Squirting Vs Orgasm

Squirting Vs Orgasm


Squirting Vs Orgasm
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The Sex Professor unravels the mystery of a woman's orgasm
When women squirt, is it the same thing as them having an orgasm? Or are they different? 
Female ejaculation (aka "squirting") involves women releasing fluids through their urethra during sexual excitement or orgasm. It was described in some detail in the 1980s book The G Spot and has since gained all sorts of attention in various porn films. In reality, we don't understand a whole lot about female ejaculation. Some studies have found that the fluids released are distinctly different from urine; in other research, it seems that some women are emitting a urine-like fluid. Generally, though, women who release fluids during sex are NOT peeing accidentally—just as men are not either. But because both men's and women's ejaculations occur through the urethra, there may be some urine-like residue still in the tube. 
How common is it for women to squirt? We don't know as there has been no good population based studies on the subject. Is it the same as orgasm? Well, it happens at the same time as orgasm for some women. Other women, however, squirt but do not orgasm. And even more commonly, women orgasm but do not squirt. In this way, it seems similar to men's orgasm. Though men usually ejaculate when they orgasm, ejaculation and orgasm are actually two different processes. To learn more about women's orgasm, check out Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction . To learn more about the female and male orgasms - including female ejaculation - check out The Science of Orgasm , a science-y (academic-ish) book but an interesting one. 

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The [Squirting] Orgasm vs. Regular [Orgasm] - [Female Masturbation]
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My fellow squirters, do you squirt when you're building up and coming or just one of the two? It took me many years to orgasm and when I do, it doesn't feel like the typical "thousand sneezes". It feels almost like water boiling...not in the sense of temperature but in sensation. I will squirt and it will feel good but then I still have to work for my lovely vagi-spasm traditional orgasms. I've only had a full on squirting orgasm twice and that sensation is amazing. I feel powerful. So my question is, what does it feel like to you and when do you tend to squirt while masturbating?
Everything I do is by myself. I am a [F] 27 yr old (religious) virgin. (And yes, staying a virgin is incredibly difficult.)
Oh and for my "me time", I bought McKesson incontinence pads on Amazon. It's a disposable pee pad. When I squirt (which for those who don't know, it's water, not pee) I can eject up to cup or two of fluid sometimes. These pads are amazing.
[Female masturbation] [Squirting] [Female orgasm] [Squirting orgasm] [Masturbation] [Cliteral stimulation]
I very very rarely squirt (generally only with the elusive gspot stimulation) but it's definitely not an orgasm for me and so far hasnt happened at the same time as an orgasm. I agree, it feels nice but I still want that orgasm after.
Same here. When I was a teenager I would squirt constantly, and my bf couldn't understand that I wasn't orgasming/satisfied. It is satisfying but not like an orgasm at all. It's more like a pressure release. Presumably from the weird liquid that just rapidly filled my bladder lol
Thank you for this- I read an article a long time ago that scientifically proved that squirting is in fact urine, but apparently it has a large amount of hormones in it as compared to regular urine... The vagina cannot squirt fluid. It has small mucous membranes that produce lubrication and cannot squirt any sort of anything, especially in those kinds of volumes... I'm tired of people saying it's not Pee when it's very clearly coming from your peehole and bladder lol
Yup, take a multi vitamin about an hour before hand...It will make you a believer that the majority comes from the bladder. (Source: myself)
This is interesting as there was a redditor who did an at-home experiment. She was taking medication that turned her urine orange (or purple, I can't remember).
She peed before masturbation, squirted, and peed afterwards.
The pee was discoloured both before and afterwards, but when she squirted, it was clear.
Stop the crusade to tell women that their ejaculate is urine. It's clearly distinct and there's nothing to be gained from "proving" that it's something dirty. Who cares if it comes from the bladder - men ejaculate via the urethra and that doesn't mean semen = urine.
I wish this thread had not turned into a "pee or not pee" debate. I really just wanted to compare notes.
And for the record, real squirting is not pee even though it comes from that hole. It doesn't smell and it has a slight sliminess to it. It is involuntary and sometimes after a girl squirts, she can also pee by accident. It's important to learn your body and people who have never squirted really shouldn't comment.
But it didn't; there's only one comment chain about it.
I don't know how to get more people to answer your question, but you have answers.
u/Ivalea might have some insight to this. She's like a fucking fountain.
When I'm by myself, I squirt in two separate bursts, simultaneously with my clitoral orgasm (and then some dribble). It's caused by my orgasm, although it doesn't trigger 100% of the time. I don't orgasm with anything in my pussy, just my Hitachi on my clit hood.
When someone else (or a fucking machine) makes me squirt, that's a whole different thing. It's usually near a vaginal orgasm, although they're usually not simultaneous, and sometimes there's no orgasm. It's triggered by rhythmic stimulation on my gspot, either vaginally or anally. I can keep going for over a minute (twenty squirts, maybe?) as long as the stimulation continues.
It scratches an itch but it's not orgasmic for me, at least not in the same way a dry one caused by piv with clit stim is.
Where did OP ask if it is urine? Why do the squirting questions always turn to this question. Stick to the question at hand.
There's one comment chain about it. And no discussion about the question, though a handful have answered.
Yeah, seriously! Ugh ppl need to stop with that.
I tend to squirt towards the end of an orgasm, if at all. Used to do it a lot more and haven't been able to as much in the past couple years. But yeah, it's like orgasm with vaginal contractions and everything, then I squirt as that's slowing down.
The first time I ever squirted, I was not having an orgasm. It was a very small amount of liquid and not thick, but not watery thin. It has been very difficult to replicate this. I was masturbating at the time, and it was very surprising to me.
When I squirt now, it is usually at orgasm or as intense as an orgasm with much more fluid that is very watery and slightly smells and it feels somewhat like I'm peeing. This always happens with my partner, when it does happen. It almost feels forced and kinda too intense.
It scratches an itch but it's not orgasmic for me, at least not in the same way a dry one caused by piv with clit stim is.
It scratches an itch but it's not orgasmic for me, at least not in the same way a dry one caused by piv with clit stim is.
It scratches an itch but it's not orgasmic for me, at least not in the same way a dry one caused by piv with clit stim is.
It scratches an itch but it's not orgasmic for me, at least not in the same way a dry one caused by piv with clit stim is.
I wish I could delete the entire "pee vs not pee" debate from this thread and just focus on the answers to my question. : /

