube isn’t that expensive and works much better for the task at hand (no pun intended) – make sure you get the water based lubricant as well.
Have it ready by the bed (or venue of choice) so that when you begin, you can easily coat your hands and your partner’s penis with the substance.
You can put it in a bucket of hot water or even a small crock pot so it stays warm throughout the hand job. You will most likely need to reapply throughout the massage.
There are now all sorts of “fantasy” lubes on the market now.
You can get lube that warms, lube that cools, is flavored, is organic (no chemicals) or even desensitizes which is good if your man comes too quickly with your touch.
Your own spit is great and easy to come by! Mixed with some of his precum (should he be one of the guys who produces it) makes for very good, not to mention convenient, “natural” mixture of slippery stuff!
Note: IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE OIL – one recommendation is to use grape seed oil.
It slides well and is all natural. You can pull it out of the cabinet in the kitchen for an impromptu hand job while dinner is simmering.:-)
This is actually a very important part regarding genital massage that is often given very little or no thought.
First of all, if your partner is not comfortable, his enjoyment will be hindered somewhat – making it more difficult for him to have an orgasm or the fantastic one you are planning to give.
If the woman is uncomfortable, she will tire of massaging her partner’s genitals more quickly and easily than if she were set up well and relaxed.
So, unless you are wanting the hand job to be “risky” or “surprising” (like in his office or in the woods), find a comfortable place in which to give your partner the genital massage.
You can also add extra comfort by propping either you or your partner (or both!) up on soft pillows.
Be sure to position yourself so that your hands and arms will not become tired easily.
The bed is an obvious choice but also consider a sofa (one that is protected or cleans up easily) or a office chairs that leans back.
Most men do like to lounge back while they are masturbating or receiving hand jobs as it is usually a comfortable position and allows for the thrusting of the hips.
We’ve established that is important to find a comfortable place for both you and your partner before embarking on a genital massage.
How do you know what is the right position? Experiment! You and your partner should work with different positions until you both find something comfortable.
* Standing with your partner facing you (you are both standing facing each other).
He’ll love to see the look on your face as you play with his cock . Look at his member like you are actually in love with it, that it is beautiful and wonderful (it really is one of the most amazing parts of the anatomy).
You enjoying the sight and feel of his manhood will be a huge turn on for him.
* Kneeling in front of your partner while he is sitting in a chair or on the edge of the bed (like fellatio).
* Sitting side by side on the couch or the bed (or other surface). If you reach over while he’s watching TV or a movie and jerk him off it will be one of his fantasies coming true.
* Sitting in between your partner’s legs while he is lying down. This is great for him as he can completely relax.
* Sitting beside your partner but leaning over in a way that you are facing his feet
* “Doggy Style” positioning. You can be either under him while he is in the position – or to the side of him.
Or have him spread his legs wide in this position and you can be behind him and grab his goodies from between his legs.
It is a great angle for you to touch and tease and play with his ball sac – which is extremely erotic for almost all men.
* Kneeling while your partner is standing. This position is often used in combination with a blow job but it can be used solely for a hand job. * Lying beside your partner.
If you undress he’ll be able to play with your breasts and you can even kiss while you stroke.
* Driving down the road (the recipient should NOT be the one behind the wheel!) or in your car at the drive in theater. Splurge for a limo with a privacy screen and make another fantasy come true.
* Have him sit on the edge of the bathtub – feet in the water, while you are in the tub stroking him like a mermaid.
* Try having him in the bathtub and you on the edge while substituting your “feet” for “hand” action and given him a “foot job” to change things up!
* Standing with your partner facing away from you (this is particularly fun if you slip up behind him, rubbing on him, then reach around and unzip his pants — never let him turn around — but work him to where he looks down and only sees your hand while the rest of your body is pressed into his).
He will have a free hand to reach around and explore between your legs without actually “seeing” you.
Women love this position because it can also be used with the SURPRISE “sneak into the shower and give him a hand job when he least expects it” act. Soap or shampoo on your hands will feel amazing to him when you try this move.
Although if soap or shampoo get inside his penis it can burn like the dickens, and will continue every time he pees for the next few days.
So, if you use soap or shampoo just stay away from his penis head. He’ll love the slippery suds on his shaft, balls and between his legs.
This is probably one of the best positions for bringing your guy to orgasm because if you are behind him your strokes and motions will be closer to how he has stroked himself to orgasm over the years.
