Spread Syntax

Spread Syntax


Spread Syntax
string = "GOOGLE" ;

console.log ( "Normal Syntax result: " + string )

console.log ( "Spread syntax result: " ) ;

console.log ( ...string ) ;
function printSum ( a,b,c,d,e ) {

console.log ( a+b+c+d+e ) ;

function printSum ( a, b, c, d, e ) {

console.log ( a + b + c + d + e ) ;


numbers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ] ;

printSum ( ...numbers ) ;
Numbers = [ 3 , 52 , 6 , 7 , 1 , 3 , 5 , 3 , 1 , 5 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 1 , 2 ] ;
array1 = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 6 , 7 , 7 ] ;

array2 = [ 1 , 10 , 2 , 44 , 66 , 22 , 11 , 33 , 56 ] ;

finalArray = [ ...array1, ...array2 ] ;

console.log ( finalArray ) ;
JavaScript released a lot of features with the release of the ES6 JavaScript back in 2015, one of the features that were new to JavaScript was the spread operator; the spread Operator has a similar identifier to the rest parameters which is the triple-dot โ€œโ€ฆโ€ before the variable name.
The triple-dot identifier when used before a variable name in an argument is known as the spread syntax or a spread argument. The spread argument breaks the iterable object (array or a string) and passes them on to the arguments.
To understand the difference between normal variable output and the spread variable out, take a look at the figure below:
To understand the basic functionality of the spread operator, you are simply going to create a string object and pass it inside the console.log() function. Afterward, use the spread operator to pass it inside the console.log() to examine the behavior of the spread operator:
You will get the following output when you execute the code snippet above:
The arrow is pointing at the normal string output and the red rectangle is enclosing the output of the spread syntax. You can notice gaps between each character of the spread syntax output that is because each character is being treated as a different element.
The whole purpose of the spread syntax and the spread operator is to create the spread arguments and pass them inside the function. To demonstrate this you are going to create a function that will take 5 arguments and will print the result of the values passed inside the arguments with the following lines of code:
You are going to create an array with 5 integer values inside it using the following line:
For the last step, you are going to call this function using the spread arguments and pass in the numbers array using the spread syntax like a single argument with the following line:
After executing the code, you will get the following output:
All the elements inside the numbers array were passed as individual arguments to the function and then each argument was added printed on the console.
But, What if your numbers array has more elements than the arguments of the function?; Well, in that case, only the first 5 elements of the array will be used and others will be discarded, thus, preventing any error.
To showcase this, take the above-mentioned function and pass in the following array inside it:
You will see the following result on the console:
You can see, even though we had more elements inside the array that were passed into the argumentโ€™s list with the spread syntax, the extra elements were all discarded, and therefore, we did not get any errors.
We can even use the spread syntax or the spread operator to concatenate array elements with other elements by passing in the complete array within a single element.
You can see that the finallArray has both the array1 and array2 concatenated inside it and we only gave two elements in the โ€œfinalArrayโ€.
That is for the spread syntax in JavaScript.
Spread syntax was introduced in JavaScript as a new feature with the release of ES6. Spread syntax or commonly known as the spread argument is used to expand the elements of an iterable object -: Array or String โ€“ over a list of arguments of a function by individually passing each element. This functionality of the ES6 JavaScript programming language allows dealing with certain scenarios where you have more arguments than the parameters of the function. The spread operator can also be used to concatenate elements of the array which we examined with the help of an example.

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The spread syntax allows an iterable (array, string) to be expanded in places.
Let say we have multiple arrays and we want to merge that to one array. We can use powerful spread syntax to merge them into one. This spread syntax can be good a replacement of concat , splice , push methods. Consider the following example:
We can use spread syntax for copying arrays. Previously we used to use slice method on arrays to copy array in JavaScript. But now in ES6 we can use spread syntax to copy array without affecting base array. See the example below:
unshift is used to insert one or more elements at the beginning of the array. Spread syntax can be used to insert element at any position of the array. If we use the spread syntax then it will insert the array elements at the beginning of the array. Let see code the code below of inserting elements at the beginning of the array before ES6 and with ES6:
Spread syntax can be used to object literals in ES6. We can use it to do a shallow copy of one object to another object. See the following code:
The spread syntax can be used to merge objects. See the following code segment:
In the above code segment the obj1 and obj2 are merged to newObj . As we can see the common properties are merged into one.

console . log ( multiply ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 )) ;
function multiplyAll ( ... args ) {
function welcomeSite ( siteName , bookName , ... bookTitles ) {
console . log ( ' Welcome to ' + siteName + 'โ€™s ' + bookName + ' book' ) ; // Welcome to W3Docsโ€™s JS book
// the rest go into bookTitles array
console . log ( bookTitles [ 0 ]) ; // Arrays
console . log ( bookTitles [ 1 ]) ; // Functions
console . log ( bookTitles . length ) ; // 2
function f(arg1, ...rest, arg2) { // arg2 after ...rest!!!!
// error
console . log ( arguments . length ) ;
showSiteBooks ( "Javascript" , "Git" ) ;
showSiteBooks ( "Javascript" , "Git" ) ;
let showArgs = ( ) => console . log ( arguments [ 0 ]) ;
console . log ( Math . max ( ... arr )) ; // 8 (spread makes array into a list of arguments)
let arr1 = [ 2 , - 3 , 5 , 4 ] ;
let arr2 = [ 9 , 2 , - 7 , 2 ] ;
console . log ( Math . max ( ... arr1 , ... arr2 )) ; // 9
let arr1 = [ 2 , - 3 , 5 , 4 ] ;
let arr2 = [ 9 , 2 , - 7 , 2 ] ;
console . log ( Math . max ( 3 , ... arr1 , 6 , ... arr2 , 18 )) ; // 18
let merged = [ 1 , ... arr , 3 , ... arr2 ] ;
console . log ( merged ) ; // 1,5,4,9,3,6,8,12 (1, then arr, then 3, then arr2)
console . log ([ ... str ]) ; // W,3,D,o,c,s
// Array.from converts an iterable into an array
console . log ( Array . from ( str )) ; // W,3,D,o,c,s


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JavaScript has a range of helpful features allowing developers to work with arrays and function parameters much effortlessly. In this chapter, the rest parameters and spread syntax are covered.
The rest parameter gives you a robust way to work with an indefinite quantity of parameters.
For better understanding what rest parameter is, letโ€™s start from the beginning.
You can call a function with an unspecified number of arguments, no matter how it can be defined.
No error can occur here, because of โ€œenormousโ€ arguments. But, only the first two are counted in the output.
You can include the rest of the parameters in the function definition using three dots, like this: โ€ฆ . It must be followed by the array name containing them. The literal meaning of the dots is โ€œgather the remaining parameters into an array.โ€
Now, letโ€™s cover this example:
You have the option of getting the first parameters as variables gathering only the remaining part.
In the example below, the first two arguments get into variables, and the rest - into bookTitles array:
Please, take into account that the rest parameter
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