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Think you know everything about female ejaculation? Sit down and learn a thing or two, guys
We don't know a lot about the science behind female ejaculation, a.k.a. squirting . We don't know exactly what's in it. We don't know why some women can do it, while others can't. Even women who squirt don't fully understand how they do it (though they do generally agree it's pretty dope). As if the female orgasm weren't complicated enough, squirting adds a whole new level of confusion.
As a woman, I thought I was incapable of squirting until I found myself doing it one night while I was masturbating in my bathtub (easy cleanup!). As it turned out, part of the reason why I hadn’t squirted yet was because I had bought into the myths about squirting: namely, that you can only do it when you stimulate your g-spot, or that it always looks like you've taken a Super Soaker to your sheets.
It's time to clear up these myths about female ejaculation once and for all. Here are eight common misconceptions about what happens when your partner showers you with love (pun absolutely intended).
If your experience with squirting is limited to watching it in porn, you've probably convinced yourself that there's no way that Super Soaker blast is legit. But “there’s no question that squirting is absolutely real,” says Amanda Luterman M.A., M.E.d., C.C.C., a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in sexuality. While the science behind squirting is not fully understood, documentation of female ejaculation stems all the way back to the 16th century, and numerous studies since have found that some women do indeed expel fluid during orgasm . So yes, squirting is real .
That said, just because squirting is real doesn’t mean that all women do it. In fact, one study of 300 participants reported that only seven women self-reported female ejaculation during orgasm. “I would never tell a woman that she’s incapable of squirting, nor tell a woman that everyone squirts,” Luterman says. It’s like anal: porn may make it look easy, but not everyone finds it pleasurable or even comfortable. And that’s OK. So if your partner doesn't squirt, don’t make her feel bad about herself. “Everyone is different. The body doesn’t go by a template,” Dr. Shepherd says.
OK, fine — t here is some pee in female ejaculate . But it’s not all pee. “It’s a combination of ejaculatory fluid as well as urinary fluid,” says Jessica Shepherd MD, an OB/GYN. The ejaculatory fluid comes from glands on the anterior wall of the vagina known as the Skene’s glands. Urine is present in the fluid because these glands are in close proximity to the urethra, says Shepherd. So if you’re dating a squirter, chill. You might get a bit wet, but Shepherd says exposure to female ejaculate carries no health risks. (And by the way, dudes: FYI, there’s totally a little urine in your pre-cum .)
“The top squirting myth is that it’s always an orgasm,” says sex educator Lola Jean , aka, “Lola Jean the Squirting Queen.” Jean teaches squirting workshops and says that while squirting and orgasm often happen in tandem, they aren’t always one and the same. Sometimes women will squirt without having an orgasm; sometimes, they'll squirt while coming, and sometimes they'll squirt after they get off, when they’re feeling more relaxed.
Pleasuring the g-spot, the spongey area of the anterior wall of the vagina about half-way between the opening and the cervix, makes some women squirt. But that’s not the only road you can or should take to that particular destination. Some women squirt from clitoral stimulation . Remember: the clit is more than the little sensitive bump right above the vaginal opening. “Think of a tree growing all those roots; the ends of the clitoris go way under the vaginal area that you wouldn’t be able to see. So how those nerve endings respond or how sensitive they are will be different for everyone,” Luterman says. So instead of zeroing in on the g-spot, have your partner show you what feels best when she masturbates. Once you’ve figured out what works for her, she can show you how to touch her in a manner that may induce ejaculation.
If you watch a lot of porn, you've probably seen a woman's vagina spout like a geyser. That's likely the result of porn stars using douches prior to shooting a scene. While some women do squirt a lot, others dribble, while some make puddles that look like they wet the bed. That's why you probably shouldn't expect your partner to gush the second you thrust two fingers inside her.
Unlike men, most women haven’t been shooting fluid out of their genitals on the reg since middle school. So most women who do squirt need to be ultra-relaxed to make it happen. Plus, some squirters may have been shamed for it by previous partners, which makes it even more difficult. So if you're turned on by her squirting, that's great — just don't pressure her to do it, which will likely make her anxious. Just focus on giving her pleasure and having a good time.
Yes, if your partner squirts a lot, staining is a possibility (especially if you have silk sheets). But hey, at least you’ll have sweet new tie-dye bedding. Seriously, if you’re concerned about ruining your sheets, just throw a towel under your partner. Jean suggests the Liberator Fascinator blanket , a glam plush throw designed to soak up sex messes. Need a squirting sheet protector in a pinch? “Regular old puppy pads are great for on the go,” Jean says.

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