Guys who frequently masturbate actually train their penis to come more easily with particular strokes or patterns.
* Any other position that you and your partner find comfortable and fun
As long as you and your partner keep an open mind and keep the lines of communication open, you are likely to find several genital massage positions that work well for you.
Just make sure to communicate! If something is not working for either you or your partner, it is important that you speak up about it and let the other know immediately!
As long as you do so in a kind and gentle manner, no one will get offended by it.
This applies to all aspects of genital massage (not just the positioning).
Just because he is not orgasming in a certain position does not mean he is not thoroughly enjoying it.
In fact, learn what positions and techniques feel great to him but do not take him over the top.
You’ll want to use those when it is your desire to give him an extended hand job or if you are using a hand job as foreplay and want to climax with intercourse.
It is important to warm your partner up before going the full Monty. Just how exactly do you get your partner warmed up?
You can utilize some of the same techniques for warming up a man for intercourse, such as giving him visual stimulation.
Trust me – with guys, visual stimulation will warm them up anytime. You can wear revealing or seductive lingerie (just as long as you’re wearing something that you feel good in and are comfortable with too) or you can do a little strip tease for him.
Just watching someone else fondling his beloved member for a change is probably enough to get him rock hard in no time.
Eye contact is ultra important for most guys. You certainly don’t stare him down but look at his face from time to time like he is the man you adore and want to eat up.
One of the best ways, however, to get a man warmed up for an amazing hand job is to massage the rest of his body first.
Contrary to popular belief, women aren’t the only ones who like a full body massage as a prelude to sexual activity!
Now, this does not mean that you have to go all out and give your partner a massage that a professional would charge a hundred bucks an hour for.
You can, however, massage his head, neck and some of his back to get him loose and ready to experience sexual stimulation.
This is also a great ice breaker if you’re a bit shy or if you want to surprise your partner with a hand job. It is also a fantastic tease for him.
One minute your hands are on his lower back and the next. Other great ways to warm him up are to:
– Talk dirty to him. (if you are unsure where to begin with this,
– Give him a play by play of what you’re going to do to him before you do it
– Give him a sensual (or kinky) lap dance
As long as you’re creative, you can come up with hundreds of ways to get your guy ready for some hot, hand job action!
First, let’s explore some of the places on a man’s genitals that are great for a massage. The more you know your man between his legs, the better your hand job will be.
# Scrotum. The scrotum (the sac where his balls are held) is a great place to hold, tug lightly and massage lightly.
Cupping his scrotum with one hand can give your partner excellent sensations while you do the dirty work with your other hand!
Just be careful not to massage your partner’s scrotum too hard – this is a very sensitive area and a rough approach just won’t work here.
Think of his testicles as eyeballs. You can actually massage your eyeballs, but if you poke or press too hard it hurts. The same with his balls.
Try pumping up and down on his shaft, then giving a light squeeze every third or fourth stroke release. A feather to the balls is also very, very delightful.
# Perineum. This is probably the area that gives you the most advantage during a genital massage. Why, you ask? When pressure is put on the perineum, it stimulates a man’s sensitive prostate gland.
Men love having their prostate gland stimulated (it is like a man’s clitoris or G-spot ) but not all of them know they do.
That’s because other than the perineum, the only other way to gain access to the prostate gland is through the anus and there are more men that don’t like going that route than there are that do.
Pressing or rubbing on the perineum (the spot between his scrotum and his anus) during a genital massage can give your partner the thrill of a lifetime.
Just make sure that your partner is comfortable with your hand in that spot and make sure he lets you know how low is too low if he is uncomfortable with your hand near his anus.
And don’t be afraid to throw some lubrication down there first! Things will slide right along!
These areas are secondary to the others during a genital massage and you may want to use them just to help warm your partner up – but if he really likes it, feel free to use these areas during the hand job to give your partner more of an “all over” feeling.
These spots can take a little more of a rough touch, so they are great to squeeze, press and manipulate when you are really ravaging your partner during a genital massage.
Be careful not to do this too hard, your partner is not Play-Doh! If you prefer to go the softer route, these places are very responsive to light touching (such as running your fingers up and down them) or to tickling.
Light touches in these areas are best for teasing.
Let your hair caress his thighs while your face is close to his penis and you are fondling and rubbing his erection.
