Spread The Joy

Spread The Joy


Spread The Joy

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Home / Achieving Happiness / Spread the Joy of Serendipity
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Let’s all spread the joy of serendipity! There’s no question when you encountered a serendipity event, it made you smile, didn’t it?! Of course it did! That magical moment when you least expect it — when something delightful happened and you realized that the universe has conspired to bring this to you!
Made You Smile Back is thrilled to be sharing this engaging and delightful article about the joy of serendipity! Join me as we explore the various meanings of this wonderous word and the connection it has with coincidences and synchronicities.
A fun YouTube video will be offered as well as examples of serendipity events. Did you know that there are ways to open yourself to receiving frequent serendipity events and even knowing the best places to receive them!
Finally, Made You Smile Back shall present 10 ways showing how to spread the joy of serendipity to everyone!
First things first. Did you know there are really a few different meanings on how ‘serendipity’ is defined? Let me share with you my findings on some of the more popular internet online ‘dictionaries’.
Let’s start with the ‘go-to’ of all online sources, Wikipedia .
Serendipity means an unplanned, fortunate discovery.”
This is the briefest definition I came across. But it just didn’t feel worthy enough for this wondrous word, so I continued my research. Alas, Merriam-Webster® did not disappoint.
… the phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.”
But what I was most impressed with was Merriam-Webster ® also included a ‘thesaurus’ definition as well:
Literary : the unexpected occurrence of or faculty for finding valuable or agreeable things that are not soughtThey found each other by pure serendipity .
Synonyms and Near Synonyms of serendipity :
But the ‘creme dele creme’ online dictionary that gave our wonderful word, ‘serendipity’ the description that was most worthy was rather a new site known as ‘Vocabulary.com’
“If you find good things without looking for them, serendipity — unexpected good luck — has brought them to you.
Serendipity does not come from Latin or Greek, but rather was created by a British nobleman in the mid 1700s from an ancient Persian fairy. The meaning of the word, good luck in finding valuable things unintentionally, refers to the fairy tale characters who were always making discoveries through chance .”
So, as an example of a ‘serendipitous event’, you can thank serendipity if you find a pen or pencil at an empty desk just as you walk into an exam and realize that you forgot yours.
In learning how to spread the joy of serendipity, we also need to take a closer look at how coincidences and synchronicities weave into the ‘big’ picture. The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung devoted a large part of his work to the study of “meaningful coincidences”, or synchronicity, and how seemingly chance occurrences can move our lives forward significantly. 
While on the other hand, serendipity can be more described as good fortune, luck, or a fortunate accident. It’s the effect by which you accidentally discover something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely.
Let’s take a moment and enjoy this YouTube video where Jason Silva explains how serendipity can be created.
Justaposition – an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast
In summary, Jason Silva reminds us of Erik Davis these points:
What does serendipity mean to you? Listen to these five different explanations below.
A very good coincidence , often leading to something really awesome.
It was serendipity that I put one quarter in the gumball machine and three came out.”
The action of making happy discoveries, by accidents and sagacity , of some thing not initially in quest of. ‘I lost a needle in a hay stack last week, however whilst looking for it I found the farmers daughter’ – I had to consider this (as she was pretty and willing) a stroke of serendipity .
The act of ‘stumbling’ upon something good or fortunate. Something that makes you happy. I found myself walking along the streets of New York City thinking of the hit romantic comedy ‘ Serendipity ‘. For some odd reason, I suddenly stopped walking to answer my cellphone. When I looked up, I saw I was right in front of the small boutique shop known as ‘Serendipity’. If that doesn’t describe the brilliance of sheer serendipity , I don’t know what does.
Last year, my husband, my daughter Nadean, and I were driving thru Arizona on our way to California. We intentionally decided to take a ‘side road’ and check out Sedona. OMG, with every-single-turn traveling south on Arizona Highway 180… it was truly a ‘serendipitious’ adventure. One we never expected and two, we will always remember the feelings of overwhelming joy and happiness.
I love the idea that some things in our life may happen due to fate or a chance ‘serendipitous’ meeting. Do you know a couple who met like this? It’s like they are ‘soul mates’ who were destined to end up finding one another!
It received rave reviews and is considered a classic and is often used as a true example of ‘romantic serendipity’. I’m sure you can find it on one of your local cable channels or on RedBox.
The extraordinary is occurring all around us. There are ways when wonderful things happen, we can make a conscious effort to be open to receive them.
The question is, do we embrace these events, are we open to surprise or are we trying to control every outcome and end up missing out on the magic of serendipity?
Check out this 10 fun ways to spread the joy of serendipity and feel the ‘happiness’ as a ummphh… serendipity bonus!
Today, make it your practice to appreciate the good things in life that are always out there, waiting to be recognized and acknowledged. You don’t need to worry about why they are happening, just enjoy and witness that they are.
Join in the conversation below and share what the latest serendipity surprise you have received!
this post makes me smile 🙂 great suggestions. I had never personally thought of social media serendipity!
I love that this site has such a positive energy. It is so important, but hard to put into practice sometimes. I will make an effort to look up more.
I love the idea of random acts of kindness as serendipity generators. What a positive approach xx
