Spread Legs Girl Teen

Spread Legs Girl Teen


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I think a RL craving of ice cream (...and maybe other things)
reminded me of this trite, needy, yet-again-written-for-Tumblr, three year old blurb. I apologise if this isn't your cup of tea should you read any further.
They sat at the high top with her back against the corner, facing away from the busy traffic of the trendy, little ice cream shop. She was wearing almost exactly what he asked of her, a pretty little sundress, pale yellow cotton with a small ruffle criss-crossing the deep v neckline and matching the hem which fell to her knees. It was almost modest if not for the obvious lack of bra. He’d told her to stay while he ordered. As he walked back to their spot, slowly weaving in and out of patrons as he took in the view of her sitting there, gilded by soft filtered late afternoon sun, fingers nervously twisting her lap, he had to bite his lip to keep from grinning like a wolf who just found little Red.
She smiled when she noticed him approaching, two double-scoop waffle cones. She reached out to take one from him, but he pulled it back out of reach and tsked. “Uh-uh. You forgot something, little one.”
Her face flushed hot and pink, her eyes widened a little. “I-I did?” He nodded, chin pointing to the ponytail of dark hair resting on her shoulder. Her hand flew to it and she finally remembered. Eyes not leaving his and feeling embarrassed, she pulled the ponytail loose from its binding and ran her fingers through it, loose waves now down her back and shoulders. He smiled wide, teeth showing a little, and she could feel the warmth of his pleasure all the way to her clit - just from this one simple thing. This - him - was still so new but something she's craved a long time. The darkness didn't feel so lonely lately...
He hummed with pleasure. “Good girl. Now you may have your ice cream, little one.” He slowly licked his while watching her flat, pink tongue drag across and around the cone, coating her lips. Her eyes rolled back slightly and she playfully moaned and giggled when she peeked back at him.
His eyes hardened a little and she straightened. “Do you remember what you told me over Skype the other night? How you loved to be made a mess?” She stopped mid-lick, frozen by his words. He wouldn’t do this...not in public like this.
She nervously swallowed but steadied her voice. “Yes, I remember.”
She glanced around, sure that someone would overhear this. He quickly leaned in, fingers grasping her chin and jerked her face to meet his again. His index finger stroked her jaw and her eyes glazed a little. She bit her lip as she blushed again. “Yes, I remember...Daddy.”
His eyes sparkled just for a moment before turning hard again. His lips held a faint smile when he whispered “Good fuckin’ girl” has he straightened back on his stool.
“So, little one. Show me how messy little girls eat their big ice cream cones.”
She let out a long, shaky exhale and paused. She was sure he could hear her heartbeat kick up in those stretched out seconds. She flattened her tongue against her now almost dripping ice cream and slowly turned it in her hand, pink tongue covered in silky sweet ice cream.
She tried to catch some drips but they landed on her chin. When she reached up to wipe them away, he shook his head. Her hand stilled and her lips pressed together as her hand dropped to her lap. He had to bite his cheek to keep from grinning. He was going to have fun pushing her out of her comfort zone.
His tongue took a quick swipe of his own ice cream, licking his lips as he watched her dark eyes follow his tongue.
"Pull your dress up. Not all the way - just enough so I can see what's mine. Uh-uh, don't stop licking your ice cream, baby girl. Now, spread those thick thighs."
His exhale sounded like a growl and she felt a wave of heat roll over her. This...pleasing him. She craves this. By now, her lips were sticky and messy, another drip or two of sweet cream dripping down the corners of her full lips. The ice cream started melting down the backs of her fingers. She knew no one was really paying attention but being so blatantly messy in front of him, for him, had her squirming in her stool. The cool air of the ice cream shop hit her inner thighs and drippy bare cunt, his other request, and made her shiver, causing her nipples to pebble and push against the material of her sundress. It made her even hungrier.
He slowly stood and hooked his foot in the bottom run of his stool, pulling it closer before sitting back down, his knees inside of hers and then spread his knees, slowly pushing hers further apart. Spreading her for his pleasure. Leaning forward, he motioned for her to do the same, their heads touching. From across the shop it looked like two lovers in a tender moment. As he whispered in her ear, his hand slid between her stretched out thighs, the backs of his knuckles leaving a trail of heat right to her core.
"Mmm. Look at you, kitten. Such a greedy, messy little girl. I wonder, is your cunt a mess, too? Mm, fuck yes, it is. Of course it is. You love being a messy slut in public. It's everything you aren't. Always neat and proper. This cunt? It's mine. I'll always need you like this and I know you'll always be like this for me. My needy little cunt - Daddy needs you just as much, little one. Mm, look at you - rocking those thick hips, fucking yourself on my finger in the middle of the ice cream shop. Such a good fucking slut. My messy little bitch."
Her dark eyes were nearly glazed, skin flushed pink and she couldn't keep in a whimper while her mouth was open around her ice cream, feeling his finger teasing just inside her slick, plump folds. She could only nod, affirming everything he was saying to her. She would do anything to see the pleasure in his eyes, the praise and acceptance of her darker side. She pouted when he pulled his hand discreetly back, feeling her juices drip and pool between her cheeks, leaving a little wet spot that she knew would be obvious if she stood. He brought his hand to her chin and with the finger that was just inside of her, traced a sticky ice cream drip from the bottom to her lips, pressing gently against her bottom lip. Her lips parted on a shaky exhale.
"It's time to clean up, kitten. We're going to finish our dessert some place special."
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Marrying two outlets...tumblr and Flickr. There's probably some trigger words in the below story. It's hard to describe but while the below I've never physically experienced, every bit of me is in the below.
Like a phantom memory, I feel it just beyond my reach as well as deep within.
