Sri Lanka: A Beginner's Guide for Selling Property

Sri Lanka: A Beginner's Guide for Selling Property

Selling property in Sri Lanka is similar to selling properties elsewhere. It requires valuing the property and selecting an agent if needed.

Real Estate Lanka has prepared an essential list to property sellers who are first time buyers.

In Sri Lanka, where every property is valued prior to being sold, it is vital that the property is valued. A value set by the government for the land could be a little different from the price at which you sell the property. This is required by law because of the large number of homes that have been registered for lower values in the past. If the property was constructed on a piece of land that was constructed less than 20 years ago the property could be sold to pay for property and land values. However, homes built prior to 20 years typically are sold at the value of the land.


Buyers have the option of using offline and online channels for searching for properties. The number of searches on the internet is growing at a 9 percent per year. Even though there are other options for offline searches available in Sri Lanka too, it has seen an increase in property sales. Online advertising is cheaper, creates more awareness and lets the seller include as many details as they want.

Photographs of top quality made by professional photographers can be a fantastic method of advertising on the internet. They have a better chance of attracting potential buyers. You can also detail any property's features as needed. Online advertising also provides information about the location on Google maps and multiple contact details at a cost of a small amount. Additionally, people are more likely to buy your home if you inform them that a bank loan is available.


No matter how you sell the property (house or apartments, land) by telephone or by email, the first impressions tend to change the facts of the property being sold. It is best to get help when you are dealing with DIY tasks that require your attention. A beautiful property instantly captures the attention of buyers and makes it more difficult for them to negotiate.

Lead management lets you arrange an inspection date with any potential buyer prior to the time you sell your property. Weekends work best because most prospective buyers are not occupied with daily chores. So, make sure that your weekends are completely free of chores.


visit real estate lanka to rend shops in colombo is the key element of the transaction. Once you've reached an agreement on an amount, you need to write it down. For legality, always get a lawyer on board to assist with the papers. The buyer is also employing his own lawyer to examine the title to ensure there are no mistakes. Most of the time, the sale of property in Sri Lanka involve a cash transfer. The contract has to be signed by both parties following the cash payment. The buyer has the right to make the payment within the time frame specified.

That's it! You've just sold your property.

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