Спотлайт 4 Класс Контрольные Работы Скачать Бесплатно

Спотлайт 4 Класс Контрольные Работы Скачать Бесплатно


Спотлайт 4 Класс Контрольные Работы Скачать Бесплатно

Опубликовано 28.01.2018 - 0:03 - Миронова Светлана Юрьевна
Контрольные работы по английскому языку для учащихся 4 класса по учебнику УМК Spotlight соответствуют возрастным особенностям учащихся и содержанию материала учебника.
1. Look, learn the table and write. Then translate into Russian.
2. Listen! The children …………………… . a) are singing         b) is singing
            3  Look! Kelly ………………………….   a) is diving      b) are diving                                                  
            4. Bill and Wendy ……………….. playing in the garden. They’re in the living room.
              a) isn’t                     b) aren’t
           5. She …………… swim really well. She’s in the swimming team.                                  
              a) can’t           b) can
4. Read and complete with Present Continuous.
It’s Sunday. My dad_______________________________________ (watch) TV.
On the television his favourite band ___________________________(play) the concert.
My mum and grandma______________________________________  (cook).
My grandpa_______________________________ (sleep).
We_______________________________(have) a good time.
  7:30          quarter past eleven
2.  Перепишите предложения в отрицательной фoрме.
Пример: I have to cook dinner. – I don’t have to cook dinner.
                 Meg has to go to bed. – Meg doesn’t have to go to bed.
3.  Соедини профессии и действие, составь предложение по примеру.
 A baker                        help sick people
A mechanic                  teach pupils
A nurse                         sell fruit
A teacher                      take letters to people
A greengrocer              fix cars
A postman                    bake bread
4. Переведи  выражения на русский язык, впиши в предложения.
1. Отметь, где мы можем употребить “some ”.
1) olive oil    2) jam    3) play   4) juice    5) read   6) porridge   7) ride  8) chips
2. Find the odd word out (Найди лишнее слово):
1) a carton of milk / yogurt /chicken
2) a packet of meat / spaghetti /biscuits
4) a bottle of  lemonade / water / flour
3. Choose and write: How much / how many.
1. ______________ cheese have you got?
2. _________________   milk is there in the fridge?
3. _________________ apples do you need for your cake?
4. _______________ pepper do you add (добавляешь) in your porridge?
5. ____________ packets of biscuits have you got?
4. Choose and write: a lot   / many   / much:
1. There isn’t ____________ sugar in the tea.
2. There are ______________of oranges and mangoes in the basket.
3. Are there ____________ potatoes at home? – Yes, there are ___________.
4. Are there _____________ eggs  in the fridge?  - No, not ______________.
5. How ______________ milk do you drink every day? – Not _______________.
5. Match the phrases (Соотнеси фразы).
2 May I eat a sandwich in my bedroom?
3 Can I have a tin of beans, please?
c) No, you may not. It’s still too hot.
e) No, you may not. Eat it in the kitchen!
6. Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквы Gg.
Fridge, mango, green, orange, garden, gym, magic, sugar.
                                                                    Spotlight 4    Module 4
        3 . Расставь названия месяцев в правильном порядке. Переведи на русский язык.
1. Seals always (clap / are clapping) at lunchtime.
2. Seals (clap / are clapping) now.
3. Dolphins usually (play / are playing) in the sea.
4. Sam is in the kitchen. He (eats / is eating).
5. Look at the lizard! It (sits / is sitting) in the sun.
        5 . Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквосочетания OO.
Wood, school, book, too, zoo, look, foot, room.
MODULE 5 “Where were you yesterday?”
1. It ____________ Vicky’s birthday.
5. Распредели слова по правилам чтения буквы Aa.
It was Sunday yesterday. There were a lot of children in the park. Nina and Sasha played badminton. Tim wanted to fly the kite but it wasn’t windy. Sergey tried to ride his bike but he needed help. Maxim helped him to fix the bike. Victor panted his face and the children laughed. Their parents watched them.
Образец:    Lida watched TV last night. --- Lida didn’t watch TV last night.
Образец:   Seva lived in Toronto last year. --- Did Seva live in Toronto last year?
liked, loved, wanted , stayed, cleaned, started, needed, worked, hoped.
1.  He is very _____________! He always helps me with my homework.
2. Little Anna is a very _________ baby! Everyone likes her!
3.  He shouts all the time! He’s a very ___________ person!
4. Nick is very ___________! He can carry big boxes!
5. Ben is very ______________! He never says a word!
II. Используй прилагательное в нужной форме.
1. This is the ________________(fast) car in the world.
2. Brian is ___________________(good) than me.
3. This is the _________________(big) toy shop in my town.
4. The blue dress is ____________ (nice) than the red dress.
5. Tim is _____________________(short) than Mike.
III. Раскрой скобки, поставь глагол в прошедшее время.
1. Mum ____________________ (make) a cake yesterday.
2. Peter _____________________(write) an e-mail to his friend last night.
3. I ________________________(see) your sister at the theatre last week.
4. The girls _____________________(buy) new T-shirts last Saturday.
5. Harry ________________________(eat) a salad for lunch.
IV. Построй отрицательное предложение.
1. Jenny rode a horse last Sunday. _______________________________________________________
2. Corky drank orange juice yesterday morning. _____________________________________________
3. We swam in the sea last summer. ______________________________________________________
1.  They went to the cinema yesterday. ___________________________________________________  
2. He sang songs at school. ________________________________________________________    
3. Mike and Ben came home at 5 pm yesterday. ___________________________________________                                              
2. Напиши предложения с оборотом to be going to. Переведи на русский язык.
1. She _______________________ to make a cake.
2. He _______________________ to take pictures.
3. We ______________________ to play party games.
4. I ________________________ to watch a video.
3. Составь предложения в будущем времени.
2. Напиши предложения с оборотом to be going to. Переведи на русский язык.
1. She _______________________ to make a cake.
2. He _______________________ to take pictures.
3. We ______________________ to play party games.
4. I ________________________ to watch a video.
3. Составь предложения в будущем времени.
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