Beautiful sentiments. I was recalling a trip to Slovenia a few years ago. It was not a country I would have chosen (part of the former communist Yugoslavia) but it was part of an arranged trip. Yet I came to love everything about that country. Especially in Maribor, a city on the eastern edge of the country which is out of the normal ‘tourist path’, we had a fabulous time engaging with local residents – shopping in their farmers’ market and other non-touristy local stores. I suppose one could say it was serendipity that led me there, but it is definitely on my list of places to visit again – much more to than Austria or Czechia.
Lovely post! I really enjoyed reading the 10 fun ways to spread the joy of serendipity. Taking a road trip across a scenic road is my favorite way 😀
What an interesting and intuitive article! I love the idea of serendipity and I think it’s beautiful. I believe my husband and I meeting was a serendipitous moment. 🥰
I first came across the idea of serendipity in one of my favourite book The Road Less Travelled. In it, the author calls it a way of your subconscious mind to take you to the right path. Your work is really beautiful.
Wonderful post! This put a smile on my face to stay positive and spread serendipity! 🙂
Jas, thank you for your positive comments!
Great post. I had a vague idea of what serendipity meant. Your post gives a great explanation of what it is. Like all the other commenters, I enjoy reading your articles as they are so positive. I love the tips on how to spread serendipity.
Poovanesh, thank you for your kind comments. I just love the word, ‘serendipity’ and I’m so glad you were able to learn it from this post.
Yeah, we should always go out of our way to spread some love and the joy of serendipity.
Another way of sharing happiness is by giving tangible things as an act of gratitude.
Great article, loved it.
Agbaghe, thanks for your comments on the joy of serendipity. Acts og gratitude are also important.
The world would be a much better place if we would all go out of our way to spread a little happiness and joy. It doesn’t take much effort, but it can mean the world to those we touch
Your post has made me smile today, maybe it is surrendipitous that I read it, Thank you.
Marian, yes I fo believe you were touched by the magiv of serendipity joy!any blessings.
Loved reading your post, it made me feel inspired and happy! And I really believe in the power of serendipity too. Was so surprised to see a beautiful Jason Silva video. I actually spent about an hour binge-watching some of the stuff. It’s so amazing to me how happy he always looks in his video. My fave part of your post was around meaningful moments you leave for others, especially where you can leave money or a book for a random stranger. That’s really so powerful 🙂
Emelia, your response was very kind. Yes this blog, ‘Spread the Joy of Serendipity’, was a pure joy to do. And yes, when I found Jason Silva’s video, I just had to incorporate it in my blog. Many blessings.
Wow! I love this post. Not only is it heartwarming…but it touches the soul. I have had romantic serendipity and we’ve been married for almost 24 years!! I enjoy the honesty of your writing. It’s lovely.
Brenda, thank you for your kind response about the wonders of serendipity kindness.
Oh Brenda I Love your post. Romantic serendipities get me excited! Cheers to many more years together!!!
I really enjoyed this post. I am going to take some of your suggestions to spread serendipity and experience some myself!
Julie, thanks so much for your comments. I’m so glad you enjoyed my post on how to spread the joy in serendipity.
Nice post. I suppose I would consider serendipity as being in the right place at the right time but showed up for another reason. We call it something else in our faith. I think the word is divine intervention. I love that you’re getting people excited and more adventurous in life again. Looking at common things from new eyes open up all kinds of wonderful discoveries and make what we take for granted a whole new adventure. Then the adventure mindset continues growing.
To embrace the child like creativity and possibilities is where half the magic is. Maybe we should experience play-doh and finger painting again to get the creative juices going to leave the house with the anticipation of good things and kind people. To be the bright spot of someone’s day.
Nice post, Beth! You are such a kind and sweet person.
Wow Lisa! Thank you so much for praise and encouragement on my bloh about spreading the joy of serendipity. Im so flattered.
I feel like these moments happen all the time….you just have to be open to them! Great post! Thanks for sharing! ?
Holly, thanks so much for your positive comments anout spreading the joy of serendipity.
Yes, you made me smile a lot whilst reading this blog! Thanks!
SERENDIPITY moment today – I had been thinking of updating my logo a few days ago and today a Pay What you Can for a logo post came up on my newsfeed – so I did!!
Nicole, what a delightful serendipity event you experienced! Continue to spread the joy of serendipity!
I am wanting to go outside more with my son more and explore the world. This post just really inspired me. Very much knowledge and inspiration in this post!
Katie, thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog on spreading the joy of serendipity! So glad you were inspired.
I always love reading your blog. Your work is so beautifully written and is full of happiness and positivity. I always have a big smile on my face when I am reading your posts. Thanks very much for sharing.
Michelle, thank you for the spreading the ‘joy of serendipity’ — as reading this, it was a serendipity moment for myself!
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14 Jan 2022 05 May 2022 05 May 2022
This achievement can be done right after getting the double barrel, there will be an area with a lot of processed. Line 3 up close to each other and kill them with one blast from your shotgun.

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Serious Sam 4 (Windows) Achievement Sessions
Kill 3 enemies with a double shotgun blast.
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24 Dec 2021 24 Dec 2021 24 Dec 2021
Really easy to get as the first level where you get this weapon has a ton of weak enemies that you can easily bunch up together to clear out with one blast, though i'd recommend doing this on tourist difficulty so you have enough time to line up the shot.

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Kill 3 enemies with a double shotgun blast.
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