Spotted Dick

Spotted Dick


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Main ingredients: Suet, dried fruit, …
Place of origin: United Kingdom
Type: Pudding
Spotted dick (also known as "spotted dog" or "railway cake") is a traditional British baked pudding, historically made with suet and dried fruit (usually currants or raisins) and often served with custard.

Non-traditional variants include recipes that replace suet with other fats (such as butter), or that include eggs to make something similar to a sponge pudding …
Spotted dick (also known as "spotted dog" or "railway cake") is a traditional British baked pudding, historically made with suet and dried fruit (usually currants or raisins) and often served with custard.

Non-traditional variants include recipes that replace suet with other fats (such as butter), or that include eggs to make something similar to a sponge pudding or cake.
ПУДИНГ «ПЯТНИСТЫЙ ДИК» (Spotted Dick) Рецептура очень проста, с минимумов ингредиентов. Чаще всего в ней нет даже яиц. Что же тогда …
Перевести · 23.10.2015 · One of the most popular British puddings is spotted dick. The latter half of the phrase was a nineteenth-century British word for plain pudding; the spots are typically raisins, but we used dried currants. (The dessert also goes by spotted …
Set a round wire rack in bottom of a …
Butter a 10-inch round of parchment …
Transfer batter to prepared basin. …
Carefully lower pudding into boiling …
Перевести · Spotted dick is the perfect pudding for a treat on a cold winter's …
How To Make Spotted Dick Recipe - Homemade by SORTED
Spotted Dick Suet Pudding and Custard
Spotted Dick | One Pot Chef (featuring My Virgin Kitchen)
Перевести · 08.11.2012 · Put the flour and salt …
Put the flour and salt in a bowl. Add …
Pour in 150ml milk and mix to a firm …
Place a steamer over a large pan of …перевод/английский-русский/spotted...
Перевод контекст "spotted dick" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: All I need is spotted dick.
Spotted Dick: детсадовский пудинг с названием для взрослых. Вывод: весьма необычный вкус, хотя многое зависит от специй. Десерт довольно …
Перевести · 16.09.2015 · Spotted dick is a classic British pudding often served with a large dollop of custard; Jamie Oliver's spotted dick …
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Spotted dick (also known as "spotted dog" or "railway cake") is a traditional British baked pudding, historically made with suet and dried fruit (usually currants or raisins) and often served with custard.
Non-traditional variants include recipes that replace suet with other fats (such as butter), or that include eggs to make something similar to a sponge pudding or cake.[citation needed]
"Spotted" is a clear reference to the dried fruit in the pudding (which resemble spots). "Dick" and "dog" were dialectal terms widely used for pudding, from the same etymology as "dough" (i.e., the modern equivalent name would be "spotted pudding").[1] In late 19th century Huddersfield, for instance, a glossary of local terms described: "Dick, plain pudding. If with treacle sauce, treacle dick."[2]
The dish is first attested in Alexis Soyer's The modern Housewife or ménagère, published in 1849,[3] in which he described a recipe for "Plum Bolster, or Spotted Dick – Roll out two pounds of paste ... have some Smyrna raisins well washed...".[4]
The name "spotted dog" first appeared in 1855, in C.M. Smith's "Working-men's Way in the World" where it was described as a "very marly species of plum-pudding". This name, along with "railway cake", is most common in Ireland where it is made more similar to a soda bread loaf with the addition of currants.[citation needed]
The Pall Mall Gazette reported in 1892 that "the Kilburn Sisters ... daily satisfied hundreds of dockers with soup and Spotted Dick".[2]
The name has long been a source of amusement and double entendres; reportedly restaurant staff in the Houses of Parliament decided to rename it "Spotted Richard" so it was “less likely to cause a stir”.[5]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Spotted dick.
Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.

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Spotted dick - Wikipedia
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Spotted Dick Recipe | Martha Stewart
The Ultimate Spotted Dick Recipe
Spotted dick recipe | BBC Good Food
spotted dick - Перевод на русский - примеры английски…
Spotted Dick: детсадовский пудинг с названием для взро…
Classic Spotted Dick | Comfort Food | Jamie Oliver
Spotted Dick

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