Ssl Ctx Use Private Key

Ssl Ctx Use Private Key


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The SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file function loads the private key for use with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) sessions using a specific context (CTX) structure. Last updated Changed for PUT06 .…
How to add a private key to a CTX file?
How to add a private key to a CTX file?
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file () adds the first private key found in file to ctx. The formatting type of the certificate must be specified from the known types SSL_FILETYPE_PEM , SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 .…
How do I load SSL certificates into CTX?
How do I load SSL certificates into CTX?
These functions load the certificates and private keys into the SSL_CTX or SSL object, respectively. The SSL_CTX_* class of functions loads the certificates and keys into the SSL_CTX object ctx.…
What does SSL check private key ( CTX ) do?
What does SSL check private key ( CTX ) do?
SSL_check_private_key () performs the same check for ssl. If no key/certificate was explicitly added for this ssl, the last item added into ctx will be checked. The internal certificate store of OpenSSL can hold two private key/certificate pairs at a time: one key/certificate of type RSA and one key/certificate of type DSA .…
How to add RSA as private key to SSL?
How to add RSA as private key to SSL?
SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey () adds the private key rsa of type RSA to ctx. SSL_use_PrivateKey () adds pkey as private key to ssl; SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey () adds rsa as private key of type RSA to ssl. If a certificate has already been set and the private does not belong to the certificate an error is returned.…
The SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file function loads the private key for use with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) sessions using a specific context (CTX) structure. Last updated Changed for …
To use this function, you must include the library specified in the prototype in your makefile. Before calling the SSL_use_PrivateKey_file function, you must identify the password for the private key …
See Also
The internal certificate store of OpenSSL can hold two private key/certificate pairs at a time: one key/certificate of type RSA and onekey/certificate of type DSA . The certificate used depends on the cipher select, see also ssl_ctx_set_cipher_list(3). When reading certificates and private keys from file, files of type SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 (also known as DER , binaryencoding) can only contain one c…
SSL_use_PrivateKey_ASN1() and SSL_use_RSAPrivateKey_ASN1() add the private key to ssl. SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file() adds the first private key found in file to ctx. The …
22.02.2016 · however testing the nginx config, I get the following error : sudo nginx -t nginx: [emerg] SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file ("/usr/local/etc/nginx/ssl/admin.cockpit.yves.crt") failed (SSL: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY error:140B0009:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use…
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30.09.2016 · Now, at the call of SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file it fails with the following error printout: 139649166755520:error:0B080074:lib(11):func(128):reason(116):x509_cmp.c:330: I have downloaded the corresponding source code of OpenSSL and on line 330 of x509_cmp.c it says: X509err(X509_F_X509_CHECK_PRIVATE_KEY,X509_R_KEY…
07.09.2016 · To change a certificate, private key pair the new certificate needs to be set with SSL_use_certificate() or SSL_CTX_use_certificate() before setting the private key with SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey() or SSL_use…
Я новичок в криптографии в целом и OpenSSL в частности. Я все еще на стадии обучения и просматриваю документацию (и даже исходный код). Я вижу функции под названием: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey SSL_CTX_use…
29.04.2016 · SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file ("/usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/") failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values …
01.07.2016 · msg=errors: nginx: [emerg] SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file("/usr/local/nukona/certs/configurator/sign.key") failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch) This is shown because there is a new SSL certificate as 5.3 and later now uses …
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Change version
The SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file function loads the private key for use with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) sessions using a specific context (CTX) structure.
Last updated
Changed for PUT06.
Changed for PUT00.
int SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(SSL_CTX *ctx, const char *file, int type)
Note: This parameter is ignored if you are using a private key that resides in the z/TPF keystore.
Return code 1 indicates that the function was successful.
A return code equal to 0 indicates an error. The following are the most likely causes of errors:
The private key file does not exist or you do not have permission to read that file.
The private key file is not in PEM format.
If the private key file is encrypted, the password is not correct or no password was provided.
The specified z/TPF public key pair name does not exist or is not active.
If you loaded a certificate file before issuing this function, the public key in that certificate does not match the corresponding private key in the private key file.
Programming considerations
To use this function, you must include the library that is specified in the prototype in your makefile.
Before calling the SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file function, you must identify the password for the private key file by issuing the SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata function. Do this only if the private key file has been encrypted. Do not issue the SSL_CTX_set_default_passwd_cb_userdata function if you are using a private key that resides in the z/TPF keystore.
If you are assigning many SSL sessions to the same CTX structure and all the sessions will use the same private key file, issue the SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file function once to assign the certificate to the CTX structure rather than issuing the SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file function once for each SSL session.
For sample SSL applications, see SSL examples.
See z/TPF Security for more SSL information.
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SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file - IBM
SSL_use_PrivateKey_file - IBM
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Ssl Ctx Use Private Key

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