


to spread a cloth on a table — расстилать скатерть на столе. to spread (out) a carpet on the floor — расстелить ковёр на полу. to spread manure over a field — …
Перевести · Spread definition is - to open or expand over a larger area. How to use spread in a sentence. to open or expand over a …
Перевести · 08.07.2009 · Spread ( 2009) Spread. R | …
Перевести · spread. ( sprɛd) vb, spreads, spreading or spread. 1. to extend or unfold or be extended or unfolded to the fullest width: she spread the map on the table. 2. to extend or cause to extend over a larger expanse of space or time: the milk spread all over the floor; the political unrest spread …
How to spread bet | How to trade with IG
How COVID-19 Can Spread in a Community
YouTube › Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Trump announces plan to slow the spread of COVID-19
Study examines spread of COVID-19 in restaurant | WNT
The science behind how germs spread
Спред (произносится: «спрэд»; от англ. spread «разброс») — разность между лучшими ценами заявок на продажу (аск) и на покупку (бид) в один и тот же момент времени на какой-либо актив (акцию, товар, валюту, фьючерс, опцион).
Перевести · Spread can also refer to the difference in a trading position – the gap between a short position (that is, selling) in one futures contract or currency and a long position (that is, buying) in ...
Spread syntax позволяет расширить доступные для итерации элементы (например, массивы или строки) в местах для функций: где ожидаемое количество аргументов для вызовов функций …
spread. ( sprɛd) vb, spreads, spreading or spread. 1. to extend or unfold or be extended or unfolded to the fullest width: she spread the map on the table. 2. to extend or cause to extend over a larger expanse of space or time: the milk spread all over the floor; the political unrest spread over several years.
d(1) : to cover or overlay something with spread the cloth on the table. (2) archaic : to cover completely. e(1) : to prepare or furnish for dining : set spread the table. (2) : serve spread the afternoon tea.
What is the spread between bid and ask?
What is the spread between bid and ask?
In one of the most common definitions, the spread is the gap between the bid and the ask prices of a security or asset, like a stock, bond or commodity. This is known as a bid-ask spread. Spread can also refer to the difference in a trading position – the gap between a short position...
To discount a security’s price and match it to the current market price, the yield spread must be added to a benchmark yield curve. This adjusted price is called option-adjusted spread. This is usually used for mortgage-backed securities (MBS), bonds, interest rate derivatives and options.
Оператор spread. Начнём сразу с примера: var log = function(a, b, c) { console.log(a, b, c); }; log(... ['Spread', 'Rest', 'Operator']); // Spread Rest Operator. В данном примере переданный в функцию массив разделяется на три значения: Spread, …
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R | 97 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance
A sex comedy centered on a serial womanizer and his jilted lover.
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Jason Hall (screenplay), Jason Hall (story), Paul Kolsby (story)
Spread is an unusual little film. I say 'little', as it's essentially a low budget character-driven drama that is some how being commercially packaged as a rom-com. A quick glance at the credits reveals that this isn't your average Kutcher vehicle: it's directed by Scotland's David Mackenzie of "Young Adam" and "Hallam Foe" fame.

Make no mistake, the Kutcher we see at the start of the film is very familiar: arrogant, uptight and utterly beautiful. But as the run-time flies past, we somehow warm to his character even though he's getting more sex than most of us will get in a lifetime. And here's the good news: Kutcher's performance is fairly astounding. He manages to reveal the humanity in his deeply flawed character with notable subtlety and a distinct lack of cliché. Kutcher's (many) sexual relationships portrayed in the film are brutally realistic: the modern and perhaps unromantic realities of casual sex are not dressed-up in any cheap Hollywood moralising. This is also evident in the overall tone of the film: there are many moments that could have descended into schmaltz, but a sharp edge it maintained on just about every line of dialogue.

Kutcher fans: beware. This is a real departure for the actor, but thank goodness: it's a movie with all the superficial gloss of Hollywood and all the invention of an indie flick.
Anne Heche was paid $65,000 for her performance in this movie.

Nikki: My whole life it was obvious I was going to end up in this city. I don't want to be arrogant here, but I'm an incredibly attractive man. I can't help it, I don't try to be, I just am. When I was a kid my mother's best friend used to tell me that I ...

As the fiancee's family own the NY Rangers, he would not likely send an overnight letter from his home address. It would be from a corporate address.

Plot Summary
Synopsis (WARNING: Spoilers)
Comedy | Drama | Romance
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In Los Angeles, Nikki (Kutcher) is a sexual grafter who uses his assets to enjoy the city's richest women and their lifestyle. Soon he finds himself torn between two very different women: Samantha (Heche), a lawyer who who gives Nikki more than heÂ’s ever had before, and Heather (Levieva), a waitress and equally savvy grafter in her own right.

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Spread: перевод, произношение, транскрипция, примеры ...
Spread | Definition of Spread by Merriam-Webster
Spread (2009) - IMDb
Spread - definition of spread by The Free Dictionary
Spread Definition - Investopedia
Spread syntax - JavaScript | MDN
ES6: Операторы Spread и Rest - Frontend Raccoon

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