Spring Break Piss

Spring Break Piss


Spring Break Piss


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Spring Break invasion 2014 // - L'originale, n.1 in Croazia
72 ore party no stop! Questo è quello che troverai allo Spring Break Invasion. Ogni giorno: Live Music, After Beach Partys, Eventi esclusivi, Games, Tornei Sportivi, Party Boat and so much more...
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Posted in RANDOM     20 Mar 2013     64227     4

I think that many don't realize that you can still have a really fun time without the alcohol, drugs, and illicit sex. Jesus and the bible are all you need for complete fulfillment. Take turns reading passages from the good book and discuss what you can do to honor Jesus and live a righteous life. It's a rockin' good time!! .
If bible is all you need we would not be having this conversation! It has been 1900 years with New Testament
Even Jesus turned the water into wine.
These photos are taken on South Padre Island, Texas and show the drunken chaos that occurs when 60,000 college students descend for Spring Break.
Padre is known as the trashiest Spring Break destination and encourages excessive drinking on the beach with bars charging as little as $9.50 per cocktail. Interestingly there are approximately 60 daily casualties as a result of drink, drugs and accidents seen at the triage tent so it is no surprise then that what happens on Spring Break, stays on Spring Break.

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