xManager Mod FAQ

xManager Mod FAQ

Spotify Mod Support

What is xManager and what does this mod do?
Is there xManager for Android TV?
Is there xManager for iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux?

xManager downloads fail or do not start, why?
Where can I download xManager?

I get install error, App not Installed, why?

I get install error, There was a Problem Parsing the Package, why?

Tidal (Wave):

What does Tidal mod do?
How do I use Tidal mod?


What does Spotify mod do?
What does Spotify Lite mod do?
Mod features are not working, why?

Spotify is not working properly, what can be done?

I cannot log into the Spotify mod, why?

Does Wrapped work with mod?

I get ads when casting or using Spotify Connect, why?

Canvas is not working, why?

Mod is not working with Android Auto, why?

Mod saying No Internet or mentions 14 days, why?

Spotify is blank and only shows a Premium button, why?

Blend does not work with the mod, why?

Clicking Spotify link opens browser instead of app, why?

I am missing a Spotify feature, why?

What is ARMEABI-V7A, ARM64-V8A and MERGED?

What is the CLONE version of the mod?


Spotify is pre-installed on my device, what can I do?


What is xManager and what does this mod do?

xManager is an Android-only app which provides a centralized location to download the Spotify, Spotify Lite and Tidal (Wave) pre-patched APKs from the xManager team.

Other than the Spotify "AMOLED" black theme, xManager mods does NOT introduce custom features designed by the team. Avoid requesting such things.

Is there xManager for Android TV? 

No, neither xManager nor its mods are built for Android TV support.

While it's technically possible to manually install a mod APK on Android TV, the mod from xManager is the Android mobile version of Spotify and not the proper Android TV build -- navigating around the UI may require mouse support or using Spotify Connect from another device.

There are currently no plans to support Android TV for xManager or its mods.

Is there xManager for iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux?

No, xManager and its mods are built for Android mobile devices only.
Check out Spotilife for iOS, SpotX for Windows and SpotX-Bash for Linux/macOS.

xManager downloads fail or do not start, why?

At this time, it is expected to be running xManager v5.0 or higher.

If running v5.0+ and still having issues, there are a variety of variables to consider but a majority of the download issues are due to file host issues, a network routing/DNS issue between the file host server and your internet connection or your device/network blocking the download host.

A VPN, changing your DNS or changing your network connection (Wifi <--> mobile) may help. If downloads are still not working you can try using the Mirror Link button.

Where can I download xManager?

xManager is available on xManagerApp.com, GitHub, the official Telegram Group and Release-APK forums. Downloading it from any other source may or may not be safe and is not controlled by the team.

I get install error, App not Installed, why? 

Take the guessing out of installation issues, install the APK manually with ADB or Split APKs Installer (mirror) to see a full error message.

These errors are uninformative but most often happen for the following reasons:

• insufficient free space on your Android device

• blocked by android security

• one of the reasons in the "parsing error" section below

For insufficient free space errors, free up some space on your device then try again.

For installs blocked by security, depending on your Android version you may have to enable apps to be installed by "unknown sources" or enable a specific app (such as xManager) to install apps from unknown sources. See Google for more info.

I get install error, There was a Problem Parsing the Package, why?

If you have received a 0.7MB "APK" from xManager then xManager download servers are likely temporarily down and you have not received the actual APK, hence the parsing error. Download using the Mirror Link button which is available during the usually download status popup.

Parsing errors are somewhat generic and can be caused by multiple things including (but not limited to):

• incomplete download

• corrupted download

• APK signature mismatch

• incompatible hardware

• installing a "lower" version number

To take the guessing out of installation issues, install the APK manually with ADB or Split APKs Installer (mirror) to see a full error message.

For incomplete or corrupted APK issues you can try re-downloading the app. xManager's main links may not be working -- in those cases, using the Mirror Link would also work.

APK signature mismatch can be fixed by uninstalling the current app first.

If trying to install a lower version number, you must uninstall the current app version first.

What does Tidal mod do? 

