Squirt While Anal

Squirt While Anal


Squirt While Anal
Can You Make Someone Squirt With Anal Sex? TLDR; yes, you can squirt from having anal sex — here’s how.
Can You Make Someone Squirt With Anal Sex?
Can You Make Someone Squirt With Anal Sex?
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While we tend to attribute squirting — or the ejaculation of fluid from the vulva — with vaginal sex, it can absolutely happen during anal sex, too. In fact, squirting from anal is pretty similar to any other kind of squirting experience — it just takes some practice. To help you, here’s a list of tips for you and/or partner(s) to learn how to squirt from anal, along with ways to intensity the experience.
Squirting from anal sex is pretty similar to any other kind of squirting experience . The membrane between the rectum and vaginal canal is quite thin, and the vaginal canal collapses like the sleeve of a shirt when there’s nothing inside, so the G-spot is easy to access from anal penetration. Some people even prefer G-spot stimulation from anal play because that extra tissue can make be more enjoyable for people who find direct stimulation too intense. 
Going for G-spot stimulation from anal sex isn’t necessarily for anal beginners. You’re going to want to be comfortable enough to play around with different angles and different intensities, so it’s a good idea to have a general comfort with anal penetration and to know what is and isn’t going to work for you. Like all anal play, lube is essential, especially if you’re aiming for vigorous stimulation. 
It’s important to know how to best prepare for anal play , so that you can avoid infection, injury, and discomfort. When you’re doing both anal and vaginal play, avoid cross-contamination by making sure you’re not going back and forth at all — that means fingers, mouths, toys, penises. Anything that goes in or around the anal area must be cleaned with soap and water before vaginal contact. Gloves, dental dams, and condoms (including internal condoms) can also help protect you. Just be sure to swap out barriers when moving from anal to vaginal contact. 
Lubrication is an essential tool to limit pain and infection during anal sex. Unlike the vagina, the anal canal does not self-lubricate, so use plenty of water or silone-based lube . If you choose to lubricate with saliva, it’s important to know the risks. Given that the mouth is full of bacteria, saliva as a lubricant presents more risk of infection and contracting STIs (i.e., oral herpes, gonorrhea). It also dries quickly and lacks a smooth consistency, so it’s best to stick with store-bought lubricant to avoid friction.
While it’s wonderful to be up for sexual experimentation and trying new things can be a lot of fun, sometimes setting a specific goal, like squirting from anal sex, can create a lot of pressure. It might sound cliché, but if we become too goal-oriented in our sex and play, we miss a lot of beautiful things along the way. 
If you’re not already squirting during sex it doesn’t mean that you’re missing out on some kind of better orgasm that other people are having, by the way. Plenty of squirters report that the orgasms aren’t any more intense or pleasurable than other kinds of orgasms , and some even report that they’re less pleasurable.  
Going for G-spot stimulation from anal sex isn’t necessarily for anal beginners . You’re going to want to be comfortable enough to play around with different angles and different intensities, so it’s a good idea to have a general comfort with anal penetration and to know what is and isn’t going to work for you. Like all anal play, lube is essential, especially if you’re aiming for vigorous stimulation. ‍
Also of note is that ejaculation and orgasm are separate processes for people with all genital configurations. However, in people with vulvas, it’s even more common for the ejaculation or squirting to come before orgasm, sometimes well before. That means you don’t necessarily want to stop stimulation when you see an ejaculation — rather, it’s important to check in and see what feels good. ‍
The overall sensitivity of the anal area can ramp up the experience of squirting from anal sex. There are tons of nerve-endings that can experience pleasure and for some people, the overall higher level of intensity can help increase the likelihood of squirting. Here are a few ways you can intensify squirting from anal. 
To build up arousal, it’s important to spend plenty of time engaging in foreplay. In fact, the more time, the better. There are so many ways to experience foreplay — including making out, dirty talking, and light caressing — and it looks different for everyone. Foreplay can help you and your partner ease into the experience, relax, and prepare emotionally and physically for what’s to come. While foreplay is commonly perceived as a precursor to sex, it can often become the best part of the experience — the main course, if you will.
It’s not just the G-spot area you’ll be hitting from anal penetration, but the whole clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex — all the structures that are responsible for pleasure. With arousal, the internal clitoral complex swells along with the urethral sponge and skene's glands. All of these areas press into and against the walls of the vaginal canal, especially the anterior wall, and that’s the area most associated with squirting orgasms. 
If you’re trying this on a partner, try inserting one or two fingers into the rectum and curving them upward towards the front of the body. While your fingers are just one to two knuckles deep, explore the area and different levels of pressure while in communication with your partner until you find the spots that feel best. 
Try to incorporate whatever kinds of stimulation usually feel good for you. If you’re used to using a vibrator for external stimulation during vaginal or anal penetration, make sure you’re doing that when you’re aiming for squirting. And just like other forms of G-spot play, an extreme curve can be helpful, whether that’s from a G-spot wand toy, curved fingers, or penile penetration that allows for a steep angle.