Close enough to imagine but too far away to be real.
The room was dark and oppressively humid. He watched her as he walked to the windows and slid them shut. The click of the latches were ominous in the silence. She stood in front of a plush ottoman in front of the sofa, eyes opposite of him, dark and wild with anxiety.
His voice was hard and soft at the same time.
"What I told you you needed the next time I caught you hurting yourself?"
When overwhelmed or anxious or lost in the commotion of what everyone else needed from her in her life, she had this habit of pinching the tender flesh between her thumb and forefinger or pressing something sharp against her skin. Not to make herself bleed. Just enough pain to distract her, to balance everything out.
She didn’t turn her head, but her eyes flicked over to him as he made his way back to her. He stopped as he stood close enough to her she could feel the heat of his body. She bit her lip as she focused on the wall behind the couch and ottoman. How can a touch make someone shiver and burn at the same time? His fingertip gently trailed from her shoulder blade, down her spine, along the thick curve of her hip.
All sympathy gone from his voice, she didn’t want this yet didn’t want to stop it either. She bent, her fingers gripping the plush material of the ottoman, and took a deep breath which was cut off with a strangled cry as his palm struck her ass cheek. She could feel the heat of the sting ripple outward, skin flushing red. She bit her lip, she turned her head sharply and locked eyes. He stared at her, not amused, the inner pain obvious between the sparks of indignation in her dark eyes.
She took a deep breath and whipped her head back, facing away and down from him. Her body tensed as the next sting, and the next, and the next, connected with her plump ass. She cried out as the sting and heat built with each swat, her next cry more of a shock as he grabbed a fistful of hair at her scalp and jerked her head back up. He was tall enough that he looked down at her, her head tilted back, her dark eyes glittering with warring emotions, and his lips thinned in frustration.
“Your pain is mine to give. Or do you enjoy it that much?”
He shifted them, his hand still fisted in her hair, until the ottoman bumped against the backs of his legs. He sat, tugging her downward to kneel between his spread thighs. The grip in her hair loosened and his warm, wide palms smoothed over her cheeks and jaw, slowly. Reverently. The contrast of that gentle touch to his words lit a fire within her.
“I know you enjoy the pain, kitten. How it makes you drip for me. The look in your eyes as everything you think you are melts away and I can see the real you. The whole you. Let it go.”
His grip tightened as she clenched her jaw, eyes glittering with tears she was fighting off as hard as she could. He cupped one cheek, his thumb sliding across her cheekbone. She knew what was coming but that touch distracted her long enough that she inhaled sharply, her hands instinctively reaching for his legs to steady herself, when his other hand slapped her cheek. Not hard, but enough to sting. Everything stilled for just a moment and came roaring back as his smoothed his palm over her stinging cheek. While cradling the one, his other hand, quick and sharp, connected with her other cheek. Her hips rolled as a wave of heat crashed through her. She wanted this - this kind of pain - but the tears she felt starting to spill made her angry because they weren’t tears from this. She didn’t want to give this pain to anyone. She didn’t need anyone.
He could tell when she was mindless for him, that look in her dark eyes hungry and primal. She wasn’t mindless yet, she was still fighting against herself, her thoughts, him. Her cheeks were flushed red from his palms. She didn’t want to look at him, didn’t want to deal with the chaos inside, so she closed her eyes. Two fat tears slid down her cheeks and she bit her lip, hard. His eyes followed a tear as it slid past her mouth and followed the curves of her lips. Stillness, a calm before a storm. He stood quickly, a displeased sound rumbled somewhere in his chest as he yanked her up by her knees. She let out a whimpered cry, eyes wide on him again.
“Good. The only one who bites your lips is me.”
He gave her head a little shake with his hand fisted full of her hair.
“You don’t need me, is that it, kitten? Should I leave? Do you think you’re a big girl?”
Her breathing was shattered and shuddering as she fought back a tsunami of emotion.
“No, I know what you are. Even when you’re at your best. You’re needy.” He leaned forward to bite the side of her breast which jiggled slightly when he released her flesh. “Always needy. Sometimes you own it. Sometimes, like now, you fight it. But I know you what you are.” He leaned forward again and bit her other breast, harder this time, making her twist away. His free hand slapped her tit hard and her hips flexed against him.
His eyes glittered with frustration and desire and other less tangible emotion as he felt her push against him and he damn near growled his next words.
There. There she was, pushing to the surface in her eyes. His skin felt taut with need and irritation. He slid his hand down her body and between her thick thighs. Fucking soaked.
Three of his thick fingers slid in deep and hard. She cried out and clenched around him. He tugged her closer to him by her hair, his head bending to press against her forehead, his warm, ragged breath mixed with her whimpers. His fingers pumping hard and deep.
Her legs started to shake as her body began to coil and tense. She was there. Her tears breaking loose, finally. She began to grab at him, to hold on as the tension in her body wound tighter. He tilted his head slightly to lick a tear from her jawline up over her check and pressed his forehead against hers again.
“Let it go. Now. Cum for me. Come to me.”
A broken cry escaped her lips as her hands gripped his shoulders, pulling herself to him as her body flexed tense and trembling. He pumped his fingers harder, the squelching slick sounds of her gushing over his hand, dripping to the floor, down her thighs. What could have been a growl escaped his throat as he pulled his fingers out and spanked her cunt three times, his grip in her hair keeping her from collapsing. He brought his other hand to her face, cradling it, lost in those eyes. Eyes of an animal, wild and broken. He brought his mouth to hers, their lips sliding over each other with hunger. She whimpered into his mouth, fresh tears falling, her hands gripping onto him. Their voices were electric, hot, and breathless as they both spoke at the same time.
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sorted all my pictures out will be no repeats and more pictures for friend and family
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