  • Blocks ads
  • Allows playback without forced shuffle or skip limits
  • Allows downloading for offline playback
  • Uses 96kbps AAC audio quality

xManager Tidal mod (Wave) by x3CFFF0E

The Tidal mod does NOT:

  • Give you free Premium
  • Provide audio quality above 96kbps AAC
  • Allow use of free-tier plan without USA IP
  • Bypass free-tier monthly streaming quota

How do I use Tidal mod? 

Tidal mod requires a free-tier account -- free-tier Tidal accounts are only for USA accounts. If you are not in USA, you must use a USA VPN/proxy/etc to spoof your IP location.

  • Requires USA IP for account creation
  • Requires USA IP for all streaming
  • Requires Android 7+

It is recommended to create a new account through a browser, not in-app. Once you reach the "Choose a subscription" page, stop here -- the free-tier account is created (assuming USA IP was used). Sign into mod with the email/password used during signup (with USA IP).

Any issues while using Tidal mod are due to:

  • not following the requirements listed above
  • the VPN(server)/proxy/etc used to spoof location is not supported by Tidal
  • issue between your device and Tidal -- unrelated to mod

What does Spotify mod do? 

  • Blocks most visual ads
  • Blocks ads inserted between audio tracks or before/during/after podcasts
  • Allows on-demand playback without forced shuffle or skip limits
  • Allows up to "High" (160kbps OGG) audio quality
  • Unlocks some UI features normally restricted for free-tier users
  • Experimental builds may unlock official A/B features not yet available to all
  • "AB" builds provide "AMOLED" black theme

xManager Spotify mod by x3CFFF0E, Sherlock Holmes and Mr.Dude

The Spotify mod does NOT:

  • Give you free Premium
  • Unlock "Very High" or "HiFi" audio quality
  • Unlock downloading songs/playlists for offline playback
  • Unlock AI DJ
  • Unlock Group Sessions
  • Unlock starting or remotely joining Jams

What does Spotify Lite mod do? 

Spotify Lite mod is based off the official Lite version from Spotify which has both reduced APK size and memory footprint but also comes with less features (no Spotify Connect, no Android Auto, no Wrapped etc).

Just like the Spotify mod above, the Lite mod blocks ads and removes skip limits and shuffle restrictions. It will not give you free Premium or unlock any additional Premium features.

xManager Spotify Lite mod by x3CFFF0E

Mod features are not working, why? 

Current releases (v8.8.14.757 and newer) no longer require force-closing the mod for things to work and "kick in" (although sometimes this does still fix some issues -- try this first!).

If still running into issues close Spotify and clear Spotify app data from Android Settings then re-open Spotify and sign in again. If this does not fix things you may need to try another Spotify version number (newer or older). Also note the following:

  • Users with Spotify region set to Turkey may have issues with the mod -- the current fix is to use a VPN to change your Spotify region in account profile settings or use Spotify Lite mod.
  • AMOLED Black and clone builds may sometimes have additional bugs -- if running into issues with a feature you may want to try non-AMOLED/non-clone versions or a different mod version number.

Spotify is not working properly, what can be done? 

Users may run into unexpected bugs when using Spotify mod. Users can try the following things to clear these bugs:

  • Force close app, then reopen.
  • Stop app and clear/erase Spotify app data in Android settings, then reopen.

Many bugs are not caused by the mod but come with Spotify itself, you can test for the issues yourself using stock/unmodified Spotify (here or here), based on the exact same version as the mod currently installed. For example, if using mod v8.7.70.553 then testing official v8.7.70.553 would be needed. Attempting to test with a different version number would be a waste of time as bugs change in every build.

To attempt to get away from the bug you are experiencing:

  • Downgrade to a previous mod version (best version for each user/device may vary)
  • Use non-AMOLED/non-CLONE variant to see if problem goes away
  • Wait for a new mod version to be released in hopes it fixes current bug, but problem is likely between your device and Spotify

I cannot log into the Spotify mod, why?

