Spring Break Sex Stories

Spring Break Sex Stories


Spring Break Sex Stories
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Ah, spring break. A time for taking shots of questionable liquor, sporting scanty bikinis, and of course, hooking up with strangers in the steamiest (and TBH, sweatiest) situations. The only challenge is remembering all of the sultry details of your sexy spring break stories after a couple of jumbo-sized margaritas...
Sadly, I've never been on a "spring break, woohoo!" kind of vacation. Most of my vacays in college were spent working or traveling with family, not meeting beautiful strangers at hotel bars or seedy night clubs. And while that certainly doesn't mean that I can't appreciate the magic of making out with cute guys in foreign countries , it does mean that I am dripping with envy after reading a few of these spring break hookup stories.
If you've got a spring break trip coming up and are looking for a little hookup inspiration (or just enjoy living vicariously through other people's romantic encounters, as I do), look no further. Here are eight incredibly sexy tales of spring break make-out sessions (and so. Much. More.) to get you feeling inspired and possibly โ€” OK, definitely โ€” a little turned on.
No need to be envious, ladies. I'm sure you'll come back with a few stories of your own this year.
Now, go knock back a few margaritas and live out your own steamy hookup dreams this spring break.
*Names have been changed. Quotes have been edited and condensed for clarity.
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There's something about being on vacation that makes you feel a little more daring.
You've probably fantasized about the perfect spring break โ€” lounging on gorgeous beaches in amazing weather, making epic memories with your BFFs, and of course, flirting with your crush. But you can't forget the cringeworthy hookup stories and embarrassing moments that come with spring break. While they might not be apart of your fantasy, they totally happen.
Before we get into these hilariously awkward stories, we need to talk about spring break hookups. Though spring vacay is often associated with crazy hookup stories, don't ever feel pressured to have sex or do anything with anyone you aren't comfortable with. Plus, you can still have an amazing spring break without going on a wild adventure or kissing your crush.
And if you choose to get it on with bae, that's totally OK, too. Just remember that if it's awkward or embarrassing AF, you can and you will recover from those sticky situations !
Here, 23 real people share their craziest spring break confessions. From mortifying hookups to uncomfy public encounters, keep reading for ~cringy~ stories that actually happened.
"Over spring break, my BFF and I were at the beach walking on the boardwalk, when I saw a dollar bill sticking out between the boards. I went to pick it up, but someone from underneath the boardwalk pulled it out of my hand and we could hear a group of guys laughing. Embarrassed that we fell for their trick, my friend and I decided to try the prank on someone else the next day. We went under the boardwalk and stuck a dollar bill up between the boards, and all was going according to plan until we heard a loud stomp. When we pulled the dollar bill, someone was standing on it and it ripped in half! That was the last time we tried to prank anyone at the beach!" โ€” Kim, 20
"I was on spring break with a big group of friends when my crush dared me to dive off the highest diving board. He said I wouldnโ€™t do it, but I accepted the challenge and told him I wasnโ€™t the least bit scared, and that it was nothing. All my friends gathered around and started chanting my name as I climbed up the ladder. When I got to the top, I started shaking โ€” it didnโ€™t look that high from the ground! I tried to muster up the courage, but I just couldnโ€™t do it. I was terrified. I had to climb back down the ladder in front of my crush and face my friends. They teased me about it for the rest of the trip!" โ€” Hannah, 19
"I was on vacation in the Bahamas and I got this amazing chance to go swimming with dolphins. The dolphin trainer told us to take off all our jewelry, but I thought I'd be sneaky and leave my favorite ring on. It was just a harmless ring, right? But when the dolphin swam over to me, he bit my hand really hard and I shrieked, and my whole group started laughing at me โ€” including a bunch of really cute older guys! I was so embarrassed!" โ€” Nicole, 17
"While in Aruba for spring break, as I was applying lotion to my front side, my strapless bikini completely unhooked in the back and flung off of me. It went four feet in front of me! My initial reaction was to just stand there in shock because I was surrounded by people. When I finally overcame the shock, I placed my hands over my chest to cover up, and dove face first into the sand to try and hide. Then I proceeded to crawl โ€” army style โ€” in the sand to retrieve my top." โ€” Nicole, 20
"During spring break a few years ago, I bought a super cute new bikini that I saved for my first day on the beach. I secretly donโ€™t have the slightest idea how to swim, but didnโ€™t want to tell anyone, so I went in the water, but just planted my feet firmly in the sand at the bottom and chatted with a friend. A few minutes later, a wave took me down and my crush had to come to save the day! It wasn't all that bad until I realized the ocean took my bikini top away. Worst way to start the week!" โ€” Danielle, 22
