Spread Kindness

Spread Kindness


Spread Kindness

By Wendy
May 15, 2020 January 6, 2022

Articles may contain affiliate links. This means that if you purchase an item from my links, I may earn affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. All Scripture references come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible (KJV)."

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# Encouragement # Kindness

By Wendy
March 6, 2020 January 6, 2022

By Wendy
October 9, 2020 January 4, 2022

By Wendy
July 15, 2019 May 6, 2022

By Wendy
July 19, 2022 July 20, 2022

By Wendy
October 18, 2019 January 14, 2022

By Wendy
March 2, 2020 January 7, 2022

Jessie | Pray With Confidence says:
Why is kindness important and how do you spread kindness ? The answer to these two questions should be simple. Yet we are living in a world today where we talk about spreading kindness all the time. But do we actually do it?
I believe the first step is to love others the way that Jesus loves us. He wants us to prove our Christian love . Be evident and treat others the way that we want to be treated. But when we turn on our radio or TV and watch the news, all we hear about is hatred and hurtfulness. So it’s time for us to step up and lead the way.
Kindness matters because it’s a contagious act. One simple act of spreading kindness, not only makes you feel all warm and tingly inside. But it lifts the spirits of the recipient. Most of the time, it makes you want to pay that act of kindness forward to someone else.  
Can you imagine how love would grow if every person on the planet performed just one simple act of kindness every day? There would be so many more happy faces and hearts in the world.  
Finding true happiness starts with joy in the Lord, Jesus Christ. That joy creates a servant’s heart in us that focuses on loving and serving others. So, why is spreading kindness important? One small act of kindness could be just what someone needs to help them turn their lives to the Lord. Think about the power behind that statement. I’m going to give you a great list of random acts of kindness examples in a minute. But first I wanted to answer the question, why is kindness important?
Genuine kindness is more than being nice. Be sure to show loving kindness to others who don’t even love you back. Spreading kindness can be easy. But the best moments happen when you stretch beyond what’s comfortable and you dig down deep.  
A good example of this is giving money to somebody who is really in need, even though it means that you won’t get to buy that luxury you waited months for. It will only hurt for a little bit. But think of what you’ve done and the difference you’ve made. It’s worth it every time.
“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Personally, I show kindness because I want to serve my Lord. Jesus said to love God above all else, and then to love our neighbors as ourselves. But I’m also inspired when I see the smile on someone’s face, after I’ve done something nice for them and I’ve treated them with kindness.
Mark 9:41 KJV “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.”
Matthew 22:37-39 KJV “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
Sometimes all it takes is one simple act of kindness to change someone’s day, or even their life. One act of spreading kindness to show them you care could create a sense of belonging in a broken heart. It could create more optimism and happiness. And one simple random act of kindness can influence a small child and be the impetus they need for showing more love in their life.
“Kind people are the best kind of people.” Author unknown
This list of random acts of kindness examples is just the beginning of an endless list of ideas when it comes to spreading kindness. Most are free, some involve money. The goal is simply to plant seeds of generosity when it comes to serving your fellow human being.
Where do you start? You have so many options. You could start at the top and work through the list. You could read through the list so that you have the ideas that you need when opportunities present themselves. You could also print off an idea list to post on your fridge. You’ll find a link to do that below. Whichever you choose, most importantly, just start to spread kindness every chance you get.
Where are good places to spread kindness? Truly, anywhere there are people. Obviously hanging out in public places during social distancing isn’t a good idea, but eventually it will be. But generally, the airport, the grocery store, shopping center or any busy areas that put you in contact with people. However now, during social distancing, the internet is a great way to connect and spread kindness. Especially, since we are living in the age of cyber bullying, make a positive difference. This is another reason why kindness is important. Just be kind!
Let someone special know how much you appreciate them
Donate food to your local food pantry 
Clean up after yourself without being asked
Do a favor without asking anything in return
Don’t interrupt someone when they’re talking
Show generosity every chance you get
Let someone cut in line in front of you at the store 
Pay for the person behind you in the drive through
Show your friend how happy you are to see her
Bring their favorite coffee or tea when you visit a friend
Pay for the person behind you in the toll booth
Send a “Thinking of You” card, just because 
Leave a generous tip for the waiter while eating out
Help someone who appears to be struggling
Share a recipe with someone who you know will appreciate it
Let your partner control the remote
Carry a $5 gift card with you and give it to someone who goes beyond the call of duty
Support a smaller, local business instead of a big box store
Find opportunities to give compliments
Write a letter to someone who inspires you and tell them why
Offer to take a photo of a couple or family
Give an unexpected gift to a friend
Text or call someone and let them know you’re thinking about them
Thank a service member and their family
Offer tissues to someone who looks like they need some
Offer to return someone else’s shopping cart
Offer to pick something up for someone while you’re out doing errands
Put a surprise note in your spouse’s or child’s lunchbox
Thank someone who has made a difference
Send a card to a lonely senior citizen
When you see something good, share it
Donate Christmas gifts to an orphanage
Give someone the benefit of the doubt
Pass out positive notes in books, on cars, give to the cashier
Don’t ignore a homeless person. Buy him food, give him a blanket or socks
Send a care package to a student or service member
Put extra coins in the parking meter before you leave
Volunteer or donate at the Humane Society
Buy $5 gift cards and give them to someone who is kind
Give up your seat to an elderly person or pregnant woman
Send coloring books to children in the hospital
Buy groceries for someone who is struggling
Give a homeless person your doggy bag
Call your grandparents or parents and thank them for everything they’ve done for you
When someone shows you a kindness, pay it forward
Give money to someone who could use it, like a young family or a student
Make a bird feeder, then feed the birdies
