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I caught my wife in the act after 2 yrs of marriage (now past 30 yrs) never told her because i didn't want to embarrass her, When I ask if she has ever, says she doesn't need to and gets irritated. I know she does it still quite regular. We still have great sex regularly, but I feel after this long why the secret. I tell her I find it exciting ,but she just say's " I've already told you I don't need to and your ruining the mood" so I quit bring it up . I understand she probably feels it's her private biz. but can't help feeling frustrated that after so many year's we can't be more open. I love the fact she does and think it's great , She is not inhibited in bed and very open to sex toy's and even doing the deed in front of me. I'm just frustrated that she adamantly denies she self pleasure's alone. I work at night and kid's are gone and know she does it . ( How I know , well lets just say my curiosity , and frustration , got best of me) . ? . Should I just pretend I believe her and let it go? I have a feeling all the woman are going to blast me, but still 33 yrs of marriage and this one thing is taboo .By the way on bright side , she could pass for 40 and still fits in her size 6 jeans as when we married . This bring up another issue , she denies ever being hit on. I told her that actually being hit on is a good thing for my part , helps my ego. Ha.....
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I'm not going to blast you, I just suggest that even after all those years being married, people are still allowed (and in my opinion need) some privacy. Since you find the idea of her masturbating or being hit on exciting, go on and have as many fantasies about it as you like during your 'me time.'

@Wilde :
Agreed. Masturbation tends to be private. I wouldn't jerk off in front of my wife unless she asked me to do so. She has not and I suspect never will. I will keep it to shower time. And she can rub here junk whenever and wherever she pleases... of course that is if she does that kind of stuff....

I couldn't agree more with you. Guess my ? went off the track, happens when you put too much thought or words in it and leave out a the reason I used "lied" , simply put later(months) on I told her I saw her and she said she has never done that. She could do it everyday and not tell me , wouldn't bother me... Point was I saw it and couldn't understand why she so strongly denied it . If when I asked she looked me in the eyes and said " so . its my biz not yours " I would never gave it a second thought, not wanting too be a hypocrite and all.

It's clear that you and your wife have a great relationship inside the bedroom, but what about outside the bedroom? Other than discussing masturbation during sex or immediately after you've "caught" her, do you talk about masturbation or sex at all? Do you try to talk about it and she shuts you down, or do neither of you bring it up, period? Do you think she will be more willing to talk about it when she's not distracted by something else, i.e., sex, or at a time when she doesn't have her guard up?

In addition to being a very private matter, we are extremely vulnerable while masturbating alone. Generally, we are naked, and we put ourselves in a little private bubble and erect our own fantasy world where nothing can hurt us and all we feel is pleasure. By admitting to you that she masturbates when you aren't around, you are asking her to expose to you a very vulnerable side of her, which can be very uncomfortable at first. In addition, once the conversation is started, she may be afraid that you're going to ask her what she thinks about while doing it, which may also be uncomfortable for her.

Another reason is that she might not want to expose to you her opportunities for private time, i.e., shower time, while you're at work, etc., because she wants them to remain private and doesn't want to worry about you coming home and catching her.

Finally, put yourself in her shoes. It sounds like you've probably told her you masturbate alone, but does she know the frequency? Does she know what you fantasize about? Are you willing to discuss this with her when she finally admits it to you? Or, the ultimate invasion of privacy, would you want her to have an app on her phone that alerts her every time you masturbate? Maybe that's how she feels about revealing this to you. If you can sympathize with her on this and discuss it with her in a non-threatening way, maybe she will compromise with you and let you in just a little bit.

It sounds like your wife has a very healthy sex life, both alone and with you, and you seem to reap many benefits from it. Don't screw it up by pushing her on this.

Not all wives lie about masturbating, it's a highly individual thing whether we involve you or not. I'm a big fan of mutual and set up times for him to 'catch' me. It is also part of our regular menu in the bedroom. I realize not everyone thinks that way. Not sure why your wife won't share knowing how much it turns you on. And....... how could you keep from joining in when you caught her?

@fallen_angel :
I did . waited 5 min , didn't want to make it obvious , took me bout 3 sec's. Still hear her saying wow that was quick..

@copper50 :
LOL Round 2!! It's a huge turn on to me so I'm not sure what to tell you why she chooses not to involve you more.

@fallen_angel :
That's what so confusing for me. mutual is a big part of our " enjoyment" she has no problem with that .......she teases me all time by doing it in front of me just to see me squirm ...

