Стаф в Циолковском

Стаф в Циолковском

Стаф в Циолковском

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Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky , known also as K. Goddard , he is considered to be one of the founding fathers of modern rocketry and astronautics. A recluse by nature, his unusual habits made him seem bizarre to his fellow townsfolk. His father, Edward Tsiolkovsky in Polish: At the age of 10, Konstantin caught scarlet fever and became hard of hearing. When he was 13, his mother died. As a teenager, he began to contemplate the possibility of space travel. Tsiolkovsky spent three years attending a Moscow library where Russian cosmism proponent Nikolai Fyodorov worked. He later came to believe that colonizing space would lead to the perfection of the human race, with immortality and a carefree existence. Additionally, inspired by the fiction of Jules Verne , Tsiolkovsky theorized many aspects of space travel and rocket propulsion. He is considered the father of spaceflight and the first person to conceive the space elevator , becoming inspired in by the newly constructed Eiffel Tower in Paris. He also met and married his wife Varvara Sokolova during this time. Despite being stuck in Kaluga , a small town far from major learning centers, Tsiolkovsky managed to make scientific discoveries on his own. The first two decades of the 20th century were marred by personal tragedy. In , his daughter Lyubov was arrested for engaging in revolutionary activities. Tsiolkovsky stated that he developed the theory of rocketry only as a supplement to philosophical research on the subject. He wrote a paper called 'Theory of Gases,' in which he outlined the basis of the kinetic theory of gases, but after submitting it to the Russian Physico-Chemical Society RPCS , he was informed that his discoveries had already been made 25 years earlier. Undaunted, he pressed ahead with his second work, 'The Mechanics of the Animal Organism'. It received favorable feedback, and Tsiolkovsky was made a member of the Society. In , he was transferred to a new teaching post in Kaluga where he continued to experiment. During this period, Tsiolkovsky began working on a problem that would occupy much of his time during the coming years: Tsiolkovsky developed the first aerodynamics laboratory in Russia in his apartment. In , he built the first Russian wind tunnel with an open test section and developed a method of experimentation using it. In , with a grant from the Academy of Sciences, he made a survey using models of the simplest shapes and determined the drag coefficients of the sphere, flat plates, cylinders, cones, and other bodies. Tsiolkovsky described the airflow around bodies of different geometric shapes, but because the RPCS did not provide any financial support for this project, he was forced to pay for it largely out of his own pocket. Tsiolkovsky studied the mechanics of powered flying machines, which were designated 'dirigibles' the word 'airship' had not yet been invented. Tsiolkovsky first proposed the idea of an all-metal dirigible and built a model of it. The first printed work on the airship was 'A Controllable Metallic Balloon' , in which he gave the scientific and technical rationale for the design of an airship with a metal sheath. Progressive for his time, Tsiolkovsky was not supported on the airship project, and the author was refused a grant to build the model. An appeal to the General Aviation Staff of the Russian army also had no success. In , he turned to the new and unexplored field of heavier-than-air aircraft. In the article 'An Airplane or a Birdlike Aircraft Flying Machine' are descriptions and drawings of a monoplane, which in its appearance and aerodynamics anticipated the design of aircraft that would be constructed 15 to 18 years later. In an Aviation Airplane, the wings have a thick profile with a rounded front edge and the fuselage is faired. In , he displayed his models of all-metal dirigibles at the Aeronautics Congress in St. Petersburg but met with a lukewarm response. Disappointed at this, Tsiolkovsky gave up on space and aeronautical problems with the onset of World War I and instead turned his attention to the problem of alleviating poverty. This occupied his time during the war years until the Russian Revolution in Starting in , Tsiolkovsky systematically studied the theory of motion of rocket apparatus. Thoughts on the use of the rocket principle in the cosmos were expressed by him as early as , and a rigorous theory of rocket propulsion was developed in Tsiolkovsky derived the formula, which he called the ' formula of aviation ', establishing the relationship between:. After