Let someone else get seated before you in a busy restaurant
Above all else…Never reject a gift of kindness. Don’t steal the blessing away.
First of all, does spreading kindness really make a difference? I would recommend that you remember the last act of kindness someone shared with you. How did it make you feel? What difference did it make on your mood or your day? Did it inspire you to pay it forward and spread kindness to someone else? 
The last time you spread kindness to another person, what kind of reaction did you get? Those reactions and how you feel, help you to understand just how much making a difference spreading kindness makes.
“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” Barbara de Angelis
“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” Princess Diana
“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” William Arthur Ward
“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” Barbara de Angelis
“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.” Albert Schweitzer
“The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” Aesop
“Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” Henry James
“One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.” Sophocles
In a previous post, 9 Quick and Easy Benefits of Kindness , you’ll find that some of those wonderful benefits include an opportunity to help others. Kindness is contagious and makes you feel good. The habit of learning to spread kindness is a great example for your kids. The joy you feel is great for your physical and your mental health. And when you are kind to strangers, it’s an opportunity to make friends. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and show some love to everyone.
What has been your favorite experience while spreading kindness? What are your favorite random acts of kindness examples? I was blessed to experience some amazing acts of kindness when I went through my illness and amputations. You owe it to yourself to click that link and read all about it. So please share your experiences in the comments below.
***All Scriptures come from the King James Version of the Holy Bible
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Articles may contain affiliate links. This means that if you purchase an item from my links, I may earn affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying…
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Articles may contain affiliate links. This means that if you purchase an item from my links, I may earn affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying…
Beautiful post, it made my day, Thanks so much
I appreciate that so much, Tiffany. Thanks for sharing that with me.
I wish I didn’t need a list to remind me of ways to be kind, but….
I do. It’s a reminder to slow down and think of others and think outside the box.
You’re an inspiration!
I hear you, Amy. But lists are handy in that sometimes you just need some fresh ideas. Thanks so much.
It’s amazing how this simple things can really spread and lift others up and show the love of God to our broken world. You never know who is really in need of a simple act of kindness when you show it.
So true Mihaela. A simple act of kindness can make such a difference to those in need.
Thanks Wendy! This was for me. Here in the UK its MentalHealth Awareness week and kindness is the theme so l have been writing alot about kindness. Today someone said something really horrible to be. And it was probably ages before l prayed ( l know if only I had earlier) and l felt your point about putting a positive spin on a negative conversation is something l need to do more.
I’m so sorry that you received such a hurtful comment. Behavior like that makes no sense to me. But through prayer and forgiveness, we have the tools to overcome.
Thank you for your continued kind and thoughtful blog posts. You are an angel here on earth.
Awe, thank you so much, Maryann. I really appreciate your kindness.
Wow! This post is jam-packed with all sorts of “kind” goodies! And kindness really is so simple, yet makes such a difference in people’s lives. Thanks for this encouragement, Wendy! I’m going to take your challenge today to do at least one of these kind acts (hopefully more) today!
Thanks so much, Beth. Kindness really does make a difference in the lives of others. I’m thrilled that you’re taking up the challenge. Have fun.
I love all of these ways to spread kindness! We definitely need acts of kindness in the world that show the love of Jesus. It’s a great way to be Jesus’ hands and feet.
You’re so right, Jessie. I love that reminder that we are the hands and feet of Jesus. And spreading kindness shows our love.
That’s a really beautiful post! I loved how you said that a small and random act of kindness could be what tips someone towards Jesus – so true!! Lots of good truths and suggestions in here! x
Thanks so much, Michelle. I’m glad you enjoyed these ways to spread kindness.
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I am the most positive & happy quad amputee you'll ever meet. I get my joy from being a child of God, mom to 3 awesome 20-something's & a furbaby, & the wife to my loving hero. 
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Help us make Eugene and Springfield Cities of Kindness in Oregon
© SpreadingKindnessCampaign 2022 All rights reserved. Design by Elementor
Spreading kindness can be easy. Tools, materials, and guidance are available to help you stay inspired (and inspire others) to perform acts of kindness everyday. There’s something for everyone – writing letters, volunteering, hosting a dinner.
A Kindness Dinner Party consists of good company, good food, and good conversation about kindness.
This section includes guidance for how to host a Kindness Dinner Party including a list of questions to promote conversations about kindness.
“Love the earth as you would love yourself.” ~ John Denver
This section includes information about earth friendly organizations, environmental issues, and ways to help protect the planet. 
Organizations are working all over the U.S. to inspire and increase acts of kindness. Learn more about initiatives for finding and spreading kindness.
This section describes a variety of programs around the country that are working on kindness.
Do you need an inspirational boost of kindness?
This section describes tools available for inspiration and reminders of love, kindness and gratefulness.
Letters to the Editor are a powerful tool for voicing our opinions. Read all the kindness letters that have appeared in the Eugene Register-Guard this year. 
This section includes information about how to write a great Letter to the Editor and directions for submitting to our local newspaper.
Creatively express and share your passion for kindness.
This section includes information for obtaining lawn signs, bumper stickers, and kindness cards available in Eugene and Springfield. 
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi.
This section includes information about volunteer opportunities in Eugene and Springfield related to shelter/housing, food, the environment, and animals.
The Spreading Kindness Campaign is a project of the Choose Kindness Foundation .

