Spread 6

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Before you pick the cards, take a few deep breaths.
Try to relax your body and quiet your mind.
Allow your thoughts to come and go for a while without holding on to them.
Focus for a moment or two on the question you would like to ask, or the issue you would like some information about, BEFORE you select the cards.
The more effectively you can bring a relaxed focus to the issue at hand and clear other thoughts from your mind, the more insightful and helpful the reading will be.
Absent mindedly clicking through the selection process will not bring good results.
Focused attention helps to access the synchronicity necessary to gain maximum value from an automated reading.
Make sure you take enough time to relax and compose yourself before you begin to select the cards. You will be amazed at the difference it makes.
The more specific and focused your question, the more appropriate and valuable your answer will be. Again, it's a function of synchronicity.
If your question is vague or unformed, how can the cards give you clear answers or responses? If you approach the cards wanting an answer to a certain question, yet when you select the cards you are thinking of 50 other unrelated things, the answer you get will often not make sense.
Clarity and a ferocious focus will be reflected back to you by mind-blowingly insightful readings.
The pre-written text will give you the feeling that each card conveys when it is selected in a certain position in the spread.
If the literal text does not exactly fit your question or circumstance, it is usually fairly obvious how you can 'read between the lines a little' and translate the message to suit your personal situation.
With an automated system like this, it's very tempting to immediately repeat a reading if the answer you got was either not what you wanted to hear, apparently inaccurate or a bit confusing.
Don't! As long as you have followed the previous tips regarding clarity and focus, the first reading will always be the most appropriate.
If you would like clarification on something, use a different reading spread.
Consulting the cards many times a day, day after day, is completely self defeating, as repeating a reading too soon for the same question will usually create more confusion, not more clarity.
A good rule of thumb:- until the circumstances surrounding your question have changed, don't ask again!
The obvious exceptions would be readings specifically designed for regular consultations, like our Daily Outlook
Use our readings as a kind of mirror - a way for you to examine a reflection of your life, thoughts and emotions at any given moment in time.
Making critical life decisions based entirely on an automated online tarot reading would probably not be a good idea!
Some of the cards in the tarot deck are quite challenging to receive in a reading, however, don't fear them, they are simply a reflection of current influences and often have a positive side to them.
Seek understanding, even when the outlook seems bleak. This is where the true value of tarot lies - Nosce te Ipsum

This is a good reading to simply
'get a snapshot' of how things are with you generally, at this moment in time.

It can also be used to answer specific questions, and has been consulted over 150 million

times since Lotus Tarot was launched in 2002.

Don't be fooled by the brevity and simplicity of the responses or by the fact it is a Major Arcana only reading, this reading has stood the test of time and proven itself again and again to millions of users.

This is a good reading to simply
'get a snapshot' of how things are with you generally, at this moment in time.

It can also be used to answer specific questions, and has been consulted over 150 million

times since Lotus Tarot was launched in 2002.

Don't be fooled by the brevity and simplicity of the responses or by the fact it is a Major Arcana only reading, this reading has stood the test of time and proven itself again and again to millions of users.

Before you pick the cards, take a few deep breaths.
Try to relax your body and quiet your mind.
Allow your thoughts to come and go for a while without holding on to them.
Focus for a moment or two on the question you would like to ask, or the issue you would like some information about, BEFORE you select the cards.
The more effectively you can bring a relaxed focus to the issue at hand and clear other thoughts from your mind, the more insightful and helpful the reading will be.
Absent mindedly clicking through the selection process will not bring good results.
Focused attention helps to access the synchronicity necessary to gain maximum value from an automated reading.
Make sure you take enough time to relax and compose yourself before you begin to select the cards. You will be amazed at the difference it makes.
The more specific and focused your question, the more appropriate and valuable your answer will be. Again, it's a function of synchronicity.
If your question is vague or unformed, how can the cards give you clear answers or responses? If you approach the cards wanting an answer to a certain question, yet when you select the cards you are thinking of 50 other unrelated things, the answer you get will often not make sense.
Clarity and a ferocious focus will be reflected back to you by mind-blowingly insightful readings.
The pre-written text will give you the feeling that each card conveys when it is selected in a certain position in the spread.
If the literal text does not exactly fit your question or circumstance, it is usually fairly obvious how you can 'read between the lines a little' and translate the message to suit your personal situation.
With an automated system like this, it's very tempting to immediately repeat a reading if the answer you got was either not what you wanted to hear, apparently inaccurate or a bit confusing.
Don't! As long as you have followed the previous tips regarding clarity and focus, the first reading will always be the most appropriate.
If you would like clarification on something, use a different reading spread.
Consulting the cards many times a day, day after day, is completely self defeating, as repeating a reading too soon for the same question will usually create more confusion, not more clarity.
A good rule of thumb:- until the circumstances surrounding your question have changed, don't ask again!
The obvious exceptions would be readings specifically designed for regular consultations, like our Daily Outlook
Use our readings as a kind of mirror - a way for you to examine a reflection of your life, thoughts and emotions at any given moment in time.
Making critical life decisions based entirely on an automated online tarot reading would probably not be a good idea!
Some of the cards in the tarot deck are quite challenging to receive in a reading, however, don't fear them, they are simply a reflection of current influences and often have a positive side to them.
Seek understanding, even when the outlook seems bleak. This is where the true value of tarot lies - Nosce te Ipsum