  • confirm sure you are NOT using the Facebook/Google Sign-in
  • confirm your Spotify region and IP is supported by Spotify
  • confirm your Spotify region setting matches your current IP region
  • confirm the exact same email/userID + password is working with Spotify.com (do NOT use a password manager or saved password when logging in)
  • confirm you aren't using a VPN/DNS/proxy or any VPN/DNS-filtering which Spotify may not like
  • add a space to the end of email (random bug, apparently this works for some)
  • [try as last resort] if you have tried EVERYTHING above and are 100% sure you are entering correct login info, leave the login error screen up and lock phone -- wait a few minutes then open phone, Spotify may now be logged in

The only login change due to the mod is the lack of Facebook/Google sign-in, everything else is between you and Spotify.

Sometimes Spotify resets passwords automatically for "security" reasons so your password which used to be correct is now disabled and you may need to follow the password reset steps that were sent to you via email.

It is recommended to always use an email address which you have access to. If Spotify ever auto-resets your password or you forget your password and you have used a "temporary" email, you may lose access to the account.

If you do not yet have a standard Spotify account, create one on Spotify.com rather than trying to create an account using the Spotify mod.

If you have previously only used the Facebook/Google login and do not yet have a standard Spotify account, you can create a Spotify password to log in with your email address instead -- Facebook details here | Google details here.

Does Wrapped work with mod?

Yes, why wouldn't it? The only condition is: Spotify app version must be recent enough to support Wrapped for the specific year in question (this is the same as official app).

Wrapped 2023 should work with mod version and higher.
Or watch your wrapped from the browser here.

Spotify's official Wrapped 2023 FAQ can be found here.

I get ads when casting or using Spotify Connect, why?

This is expected behavior. When casting or using Spotify Connect the audio is no longer sourced from the Spotify mod but instead handled directly by the Spotify API and the device you are casting/connecting to -- free accounts will get ads. To avoid ads on external devices -- connect your Android device to them via line-out cable or Bluetooth.

Canvas is not working, why?

  • Canvas may be disabled if "data saver" is enabled in settings.
  • Spotify users in select regions and countries (Middle East & North Africa, Russia, India, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Moldova) are not able to see Canvases in their app at this time.

If you are positive you are using a Canvas-supported region make sure the Canvas option is toggled on in the app settings.. and if that still fails, try force stopping the app or clearing the app cache and/or data.

Mod is not working with Android Auto, why?

Spotify mod works with Android Auto. If Spotify is not showing up in Android Auto:

  • Enable "Unknown Sources" in the Android Auto developer settings (see "step 1" here). [newer versions of Android/Android Auto may no longer have the app in app drawer, search for Android Auto in the Android settings menu]
  • Open the Spotify app on your phone before connecting to Android Auto.
  • AMOLED and CLONE builds may introduce additional issues, avoid and switch to NON-AMOLED/NON-CLONE builds if still experiencing issues.

Mod saying No Internet or mentions 14 days, why?

Nearly all "no internet", "offline" and "14-day" issues are unrelated to the mod and there's nothing we can change on our end to help fix it (outside of what's suggested in this FAQ).

Spotify free accounts can only be outside of their "home region" for up to 14 days at a time and then requires that your current IP address region match the region set in your Spotify account profile settings. See Spotify's country/region settings page here for more info.

For example, if the Spotify account profile settings are set to USA but you are located in Russia, once every 14 days you will need to log into Spotify or use a Spotify client while using a USA IP (VPN/Proxy/etc).

Or, if your live in, for example, Canada but the Spotify account profile country/region location has been changed at some point due to traveling, using VPN, etc... the Spotify account profile country/region setting should be changed back to Canada.

The "no internet/offline" error may happen in unsupported Spotify regions or in regions that do not have a free-tier, see here for more info.

Spotify is blank and only shows a Premium button, why?

This behavior is unrelated to xManager or the Spotify mod and is a Spotify "issue".
This error may happen when:

  • Spotify is used in an unsupported region. Check here for supported regions.
  • Spotify is used in a region that does not have a free-tier plan, such as South Korea which is Premium-only.

