Spunk Bucket

Spunk Bucket


SPUNK BUCKET slang means: Spunk bucket is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SPUNK BUCKET slang means: Spunk bucket is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SPUNK BUCKET slang means: Spunk bucket is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
More slang meanings / definitions of Spunk bucket is British slang for a promiscuous woman. or words, sentences containing Spunk bucket is British slang for a promiscuous woman.?
Slangy (a.): Of or pertaining to slang; of the nature of slang; disposed to use slang.
Spunk (n.): An inflammable temper; spirit; mettle; pluck; as, a man of spunk.
Promiscuous (a.): Distributed or applied without order or discrimination; not restricted to an individual; common; indiscriminate; as, promiscuous love or intercourse.
Slang (v. t.): To address with slang or ribaldry; to insult with vulgar language.
Slang-whanger (n.): One who uses abusive slang; a ranting partisan.
Promiscuous (a.): Consisting of individuals united in a body or mass without order; mingled; confused; undistinguished; as, a promiscuous crowd or mass.
Slang (n.): Low, vulgar, unauthorized language; a popular but unauthorized word, phrase, or mode of expression; also, the jargon of some particular calling or class in society; low popular cant; as, the slang of the theater, of college, of sailors, etc.
Forewoman (n.): A woman who is chief; a woman who has charge of the work or workers in a shop or other place; a head woman.
Punk (n.): An artificial tinder. See Amadou, and Spunk.
Spunky (superl.): Full of spunk; quick; spirited.
Touchwood (n.): Wood so decayed as to serve for tinder; spunk, or punk.
Mermaid (n.): A fabled marine creature, typically represented as having the upper part like that of a woman, and the lower like a fish; a sea nymph, sea woman, or woman fish.
Promiscuously (adv.): In a promiscuous manner.
Wife (n.): The lawful consort of a man; a woman who is united to a man in wedlock; a woman who has a husband; a married woman; -- correlative of husband.
Promiscuousness (n.): The quality or state of being promiscuous.
Spunk (n.): Wood that readily takes fire; touchwood; also, a kind of tinder made from a species of fungus; punk; amadou.
Sterling (a.): Belonging to, or relating to, the standard British money of account, or the British coinage; as, a pound sterling; a shilling sterling; a penny sterling; -- now chiefly applied to the lawful money of England; but sterling cost, sterling value, are used.
Slanging (p. pr. & vb. n.): of Slang
Lewd (superl.): Given to the promiscuous indulgence of lust; dissolute; lustful; libidinous.
Tumultuary (a.): Attended by, or producing, a tumult; disorderly; promiscuous; confused; tumultuous.
Raff (n.): A promiscuous heap; a jumble; a large quantity; lumber; refuse.
Jargonist (n.): One addicted to jargon; one who uses cant or slang.
Flash (n.): Slang or cant of thieves and prostitutes.
Slang (n.): A fetter worn on the leg by a convict.
Peg (n.): A step; a degree; esp. in the slang phrase "To take one down peg."
Indiscriminate (a.): Not discriminate; wanting discrimination; undistinguishing; not making any distinction; confused; promiscuous.
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Words, slangs, sentences and phrases similar to Spunk bucket is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SPUNK BUCKET means: Spunk bucket is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
BUCKET means: Bucket is slang for to move quickly. Bucket is British slang for a ship or boat. Bucket is British slang for an old car. Bucket is British slang for raining heavily. Bucket is British slang for a lavatory. Bucket is Black−American slang for a car.
SPUNK STAINED means: Spunk stained is British slang for an adulterous woman who has been discovered.
spunk bucket means: Noun. 1. A woman, possibly implying of easy morals. Derog. 2. Vagina, as viewed as a recepticle for semen.
bucket means: Used to describe a female of limited sexual restraint. Also added to other words for example, 'bucket-woman', 'bucket-cunt' etc.