@copper50 :
My only other thought is her upbringing, was she made to feel it was dirty or wrong?

@fallen_angel :
Could be... though I know her family well.. We actually grew up on same street and dated off and on since she was 15 and married at 20;;;;;;A real life girl next door story.

Some women will lie about it because they think it might be dirty. Secretly they wish they could do it in front of you. So during regular sex, just take her hand and go down towards her vagina. Take her finger and make her rub that area. In a short time she will join in and want to finish. Tried this with my wife and it works. Even told her that I masturbate all the time and mostly in the shower. In our last time for sex I rubbed her vagina till she came twice and then I proceeded to masturbate my penis. It's no big deal just get over of being shy.

What do you mean by your curiosity getting the better of you when you're at work and the kids are gone? Did you place a hidden camera in your home?

In one simple answer, they will lie because they don't want the next questions to follow, which men or women would do. Like, who or what are you fantasizing about. So, they rather deny. Of course everyone mostly do masturbate in private and we fantasize of stuff we want nobody else to know for reasons it can trigger bad reactions but nothing wrong to fantasize right ?

Only one person seemed open minded to copper50. Sad.

If a wife hides decades of masterbation, she’s essentially hiding desires/fantasies that don’t include him. Had he never knew about her playtime he’d be none the wiser about it. But he does...and women clearly do not understand the mind games that plays on a man’s mind.

Those very fantasies are the cause of an unrecognized injury or breakdown of a marriage. If his wife is getting off to something he dare not know about, you can bet there’s a heartbreak in the horizon.

True, men and women masterbate. Men and women have fantasies they keep to themselves because the frequency of those thoughts are at a minimum. Whoop dee doo.

The idea that “she needs her bubble” is pure nonsense and negatively impacts marriage vows.

I’ll say it for you copper: you’re walking this life spending more time than you care to admit what or whom else is turning your wife on. You’ve Probably carried this for years. You can either choose to not care, or go deeper with your The surveillance you hinted at and see where this goes. But the fact you’re asking after 30 plus years of knowing has broken your heart in some way. Your wife actually does owe you both an explanation and apology.

I wish you luck. You have my sympathy. Spouses should never do this to each other.


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I used to masturbate while my brother watched.
Comment removed by moderator · 7 yr. ago
/r/Confession is a place to admit your wrongdoings, acknowledge your guilt, and alleviate your conscience.
When I was around 12-13, I would often catch my brother spying on me when I was in the shower. He was 17 at the time. He would quietly open the bathroom door and look in the mirror on the back wall, assuming I couldn't see him. It happened almost every time I had a shower - almost every day. He would stay there until I turned the water off and then he would leave. Sometimes sooner if I spooked him.
He was older than me and I had always felt like I could trust him, so I never felt threatened or anything. Even though he was my brother, I knew that he was attractive, my friends always told me he was. So I let him watch me. The truth is that I liked the feeling of him looking at me. At some point, I started touching myself when he was watching. It started off as innocent washing but became masturbation over time. I know it sounds pretty gross, but it made me feel more mature at the time. Thankfully, I never told him I knew he was watching and it only went on for a year or so before he went off to college. I don't really know what I was thinking.
No sense bringing it up if he doesnt. If it bothers you later, there's therapy and other options and honestly, cross thst bridge when you reach it. Maybe you decide that you did enjoy it. Thats fine too, we cant control what makes us curiius. We can only control how we take the experience. For now, put it on the shelf and move on. No harm no foul
He was probably just horny as shit and would look at anything. As long as he never acted on it physically.
Slow your roll pal, were you in your right mind 24/7 when you were 17? I thought not.
And maybe attend Church/Synagog/,etc. or where-ever you worship your God a few extra times a day (if you worship at all).
I hope the downvoting was because of the spelling, or is that a trendy abbreviation?
Could someone explain to me why this guy looks like he was brigaded? I mean he's offering decent advice in my opinion..
I said it above and ill say it again. Calling him a creep and a pedo? Why? Were you in your right mind when you were 17? Was every decision you made a good decision?
Any male at 17 is going to be horny most of the time. Its just how the late stages of puberty and testosterone work. Doesn't mean he was attracted or wanted any part of OP, but he was just curious. Like any other 17 year old male or female you'll find.
wonderful open sensuality, you should rejoice xx


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if we r confessing then i must say this. i master debated to a porn once....
You should be ashamed of yourself. :toetap05:
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