Spotlight 6 Модуль 3 Контрольная Работа

Spotlight 6 Модуль 3 Контрольная Работа


Spotlight 6 Модуль 3 Контрольная Работа

Опубликовано 09.11.2016 - 18:03 - Пресникова Екатерина Владимировна
Контрольные материалы к 3-му модулю учебника Spotlight-6
1) traffic                A lanes                6) seat                F crossing
2) parking                B limit                7) bike                G warden
3) yellow                C sign                8) speed                H car driver
4) zebra                D lines                9) traffic                I helmet
5) racing                E zone                10) bicycle                J belt
watch                                 road                         plane                        boat                 bike                 car                 lights                 left                 handgrips                         kerb
1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a ___.
2. Use the ____ when there are no free seats on the bus.
3. My little sister can’t ride a ___ yet.
4. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a ___.
5. Don’t run from the pavement onto the ___.
7. Always stop at the traffic ____ when it’s red.
10. Stand on the pavement near the ____.
3. Complete the Road Safety Instructions  with the correct verb.
1. When on the street, ____ both ways before crossing the road.
2. When on the bus, don’t ____ to the driver.
3. When going to school, ____ on the pavement.
4. When you ride a bike, ____ a bicycle helmet.
5. When in the car, don’t ____ out of the window.
4. Choose the correct preposition (on, by, in, from, at)
1. Be careful when you cross the street __ foot.
2. When you travel __ a bus, don’t annoy others.
3. Always wear a seat belt when you travel __ a car.
5. It’s expensive to travel __ plane.
5. Find the correct response to each sentence.
1. Is there a cinema near here?                        A Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s.
2. Is it far?                                                B Don’t mention it.
3. Do you know where the bank is?                C Not really.
4. Do I turn right at the traffic lights?                D Yes. There is a nice one on High Street.
5. Thank you very much.                                E No, you turn left. Look at the sign.
6. Read the text and answer the questions.
Hi! My name is Fran and I’m ten years old. My best friend is Susan and she is twelve. Susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. She can play the guitar and the piano. Susan is also very good at sports. She can swim and sail a boat, too. I can’t swim very well and I can’t sail a boat. Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. I can’t cook because my mum says I’m too young. There is one thing that Susan and I can’t do. We can’t drive a car!
7. Describe the traffic signs using the modal verb CAN/CAN’T
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Сочинение Какой Я Хочу Оставить След
Эссе На Тему Великая
Контрольная Работа Правописание Слов 3 Класс
Оформление Титульного Листа Для Реферата В Мчс

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