"It was spring break and my friends and I decided to hit the local water park. One of my favorite rides is a slide that shoots you into a giant pool like a cannonball. I'd gone on it a million times and never had a problem, but this time, as I hit the water my bikini top flew off! I grabbed it and got it back on as I got out of the pool, but it was still pretty embarrassing walking past the giggling lifeguard.โ€ โ€” Emily, 20
"For spring break during my senior year of high school, my friends and I decided to go to my beach house, and immediately hit the beach on the the first day. We were throwing around a frisbee and I went to run for it. The problem was that I wasn't looking down and ran into the garbage can. Even worse? My older brother's group of cute friends watched the whole thing. I was mortified!" โ€” Erin, 20
โ€œI was on spring break with all my friends and we were so excited to ride the ferris wheel on the boardwalk that overlooked the beach. We were even more excited that a group of cute boys we met wanted to join us. Unfortunately, as the ride was ending and I got out of the swinging chair, I totally lost my balance and fell down the ramp leading onto the ride. My friends laughed about it for the whole rest of the trip.โ€ โ€” Alison, 21
โ€œI was at the beach with my friends and had to go to the bathroom. When I got in the stall, I realized I had gotten my period, so I went to the door and yelled (loudly) to my friends waiting outside to see if any of them had a tampon. When no one answered, I opened the door only to find that my friends had walked back to the beach and two cute guys were standing there trying not to laugh! It was mortifying.โ€ โ€” Michelle, 17
โ€œLast spring break I went to the lake with my best friend and was on my period, but I didnโ€™t know. We got out of the water and laid out in the sand for a while. Some cute guys came over and we all thought itโ€™d be funny to make me into one of those sand mermaids, but when I stood up, there was a ton of blood in the sand! I was so embarrassed that I jumped back into the lake and waited for my mom to come with a new bathing suit.โ€ โ€” Jessica, 18
โ€œMy friends and I had gone down to a beach close by for a day during spring break. We played around on the beach and in the water for hours! Since I'm very pale and sensitive to the sun, I reapplied my sunscreen almost every half hour. My friends made jokes about how over-the-top it was while they laid around sunbathing all day. Eventually, when I was almost out of sunscreen, we headed home. When I got home, I realized my back was bright red! Despite my best efforts I got horrible sun poisoning โ€” it turns out my sunscreen was expired! Now I never go to the beach without a personal umbrella. My friends still tease me about it.โ€ โ€” Aubrey, 21
"I was at a spring break party and in walked Chris*, this cute guy I had just started talking to. We'd kissed the last time I saw him, so I had a feeling this would be the night we'd finally make out. I wasn't wrong. We ended up only making out for a minute because so many people were around us. I was so giddy that I went upstairs to find my best friend and tell her about it. I heard Chris coming and figured he wanted to kiss more in private, so I ducked into the food pantry, which was basically pitch-black. When he walked in, I grabbed him and went for it. You can only imagine how mortified I was when I pulled away and realized it wasn't him โ€” it was his twin brother! Seriously, who makes a mistake like that? Chris wasn't mad, but things didn't last very long with us afterward. Now we're just friends who laugh about The Pantry Incident all the time." โ€” Sher, 17
"We got so caught up making out on the shore, our cruise ship almost left us behind. The captain was not happy." โ€” Erin, 21
"I've always been the girl who avoids doing anything that could get me in trouble. But when I went on vacation to visit my family in Michigan last year, my cousin convinced me that my life could use some excitement. One of her friends and I had really hit it off, so the last night of my trip, I slipped away to see him. We drove around until we saw a sign for a lake nearby. Like I said, I was feeling adventurous, so we decided to go for a swim in our underwear. We were splashing around for a bit when I started shivering. He said, 'Oh, are you cold?' and swam in close so we were facing each other. Then it happened. He pulled me in for the most electric kiss. Between his warm lips and the chilly water โ€” and the fact that this was so something I never did! โ€” I don't know what gave me goosebumps most. My takeaway from the whole experience? I still obviously don't want to get grounded, but it's fun to be impulsive once in a while" โ€“ Adele, 18
"The upside to a downpour flooding our camp site? Kissing in the rain was H-O-T." โ€” Julia, 22
"I went to Six Flags with a group over break, and I was pumped because my crush, Livy, came too. The only problem? She was shy. Luckily โ€” or should I say unluckily โ€” I had an idea to get closer to her. The guys and I had been playing this game all day where we tried to make someone flinch by lunging at them. So in an attempt to make Livy laugh, I did the lunge thing to a donkey walking by in a parade. So. Dumb. Not only was she unimpressed, but I ended up being taken to security! On the ride home, I admitted I only did it to make her like me. I could tell she felt bad and my gut told me that this was my moment. So I leaned in slowly and we kissed! I'll never do something that stupid again, but this time, it was worth it." โ€” Todd, 21