Your body learns how pleasure works over time and certain responses can become reinforced. So each time you squirt, it becomes more likely you’ll do so again. Both because the body gets used to that response, and because you’re more relaxed mentally and expecting it. Remember that learning a new skill or new response is a process, and try to enjoy that process at least as much as the potential end result.‍
Squirting from anal sex can be a lot of fun, but it takes time to get the hang of it. There are various techniques that might help intensify the experience — including starting with plenty of foreplay, mixing in other forms of stimulation, and focusing on the whole CVU complex. Just remember to take it slow and communicate throughout the process, so that you and your partner can work together and find what feels best. For more on anal play, check out seven anal sex positions that you can try with your partner(s). ‍
Stella Harris is a Certified Intimacy Educator and Sex Coach who uses a variety of tools to guide and empower her clients and she teaches everything from pleasure anatomy, to communication skills, to kink and BDSM. Stella speaks at venues and conferences across the USA and Canada while maintaining a private practice in her adopted hometown of Portland, Oregon. Stella’s first book, Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationships was published by Cleis Press in September 2018. You can also find Stella’s sex column in Portland’s Willamette Week.

There is a lot of controversy regarding whether or not anal and even vaginal squirting in women are real phenomena or just the product of curious imaginations.
Unfortunately, there have been few actual studies regarding female squirting, and the ones that have been conducted are usually conducted informally or on very small groups of women. However, there does seem to be some truth to the activity known as squirting, so if you’re curious about it, you can easily learn more about it.
For many women, squirting is definitely real. Women can squirt from either their vagina or their anus during sex. Although it can feel like you’re urinating at first, squirting is not the act of urination, but instead, usually involves a clear or whitish-colored liquid that squirts out after you have an orgasm.
Medical professionals are reluctant to name this fluid because they haven’t studied the phenomenon enough to know exactly how it is produced.
The terms “squirting” and “ejaculation,” when they refer to females, are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are actually two different occurrences. Female ejaculation usually refers to a thick, whitish fluid that comes from the female prostate, while squirting usually refers to a clear, thin, and abundant fluid that comes from the urinary bladder.
Although females do not have prostates, the term “female prostate” usually refers to the Skene’s glands or Skene’s ducts, which are small glands found on the front side of the vagina.
Another interesting fact about female squirting is that most females claim that to literally squirt while you’re having sex, you have to manipulate your body in a certain way, especially in the anal and vaginal areas.
This implies that squirting doesn’t necessarily come naturally to a lot of women, but the women that do squirt claim that any female can learn to squirt if she wants to, which may or may not be true.
When it comes to female squirting, different “experts” have different opinions.
Sex therapists say that when you strain your body to squirt, you can actually damage your pelvic muscles, and directors of porn films – which “capture” a lot of squirting on film – attest that even they are not convinced that the act is real.
After all, orgasms occur naturally without trying, so if you have to concentrate on the squirting process, it may or may not be a real thing.
When women squirt during anal or vaginal sex, it is usually a result of them pushing in a down-and-out motion with their pelvic region. There are a lot of fluids involved when you’re having sex, and it is natural for them to be expelled after you experience an orgasm.
Many women claim that this liquid can squirt out several feet after it is expelled, but again, this is likely just the natural moisture that results when a woman is aroused before and during sex.
In fact, many porn actresses have admitted that there are certain tricks used to make it appear as if a woman is squirting, even when she isn’t. This includes inserting the contents of a douche mixture into the anus or vagina right before the sex act occurs.
In fact, many porn actresses have admitted that there are certain tricks used to make it appear as if a woman is squirting, even when she isn’t. This includes inserting the contents of a douche mixture into the anus or vagina right before the sex act occurs.
Other people claim that the actresses are merely letting out a little urine after they orgasm, while others are convinced that the act of squirting is all BS and it doesn’t exist at all.
Still, the women who do squirt during vaginal or anal sex swear that the phenomenon is real, and this does seem to be true, since many different women have seen either thick, white liquid or thin liquid a little darker in color squirt out of them after they reach orgasm during the sex act.
Of course, the act of squirting in women does seem to be relatively rare because only a handful of women have experienced it, and few of those experience it on a regular basis.
Because of all these things, it is easy to understand why it is difficult to get the facts when it comes to squirting, gushing, and female ejaculation.
The meanings of these phrases are very similar, but since this phenomenon has not been fully studied, it is essentially up to the researcher to decide if it does or does not exist and what the different types of squirting consist of.
There are actually many different types of squirting, but the two main ones are anal squirting and vaginal squirting.
Many neurologists have claimed that the small amount of milky white liquid expelled after an orgasm is mostly associated with vaginal sex, and it usually consists of urine that is mixed with substances from the female prostate area.
In fact, physiologically, this liquid is similar chemically to urine and may even contain small amounts of PSA, according to neurologists.
Some women expel urine when they squirt, while others find that it is a combination of urine and other materials, so in essence, each woman is different.