writing out this equation, Tsiolkovsky recorded the date: In the same year, the formula for the motion of a body of variable mass was published in the thesis of the Russian mathematician I. Исследование мировых пространств реактивными приборами. In the article 'Exploration of Outer Space by Means of Rocket Devices', it was proved for the first time that a rocket could perform space flight. In this article and its subsequent sequels and , he developed some ideas of missiles and considered the use of liquid rocket engines. However, the result of the first publication was not what Tsiolkovsky expected. No foreign scientists appreciated his research, which today is a major scientific discipline. Here Tsiolkovsky evaluated the work needed to overcome the force of gravity, determined the speed needed to propel the device into the solar system 'escape velocity' , and examined calculation of flight time. The publication of this article made a splash in the scientific world, Tsiolkovsky found many friends among his fellow scientists. In —, Tsiolkovsky solved the practical problem regarding the role played by rocket fuel in getting to escape velocity and leaving the Earth. He showed that the final speed of the rocket depends on the rate of gas flowing from it and on how the weight of the fuel relates to the weight of the empty rocket. Tsiolkovsky conceived a number of ideas that have been later used in rockets. Tsiolkovsky did much fruitful work on the creation of the theory of jet aircraft, and invented his chart Gas Turbine Engine. He first proposed a 'bottom of the retractable body' chassis. Tsiolkovsky had been developing the idea of the hovercraft since , publishing a fundamental paper on it in , entitled 'Air Resistance and the Express Train' Russian: Tsiolkovsky championed the idea of the diversity of life in the universe and was the first theorist and advocate of human spaceflight. Tsiolkovsky never built a rocket; he apparently did not expect many of his theories to ever be implemented. Hearing problems did not prevent the scientist from having a good understanding of music, as outlined in his work 'The Origin of Music and Its Essence. Although Tsiolkovsky supported the Bolshevik Revolution , he did not particularly flourish under a communist system. Eager to promote science and technology, the new Soviet government elected him a member of the Socialist Academy in In he received a lifetime pension. Only late in his lifetime was Tsiolkovsky honored for his pioneering work. In particular, his support of eugenics made him politically unpopular. He was initially popularized in Soviet Russia in mainly by two writers: Tsiolkovsky died in Kaluga on 19 September after undergoing an operation for stomach cancer. Although many called his ideas impractical, \\\\\\\\\\\\\[11\\\\\\\\\\\\\]: Tsiolkovsky wrote a book called The Will of the Universe. The Unknown Intelligence in in which he propounded a philosophy of panpsychism. He believed humans would eventually colonize the Milky Way galaxy. His thought preceded the Space Age by several decades, and some of what he foresaw in his imagination has come into being since his death. Tsiolkovsky also did not believe in traditional religious cosmology, but instead and to the chagrin of the Soviet authorities he believed in a cosmic being that governed humans as 'marionettes, mechanical puppets, machines, movie characters', \\\\\\\\\\\\\[19\\\\\\\\\\\\\] thereby adhering to a mechanical view of the universe, which he believed would be controlled in the millennia to come through the power of human science and industry. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. March Learn how and when to remove this template message. New Mexico Museum of Space History:: Retrieved 10 August Archived from the original on 28 October Retrieved 10 June The Gale Group, pp. Retrieved 4 May Archived from the original on 11 February Spaceflight and the Soviet Imagination, , pp. Tsiolkovsky Scientific Biography , Konstantin E. Retrieved 15 January Retrieved 12 July Black Library , \\\\\\\\\\\\\[Map: Electromagnetic propulsion Counterweight Carbon nanotube Nanotechnology Space tether Momentum exchange tether. Launch loop Lunar space elevator Orbital ring Skyhook Space fountain. List of competitions Elevator: Yuri Artsutanov Bradley C. Edwards Jerome Pearson Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. Non-rocket spacelaunch Spaceflight Megascale engineering. Retrieved from ' https: Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote Wikisource. This page was last edited on 2 December , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. 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