Spread Anus

Spread Anus


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grab each cheek and pull in different directions
Hemorrhoids are not sexually trnasmitted. THey are not caused by
a germ that is spread by sex. They are caused by increased pressure
in the veins aroud the anus.
The anus is the external opening of the rectum.

Medically Reviewed by Carol DerSarkissian,Β MD on June 23, 2021
Anus Tests Physical examination : A doctor may inspect the outside of the anus, and insert a gloved finger to feel for abnormal areas on the inside of the anus. Sigmoidoscopy : An endoscope (flexible tube with a lighted camera on its tip) is inserted into the anus and moved into the colon. Sigmoidoscopy can only reach part of the colon for viewing. Colonoscopy : An endoscope is inserted into the anus, and the entire colon is viewed to look for problems. Fistulography (fistulogram): A liquid that helps improve image contrast is injected into an abnormal opening in or near the anus, and X-ray films are taken. Fistulography can detect an abnormal connection (fistula) between the anus and skin. Anus Treatments Antibiotics : These may be used to fight infections of the anus caused by bacteria. Antiviral medications : Medicines such as acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex) are used to treat anal infections caused by the herpes viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2. Incision and drainage : Serious skin infections (abscesses) in or around the anus may require this surgical procedure to drain the infected fluid. Anus surgery: Cancer of the anus, anal warts, abscess, or fistula may require surgery to correct the problem. Anal wart treatments : Doctors may use surgery, freezing (cryotherapy), a laser or heat probe, or other treatments to remove warts from the anus. Stool softeners : Constipation may cause hard stools and painful bowel movements. Over-the-counter or prescription stool softeners can relieve these symptoms. Fiber : Increasing fiber in the diet or taking fiber supplements can improve constipation and reduce bleeding from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid cream : Over-the-counter or prescription topical medicines can relieve the itching and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid banding : A doctor ties rubber bands around external hemorrhoids, causing the tissue to slowly die and fall off. Hemorrhoid procedures : A doctor may use a laser, heat probe, injections, or other treatment to destroy hemorrhoids and reduce symptoms. Steroid cream: Itching in the anus often responds to over-the-counter creams containing hydrocortisone or a similar steroid medicine.
Β© 2014 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.
The anus is the opening where the gastrointestinal tract ends and exits the body. The anus starts at the bottom of the rectum, the last portion of the colon (large intestine). The anorectal line separates the anus from the rectum.
Tough tissue called fascia surrounds the anus and attaches it to nearby structures.
Circular muscles called the external sphincter ani form the wall of the anus and hold it closed. Glands release fluid into the anus to keep its surface moist.
A plate-like band of muscles, called the levator ani muscles, surround the anus and form the floor of the pelvis. A network of veins lines the skin of the anus.
Feldman, M. Sleisenger and Fordtran’s Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, Saunders Elsevier, 2010.
Goldman, L. Cecil Medicine, Saunders, 2007.
Β© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.



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By bbw489268039 | 9 posts, last post over a year ago

Hi, I just joined and this is my first post.
I'm a male teenager and recently started anal play. Basically a few weeks ago I inserted 2 fingers in my ass for the first time. I did not use too much lube at all and it hurt a little but not really. I could feel it strething pretty good. I stopped for about 3 weeks because I experienced anal bleeding(which is probaly for another topic). Anyway my anus is now noticeably wide. When I spread my ass in the mirror it's not I can clearly see it should be tighter. I have compared it to pictures/porn videos of other people and there's are much tighter. When I spread it, it's like a black hole lol. Not like a huge gape in pornos but it should be tight. It's not closed like it should be, it's open. It feels loos too. I poop pretty much everyday and it also takes me forever to wipe, I can use half a roll no problem if thats relavent. Is this normal? Will it tighten back up? I love anal play so I really don't want to have to stop for the rest of my life. Can anybody offer any insight into the subject? What can I do to tighten it back up if possible.

You need make an appoint to see a GI doctor who might use anoscope to examine your rectum/anus. The diameter of a typical anoscope is 16mm to 19mm. I think the doctor's clinical office might have anoscope for children which has small size in its diameter. The doctor might perform a digital rectal examination at first by using one finger with glove and lubs on it to examine your rectum to feel any possible problem, infection or damage there. My GI doctor used anoscope to examine my rectum 5 months ago. I felt very tight when she inserted anoscope into my rectum with a lot lubs. The doctor told me anoscope would not damage my rectum or enlarge my rectum permanently. The anoscope was in my rectum for less then 3 minutes while the doctor used her two eyes to look or inspect inside of my rectum through the anoscope and its strong light on the head of anoscope.

The anal sphincter muscle surrounding your anus will go back to its original shape as closed. By bending over to look at your anus you will unconsciously spread the sphincter to open slightly. The anal opening can open quite a bit given time, patience, and lube. The most significant sign that your sphincter is opening too far is "pain." There are a great deal of nerve ending as well as blood vessels called "hemorrhoids" could rupture and bleed. Using items that are too large may cause a condition call "hemorrhoids" where they will swell and itch. A more severe issue would be an anal fissure which is a "tearing" in the wall of the anus. The only advice I can offer is use lots of water based lubrication, be patient, and use liberal antibacterial cleaning. I wear surgical gloves.

In reply to anonymous on 2016-08-28 - click to read

I am gay and have experience on that.
My first time with a boyfriend was complicated as he had a large penis ( around 2 or 3 inches wide ) but with lube ann patiency we did it. Was very nice and we did it several times on a weekend.
Some days after I noted that my ass was very wide ( three fingers were in and out very easily ).
Some days after my annus went back to previous size.
At present a new boyfriend is almost the same size as the first one so my annus stay wide almost always.
I think that some people have muscles very relaxed and can receive big penises very easy.
For me this has been good since I can feel pleasure without pain.

I'm a guy that loves anal play as well. Trust me, any amount of gaping that your anus does will return to normal. I can put all five fingers in there at once and it has always returned to normal. The only advice I could give is when you're enjoying yourself, listen to your body, don't proceed with something if it hurts. Also, when your butt gapes, it's because the sphincter muscle is relaxed which happens when something's inserted. If it makes you feel better, I walk around with a buttplug that is most likely way bigger than your two fingers, if I take it out, bend over, and spread, it's opens up. Even the next day, usually when I've had an extra fun night. I would honestly not worry. One tip to make it not hurt would be lots of lube/spit and shaving the butt crack area. Shaving reduces pulling of the anal hair and makes everything glide in easier. Plus, you get to feel your hairless butt which is always better than a hairy one. Above all else, just listen to your body. If problems arise, stop what you're doing and adjust. Don't try to ram in a penis sized object when you only had your pinky up there. In other words, work your way up to a comfortable size and be gentle. Don't do anything to yourself that you wouldn't want someone else doing to you.

Just saying I would love to see what you mean because I have same problem and got a bit worried myself

In reply to anonymous on 2012-12-03 - click to read

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