"A guy actually told me: 'I'm a vampire. I like to bite people. And by bite , I mean kiss .' I kissed him anyway." โ€” Lauren, 19
"My junior year of high school, I went to Mexico for a week with my best friend and her family. It was our last night of vacation, so we decided to go dancing. That's when I met Steven. He was tall with messy hair โ€” literally the hottest guy I had ever seen. I was having so much fun laughing and dancing with him; I didn't want the night to end. So instead of turning in, we asked if he and his friends wanted to go for a walk along the beach. I hinted to my friend that I wanted alone time with Steven, so the group went ahead of us. We sat down behind a stack of chairs and started hooking up. Suddenly, it became very bright. I thought my friends were pulling a prank, but when I looked up, there were security guards shining their flashlights on us. While I hurried to fix my clothes, Steven gave them $20 to leave us alone. I guess what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico โ€” so long as you have extra cash!" โ€” Sabrina, 18
"I hooked up with my ex in a baseball dugout. It was... shall we say... dusty." โ€” Payton, 17
"I had a crush on my best guy friend, Ryan*, for as long as I can remember. But I was scared it would ruin our friendship if I told him the truth about how I really felt. Then at his spring break kickoff party, someone came up with the idea to play spin the bottle in the hot tub. I was terrified โ€” the only kiss I'd ever had was a small peck โ€” so I tried to back out. But Ryan insisted I play. When my turn came, I was so nervous, I thought I was going to barf. I remember thinking, Please don't be him. Please don't be him. The last thing I wanted was for our first kiss to be awkward. But of course, the bottle landed on him! I tilted my head slightly, put my arms around his neck, and mimicked what he did with his tongue. It was like fireworks. As everyone was toweling off to go inside, Ryan stopped me and asked if we could talk. He admitted that he liked me, and we got back into the Jacuzzi to make out. Looking back, I'm so happy I didn't chicken out on the game. We ended up dating after that!" โ€” Amanda, 16
"I told my mom someone broke in to cover up that I had snuck out. She called the cops to report it!" โ€” Raymond, 21
"My friends and I (including my girlfriend, Donna, and my neighbor Sarah) were sitting around bored over break, when someone had a brilliant suggestion: Let's play hide-and-seek. As I was running around outside, I noticed the bathroom window at Sarah's house was open, so I climbed through it. I pulled the shower curtain aside to hide, and guess who I found? Donna! I was about to make a mad dash for a new hiding spot when she whispered, 'Stay with me,' and pulled me in next to her. There we were alone, crammed together, with our adrenaline racing from the game โ€” it was pretty sexy. In that moment, we locked eyes, and bam โ€” we started making out. The seeker got quite a surprise when she finally discovered us!" โ€” Sanne, 19
"This girl I was talking to invited me over to her house one night. I didn't realize her parents were strict until she told me we had to be quiet. So we put on a movie and began making out. Right when we started getting into it, we heard a knock. It was her mom! Panicked, my crush shoved me into the space between her bed and the wall and threw a ton of pillows over me. I had to lie there dead silent for 10 minutes while they talked. I couldn't believe I didn't get caught. That is, until her older brother pulled into the driveway right as I was climbing out her window to leave. After all that effort to stay concealed โ€” busted ." โ€” Justin, 18
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Danielle groaned as Jeremy slid in and out of her with a firm and persistent pace. She could feel his breath on the nape of her neck, his toned chest pressed against her heaving breasts. Her fingers traced along his muscled flanks, flexing tautly with each thrust.
She shifted slightly to her right and cupped her right breast, pinching her nipple hard enough to elicit a gasp. This was a game she always played with herself. The harder she pinched, the more it delayed her orgasm, and the more intense her orgasm would be. And when she was feeling bad about it, she pinched harder to punish herself.
She shouldn't be doing this. She was going to be late. Her housemates were no doubt going to be ready to leave any minute now, and here she was, occupied. She pinched harder, extending her nipple as far as it would go as the soft flesh of her ample breast filled the palm of her hand.
"Fuuuuuck," she moaned as she dipped her other hand lower and started rubbing her clit. She was so close.
Suddenly, there were three quick, loud raps at the door.
"Come on, Danielle! Let's go! The guys are going to be here any minute."
Danielle jolted from her morning wet dream with her nipple throbbing and her pointer and middle fingers
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