 Well, of course the penis is the main area on your partner’s body that you want to pay attention to when giving a genital massage.
None of the other areas have the capacity to bring your partner to orgasm – but it is important to note that concentrating on massaging the penis only during a genital massage can make it slow work for you.
Accessing and utilizing massage techniques on the other areas of your partner’s groin area can make things go more quickly and actually, it will make the genital massage more exciting, pleasurable and satisfying to him.
There are a couple of important parts of the penis that aren’t always understood by women (and most men don’t know their names).
Okay, you’ve gotten to the best part so let’s learn more on how to give a hand job.
Here, we’re going to go over some of the specific techniques you can use to massage your partner’s penis into complete stupor!
With these techniques, you will probably be able to bring your partner to an orgasm (and possibly more than one).
Always keep this primary tip in mind. Every great hand job, blow job or intercourse has three elements. Its WET, its WARM and it has good suction/friction.
Just a few quick notes before we go into the details:
When beginning a genital massage it is typically best to start with lighter, irregular strokes – like teasing.
Do a wide variety to touches and strokes early on. Be quite playful. As you go further and further into the genital massage, stick with two or three main strokes that your partner really enjoys but do mix them up until you are ready for the big finale.
Eventually you will want to develop a good rhythm that your partner can get into – that is the key to bringing your partner to orgasm with a genital massage.
When your partner is arriving at an orgasm, it is very important that you don’t vary your technique at all!
Moving even slightly into a different hand position can bring your partner back down from the brink and cause you to have to start bringing him back up again.
If your partner is close to having an orgasm, the same stroke over and over will push him over the edge! You know how it works with rubbing your clitoris! Not much difference here.
° Use an excessive amount of lube if you know he can get cleaned up afterwards.
If you are at his office in the high rise you can’t be quite as liberal with the slick stuff.
Lots of lube will give him a super-sexy, ultraslippery feeling all over his scrotum, penis and perineum.
You can probably never use too much lube, the slicker the better.
° Begin by just using the tips of your fingers. Let them float all around your partner’s penis, pressing lightly and then moving into a firmer press.
° Roll the shaft of his penis in between your palms. You can do this lightly or harder if your partner likes more stimulation.
° Some guys like it if you shake his penis gently and then toss it back and forth between your hands (open-palmed). Obviously you do that more when it is still a bit soft.
° Take one hand and wrap it around his penis, pulling towards the head. As you’re finishing the stroke with that hand, begin a new stroke with the other hand.
Be careful not to pull too hard, however, because anything more than a gentle to a medium pull can give your partner the uncomfortable sensation that he is being “milked” or that you are rubbing his skin raw.
° Do a reverse of the technique above. Make an “O” with your hand and put it on the top of his penis and push it down so the penis pokes through. As you are moving your hand down take your other hand and do that same.
Then take the bottom hand and move it on top. Do this in smooth succession like he is entering an endless pussy.
° Hold the base of the penis firmly with one hand while rubbing your palm on the head of the penis. This traps blood at the head of the penis, making it more sensitive to whatever you’re stroke you’re using on the head.
° Give a long stroke from the base of the penis all the way to the tip of the head in a twisting motion. You can twist up the entire penis or save the twisting until you reach the head for a varied effect.
° Put both hands on your partner’s penis, one at the base and the other at the head. Use the above technique, but twist with both hands at the same time. You can also twist in different directions to spice up the move.
° Try using different strokes with your partner’s penis pointed in different directions. This causes blood to flow in different areas, making him more sensitive to your movements.
° Make your thumb and forefinger form a ring around the base of your partner’s penis. Move this ring up and down the penis in long strokes. You can do this gently or in a more firm fashion depending on the stage of genital massage your partner is in.
° Use any stroke that involves just one hand in combination with strokes that involve pulling, tugging, holding, cupping and lightly massaging your partner’s scrotum .
° Start at the base and pull gently upward while twisting (but not too hard) as if you were trying to start a fire with a stick of wood.
° Hold your partner’s penis firmly in both hands and use your thumbs only to massage your partner’s shaft and head. You can do this in strokes or circles, depending on what your partner likes best.
° Utilize the above technique (one-handed stroke combined with the other hand massaging another area) on the perineum. This will create delightful sensations between his “G-spot” and his penis.
This move will bring your partner
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