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One of the most popular sports wagers is betting the point spread.
While it can be a little confusing, we're going to try and explain everything you need to know to understand point spreads and how to be successful betting on them. 
In simple terms, a point spread is a bet on how much the favorite team will win by.
If the team has a minus sign, that means they're the favorite and they'll have to win by the specified number or more for you to win your bet.
If the team has a plus, that means they're the underdog and they'll have to either win the game or lose by less than the specified number for you to win.
Each team will have different odds, so make sure you're paying attention to them.
The easiest way to control the point spread is to pay attention to the days leading up to the game.
Not only will you be able to see any important information pop up, like injuries, but you'll also be able to see who the favorite is and who isn't. In addition, being able to watch the line move will give you an idea of which team you should bet on and when you should bet. If you aren't really sure how things will turn out, it's a good idea to avoid betting altogether until the next game.
The entire process of betting can be simplified by using an online sportsbook.
To begin, either create an account or log in to your existing one. Next, simply choose the sport you want to bet on and go to that page. You'll then see all of the lines and games for the upcoming days. The next thing you'll do is decide whether you want to bet on the favorite or the underdog. Once you know, go ahead and click on that team. From there, decide how much you want to bet and place it.
Keep in mind, that once your bet is placed, you can't back out.
Spread betting works by allowing the sportsbooks to make two teams that are unbalanced to be more balanced. They do this by taking points from the favored team and giving points to the underdog, both of which will be labeled by either a plus or minus. The minus means the team is the favorite and they have to win by more than the number specified. The plus means the team is the underdog and they have to either win or lose by less than the specified number. This means you can place a bet on both teams if you're confident it'll work out in your favor!
Long is when you buy and short is when you sell. There will be two boxes with numbers and these are your buy and sell boxes. The long box will almost always have a lower price and the short box will have a higher one.
The difference between these two numbers is known as the bid/offer spread or the bid/ask spread. In short, the price has to move a good amount of distance in order for you to win. This is true regardless of whether you're on the long or short side.
Leverage means that you'll only need to use a little bit of capital in order to open a larger position. In simple terms, this means you can put down a small deposit to open your position instead of having to pay a large amount. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that both profits and losses are much bigger because everything is determined by using the full trade value instead of the smaller deposit that you originally put down.
There are two different types of margins in spread betting, which are deposit margin and maintenance margin. Deposit margin is the initial deposit you put down to actually open a position while maintenance margin is the amount you'll put in if your position starts accumulating losses that can't be covered by the deposit you put down.
The good thing is you'll get something called a margin call, which is just a notification saying that you need to add more money and the reason why.
There are three main features of spread betting, which are the spread, the favorite, and the underdog. Keep reading to see a more in-depth explanation of these below.
The spread is the differences between Team A and Team B and how much each team will win. The bigger the spread is, the bigger the underdog will be. Every sport and match or game is different, so make sure you know how to read multiple point spread bet types.
The favorite is the team that a sportsbook thinks will win. They use many things to figure this out, including how many people have bet on the team, how they've been doing during the season, how many players have been injured, and which team has home-field advantage.
The underdog is the team that isn't as popular and has a lower chance of winning. They are the team that has the plus sign in front and they usually lose more games than the favorite. With that said, though, there's nothing that says they can't come out on top.
The simple reason for this is because the sportsbook has the right to shift the odds and spread whenever they want. You have to remember they'll want to try and come out even, so they'll shift the odds and spread more towards their favor. This is something you want to watch because you never know when it'll change. If possible, try and check the lines multiple times a day to ensure you're staying up-to-date on exactly what's going on.
There are a few instances when it's a good idea to bet on a point spread. The first is when both teams are relatively equal because there's a higher chance that you can win your bet. Another instance is if you're trying to get a larger return. These bets can give a great payout, but they can also cause you to lose a nice chunk of change.
The final instance is when you know what you're doing and completely understand spread betting because placing a bet when you aren't sure what you're doing can lead to losing quite a bit of money.
Some of the benefits of these types of bets are listed next.
There are a few different betting strategies and we've talked more about them below.
Sometimes, an extra half-point or full point could mean the difference between winning and losing your bet. The easiest way to do this is to watch the lines leading up to the game and decide if you want to bet now, later, or not at all. Remember, though, once you place your line bet, you're locked in and can't change it.-
Try to make your own spreads and calculate before looking at the lines. All you do is take the games you think you'll be interested in betting on and put down what you think the spread will be. Once you have everything down, you'll be able to look at the actual lines and see how far off you were. Simply put, if you see that the lines are equal or more in your favor, place your bet!
If you're planning on betting on the underdog, you should wait until a few days before the game. As it gets closer, more people in the general public are going to be placing bets and the amounts will go up.
Try to wait as long as possible before placing your bet. If you see a lot of movement earlier in the week, that's probably because of bettors that have a lot
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