HAY BAG means: Hay bag is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
DOG means: Dog is slang for a promiscuous woman.Dog is slang for something in a poor condition, worthless, of poor quality.Dog is slang for a sausage.Dog is slang for a wig.Dog is British slang for a share that performs badly on the stock exchange.Dog is British slang for to follow.Dog is derogatory Australian slang for a police informer.Dog is American slang for to abandon, reject or get rid of.
SLAG means: Slag is British slang for a prostitute or promiscuous woman. Slag is British slang for a despicable man.Slag is British slang for a petty criminal.Slag is British slang for to insult, criticise, denigrate.Slag is Australian slang for to spit.
SPUNK STAIN means: Spunk stain is British slang for an obnoxious person.
SPUNK means: Spunk is slang for spirit, courage. Spunk is slang for semen.
CHIPPY means: Chippy is slang for aggressive and hypersensitive. Chippy is British and New Zealand slang for a carpenter. Chippy is British slang for a fish and chip shop.Chippy is American and Australian slang for a prostitute or promiscuous woman.
FACTOTUM means: Factotum is British slang for a promiscuous woman's vagina.
BRASSWORK means: Brasswork is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
BICYCLE means: Bicycle is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SHED means: Shed is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SPUNKER means: Spunker is British slang for a promiscuous woman.
SPUNK RAT means: Spunk rat is Australian slang for an attractive young person.
BIKE means: Bike is British slang for a promiscuous woman.Bike is boxing slang for a boxer going backwards around the ring.
SPUNK UP means: Spunk up is slang for to ejaculate semen.
STRAP means: Strap is British slang for credit.Strap is Irish slang for a shameless or promiscuous woman.
Slangy means: Of or pertaining to slang; of the nature of slang; disposed to use slang.
Spunk means: An inflammable temper; spirit; mettle; pluck; as, a man of spunk.
Promiscuous means: Distributed or applied without order or discrimination; not restricted to an individual; common; indiscriminate; as, promiscuous love or intercourse.
Slang means: To address with slang or ribaldry; to insult with vulgar language.
Slang-whanger means: One who uses abusive slang; a ranting partisan.
Promiscuous means: Consisting of individuals united in a body or mass without order; mingled; confused; undistinguished; as, a promiscuous crowd or mass.
Slang means: Low, vulgar, unauthorized language; a popular but unauthorized word, phrase, or mode of expression; also, the jargon of some particular calling or class in society; low popular cant; as, the slang of the theater, of college, of sailors, etc.
Forewoman means: A woman who is chief; a woman who has charge of the work or workers in a shop or other place; a head woman.
Punk means: An artificial tinder. See Amadou, and Spunk.
Spunky means: Full of spunk; quick; spirited.
Touchwood means: Wood so decayed as to serve for tinder; spunk, or punk.
Mermaid means: A fabled marine creature, typically represented as having the upper part like that of a woman, and the lower like a fish; a sea nymph, sea woman, or woman fish.
Promiscuously means: In a promiscuous manner.
Wife means: The lawful consort of a man; a woman who is united to a man in wedlock; a woman who has a husband; a married woman; -- correlative of husband.
BLIGHTY means: Blighty is British slang for Britain.
The Stons means: (pernounced stones) The Detroit Pistons
nooky means: One that is not an anal virgin, that has been fucked.
Usage note:  means: Hoochie, (HOO-chee) n., (adj., hoochie, hoochified). A young woman who dresses in tight clothing and wears large amounts of make-up. “She’s trying to really look like a hoochie.” As an adjective, can mean slutty, tacky.  “That shirt is so hoochie.”  [Etym., First used in “Hoochie mama” from 2 Live Crew, hip hop]  Many people feel that hoochie has transcended its negative connotation and that it is also racist to identify all women who dress a certain way as a hoochie in the negative sense as this applies to many Chicano/Latino and African American female styles.  They also argue that hoochie can be a state of mind, a personal statement of working class identity, or a choice of friends. 
some means: very good or excellent; “we had some scoff”
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Noun. 1. A woman, possibly implying of easy morals. Derog.2. Vagina, as viewed as a recepticle for semen.
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