Another interesting characteristic is the amount of squirting that occurs. Some women squirt barely enough liquid to fill up a shot glass, while others squirt so much that a large section of the sheets is damp or even wet.
Because squirting is something many women strive to do, there are now classes that teach this technique, which normally consist of teaching them to apply pressure to the G-spot area and coordinate the release of the pelvic floor muscles whenever you bear down.
The latter flattens out the angle between the bladder and the urethra and makes it more difficult to keep any type of liquid inside the bladder, which means it has to be expelled.
Once again, since there are no real rules when it comes to ejaculation versus female squirting, the answer to this question varies depending on what you read.
Many books and articles claim that female ejaculation is a vaginal act and squirting is an anal act, but since all the terms associated with squirting and ejaculating in females are often used interchangeably, it can get a little confusing learning which term means what.
There are also “experts” who claim that female ejaculation involves one type of fluid and female squirting consists of another, but again, since the terms are not clearly defined, you can never take these definitions at face value.
The best you can hope for is to learn the various ways all of these terms are defined so that you can become familiar with what your body is able to do.
Just knowing that both ejaculation and squirting are possible make a lot of women more comfortable with the phenomenon so that it is easier for them to give it a try at some point.
Sometimes, the research on female squirting produces results that differ from the real-life experiences of many women out there, which makes it confusing to figure out what is real and what is imagined.
Women who swear that they experience squirting are convinced that this is what is happening, and since a lot of the few studies on this phenomenon are conducted by male scientists, it is little wonder that there is some conflict between the different parties.
Squirting and ejaculation are rare in women, and since there are so few “official” studies that have been conducted on the phenomenon, the percentage of women who have experienced squirting always varies from one study to another.
Most of them, however, claim that up to 30% of all women have experienced squirting. Of course, that “up to” can be deceiving, and some studies have stated that the number is as low as 11%, which means the actual total could actually be quite low.
To make things even more interesting and confusing, many of the women in these studies have claimed they have only experienced squirting or ejaculating once or twice in their lifetime.
This means that even if the number of women who have experienced squirting is as high as 30%, the fact that so many of them have only experienced it a time or two gives you some idea of how rare it is.
Fortunately, squirting – such as other sexual activities – can happen any time the genitals and anus are stimulated, even if you are stimulating them yourself while masturbating.
Therefore, if you are interested in adding this activity to your sexual repertoire, you can always try it on your own before you try to make it happen with a partner.
According to most gynecologists, most women are able to squirt, but simply do not know how or they just aren’t interested in this type of activity. When women have an orgasm, they all ejaculate a little bit, because there is moisture and fluid inside of the vagina or anus that has to come out.
Because of this, there is always some type of liquid being expelled immediately after an orgasm occurs. The amount and type of liquid depends mostly on whether or not one of the glands inside of the vagina is a “squirting” gland, and there is no way for a woman to know whether she has this gland or not.
Because of these things, there is a certain number of women who are never going to experience squirting, regardless of how much they practice and try.
A lot of factors can affect your ability to squirt, including the type of glands you have and their ability to produce the amount of liquid you need to participate in squirting.
The amount of stimulation you’re receiving also affects your ability to squirt, so squirting is not necessarily something you have total control over.
In addition, when some women squirt, they are merely releasing urine from the bladder, and this makes it harder to determine whether the squirting you’re experiencing is true squirting or just urinating.
What all of this means is that while many women are capable of squirting, it isn’t for everyone, despite what happens in porn films. If you try squirting and it doesn’t happen, therefore, there is no need to feel bad about this.
As mentioned earlier, the type and number of glands inside of the vagina have a lot to do with whether or not you can squirt. Another aspect that makes squirting relatively rare is the fact that the only time most people see squirting happen is on the screen while watching porn.
Female squirting is very common in porn movies, and this makes women think it is easier than it actually is. The truth, however, is that squirting is uncommon and even rather difficult for most women.
The pressure some women feel to experience squirting can affect her psychologically as well, which means the chances of squirting can actually decrease if you are trying to mimic what you see in porn films.
Most of the results you get from your sexual activity – including orgasms and squirting – are due to being aroused, which is affected by many different things.
If you’re interested in squirting, the best thing to do is relax and take the pressure off of yourself so that you aren’t experiencing any unnecessary stress before you have sex.
If your glands aren’t conducive to the squirting experience, you won’t be able to squirt, regardless of how long you try. In addition, the amount of arousal you feel can increase the odds of squirting, and many women simply don’t get aroused enough to experience it.
Women, more than men, need to be prepared both psychologically and physically for any type of sexual activity to be successful, and if anything is missing she simply won’t even be able to climax, much less squirt.
Much like the orgasm that precedes it, squirting after sex has definite physical and emotional benefits. For one thing, squirting is a type of release that makes both the body and the mind feel much better. Many women describe it as freeing, liberating, and even mood lifting.
One of the reasons this is true is because a woman’s G-spot holds a lot of her emotions and feelings, both negative and positive, so when she squirts, it can get rid of a lot of things she’s
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