‘Kindness is like snow- It beautifies everything it covers.’ – Kahlil Gibran
The current pandemic has given many of us a chance to reflect on life and how we engage with others. Seeing communities come together to support each other and spreading kindness brings an enormous sense of belonging and emotional reward.
But aren’t we, as humans, naturally inclined to being kind?
As social creatures, we depend on each other for support and understanding. We recognise the benefit of working together to share and solve problems in order to achieve many things.
Although we are unable to measure whether the world is becoming a kinder place, we can see examples of kindness in our everyday lives and through the media. Initiatives such as World Kindness Day, marked each year on the 13th November, help us to recognise humanity and power of spreading kindness.
However, when we hear about stories of intolerance and internet trolls, we are reminded that there is still more work to do.
So what can we do to spread kindness in our everyday lives?
‘Where there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.’ – Lucius Seneca (Seneca the Younger)
Spreading kindness starts with positive actions. Small gestures that have a ripple effect can develop empathy and unite people. And the best thing is that kindness is free!
Even if you feel you have nothing to give, we all have the power to make someone happy. Here are just a few examples of kindness.
Whether it’s helping a neighbour with their shopping or volunteering at a local community kitchen, giving time to support others can make a big difference.
When we feel useful, we feel content. By helping others with acts of kindness, we feel a sense of purpose. This, in turn, has a positive impact on our mental and emotional wellbeing.
Showing gratitude is one example of kindness for others. You could say it directly to someone or send a letter. Or perhaps create a routine and write a letter to someone different each week to express your gratitude.
Why not leave a kind comment on someone’s blog?
A simple smile can go a long way. You may be the sunshine in someone’s day without realising it. The beauty of a smile is that you are likely to get one in return. Life is like an echo – you get back what you give out.
‘A warm smile is the universal language of kindness. ’ – William Arthur Ward
The importance of listening cannot be underestimated as an act of kindness. Put down your devices and give your attention to others. When we are present for others, it shows empathy and respect.
Try to include someone new into your conversations or network. Some people may find social situations difficult so being welcomed by others can make a big difference. You could be the one to help others believe in the kindness of strangers.
‘Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.’ – Dalai Lama
Whether it’s donating to a food shelter or running a marathon in aid of a local charity, there are so many ways to show kindness. Organising events, such as fundraisers or sponsored activities, not only su
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