Changing the Spotify accounts region is required. This can be done by using a VPN set to a different country/region and then viewing the account profile page here and changing the region to that of the VPN. See here for more info on Spotify and regions.

Blend does not work with the mod, why?

Opening Blend invite links in the Spotify mod may not work as intended. After clicking a Blend link, close Spotify then reopen the app and you should be greeted with the Blend invite page. You may also find your Blends in the "Made for You" section under "Search".

Depending on device, OS and ROM -- clicking Spotify links may or may not automatically open in the Spotify mod. This is due to how Android handles verifying links and apps and since the app signature for the mod differs from the official Spotify signature, your device may not verify these links and automatically associate them with the mod app. See here for detailed info on this matter.

To fix/bypass this issue:
• Open Android's settings, then Apps/App settings
• Scroll to Spotify app settings
• Open "Open by default" options
• Click "+ add link" and enable all Spotify links

Exact names for the menus and options may vary depending on OEM, OS and ROM used.

I am missing a Spotify feature, why?

  • Some features are directly tied to your Spotify account, enabled for some and not enabled for others.
  • Some features are tied to a specific app version, with each update there are changes.
  • Some Spotify features are regional... canvas, storyline, 'Hey Spotify' etc.
    If you are not in a region which supports these features then they will not be available. Alternatively, you can change your region to one of the supported regions to gain the feature you are looking for with a VPN then sign into the Spotify website and change your location in settings here: https://www.spotify.com/account/profile/

If you are in a supported Spotify region you will only need to be connected to the VPN when signing into the Spotify website to change your region. If you are not in a supported Spotify region then you may need to remain connected to a VPN at all times.

See here for more info - https://support.spotify.com/article/country-region-settings/

What is ARMEABI-V7A, ARM64-V8A and MERGED?

As of 2023, all official versions are MERGED so users will no longer have to consider what architecture their device is.

These are references to the build architecture of each Spotify mod APK. xManager Spotify supports devices using the ARM architecture, but there is both ARMEABI-V7A (32-bit ARM) and ARM64-V8A (64-bit ARM). Generally, you should use the builds that match your devices architecture but in some rare cases the ARMEABI-V7A version may work better for you despite using ARM64-V8A hardware. If you are unsure which architecture your device is running, xManager displays this info next to "CPU/ARCH".

ARMEABI-V7A builds work on both ARMEABI-V7A and ARM64-V8A devices
ARM64-V8A builds ONLY work on ARM64-V8A devices
MERGED builds contain files for BOTH ARMEABI-V7A and ARM64-V8A devices, if your hardware is ARMEABI-V7A it will use ARMEABI-V7A and if your hardware is ARM64-V8A it will use ARM64-V8A.

What is the CLONE version of the mod?

In short, the cloned version if the same as the normal mod -- ONLY the package name has been changed.

Some users may have a phone with Spotify pre-installed and they are unable to disable or uninstall the pre-installed version which blocks them from installing the standard mod. The clone app has a different Android package name than the normal mod or stock/official version and allows these users to install the mod.

Android's security does not allow installing/updating an APK that shares the same package name as one currently installed if the signatures do not match. The xManager Spotify mod versions and the official stock Spotify versions have different signatures but both use the same package name(com.spotify.music), this is why uninstalling the Official Spotify version first is required when using the mod. This also explains why those with pre-installed Spotify versions are unable to use the mod and why we offer a "clone" version of the mod for those users.


These terms indicate the color theme of the mod....
REGULAR/STOCK is the default theme and app with minimal patching just for blocking ads and unlocking skips and forced shuffle.
EXP is for experimental builds adding official features still in (A/B) testing.
AMOLED/AB adds an "AMOLED black"* dark theme

*AMOLED black theme may not be true "AMOLED black" and instead just "dark" on some versions.

Spotify is pre-installed on my device, what can I do?

Uninstall it before using the mod. If the app will not uninstalled due to being a forced system or vendor app you will need the CLONE version -- see details about the CLONE version here.

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