Sports tourism involves travel for holding and/or

Sports tourism involves travel for holding and/or

participation in sports events

Sports tourism involves travel for holding and/or

participation in sports events in certain countries and regions

nah. There are professional and amateur tourism. Love-

Telsky tourism can be subdivided as follows: winter

and summer, as well as water, air, desert and mountain views


Ethnic tourism aims to visit the place of birth

or origin of the family, as well as the place of residence of relatives

and/or loved ones. This type of tourism is called nostalgic

(nostalgie-tour). This type of tourism has a priority for

countries with large diasporas of people from other

countries. Tourists from Germany, for example, are popular

trips to the Volga region, and for tourists from Finland - to Karelian

land, Lake Ladoga (about 500 thousand Finns were forced

left these places during the hostilities of 1939–1945).

Ethnic tourism is also widespread among the Chinese, whose diaspora

has more than 60 million people.

Religious tourism is based on religious needs

people of different faiths. Religious tourism can be called

ancient, its roots go back to time immemorial. He has two

main varieties: pilgrimage tourism (separately follows


highlight the spiritual and pilgrimage direction) and religious

rism of excursion-cognitive orientation. Religious

Tourism in individual denominations has its own characteristics.

Transit tourism in line with WTO recommendations

includes two varieties:

- movements of air passengers who do not enter the country,

but only make a transfer to a connecting flight;

- movements of tourists who travel to the final destination

with a short stop for connecting flights in the third


Educational tourism involves tours for a long time

tu from 15 days to three months for the purpose of advanced training

or deepening knowledge in certain disciplines. Most

educational tours are currently popular

in order to study or deepen the knowledge of a foreign language.

Depending on the method of organization, organizations are distinguished

ny and unorganized tourism.

Organized tourism involves a pre-designed

and a travel program organized by a travel company for

tourist/tourists according to their wishes and budget. Tourist

the company pre-books and pays for all tourist services for all

mu route, draws up the necessary travel documents.

Unorganized tourism assumes that tourists themselves, without

participation and / or mediation of a travel company, organize

your journey. Develop your own travel itinerary

determine the objects of excursion visits, plan places

lodging, draw up travel documents, etc. Unorganized

tourism is very popular in the world. First of all in countries, citizenship

which allows you to travel to other countries without registration

entry visa (for example, citizens of the Schengen countries

can move freely throughout Europe, citizens

we the US also do not need an entry visa to the Schengen countries

announcements). Relatively short distances, good trans-

port network, the ability to freely cross the borders of neighboring

states, the presence of many sightseeing objects and other

important factors influenced the fact that the share of unorganized

rism in Europe is 80%.

Fuendetodos – the birthplace of Francisco de Goya

Yesa reservoir and its touristic activities

Piedra monastery and its park with waterfalls

Sádaba and its castle

Sos del Rey Católico – a Historic-Artistic Site

Tarazona was declared a Historic-Artistic Site in 1965

Tranquera reservoir

Veruela Abbey

Uncastillo – a Historic-Artistic complex

Zaragoza and its heritage

Parthia of the times of Mithridates II is a really powerful state. Far and near countries establish friendly relations with her or seek to enlist her support. Mithridates II begins to call himself the king of kings. So he was also called the ambassadors who arrived from China. The Han Emperor Wudi wanted to establish friendly relations with the Parthians, through whose possessions an important section of the Great Silk Road passed. The Parthians themselves were well aware of the benefits of controlling the roads along which trade caravans traveled from East to West and from West to East. They did not allow Roman traders here, stopping any attempt on their part to explore these routes and collect more information about the countries of the East.

Trade duties were one of the most important items of income for the state treasury. Some of the goods brought by caravans from different countries were sold at the bazaars in the major cities of Parthia. There one could buy Chinese silks, Indian cotton, embroideries from Babylon, precious stones, iron products of the masters of Syria and India, ebony, sandalwood, ivory, incense, healing ointments and powders, spices and other foreign goods. The most rare and precious items settled in the royal treasuries.

Albarracín and its architecture

Alcañiz – the capital of the Lower Aragon historical region

Calaceite and its attractions

Cantavieja has been declared a historical-artistic site since 1981

Cretas and its parish Mannerist church

Linares de Mora and its castle

Mirambel and its historic center

Mora de Rubielos and its castle

Puertomingalvo and its castle

Rubielos de Mora and its attractions

Teruel and its Mudejar heritage

Valderrobres and its palace

Villarroya de los Pinares and its attractions

One of such treasuries of the Parthian kings was discovered by archaeologists in southern Turkmenistan near the small village of Bagir. It was located inside the Mihrdatkert fortress, later known as Old Nisa. The walls of the fortress were built of clay to a height of more than 10 m, reaching a thickness of 9 m at the base. They were reinforced with 43 rectangular towers, and the corner towers, which were of particular importance in the defense, were real bastions. Numerous loopholes in the shape of a swallow's tail cut through the thickness of the walls, giving the greatest view from the walls to the surroundings and protecting the defending warriors. In one of the corner towers there was an entrance to the fortress, to which a gradually rising ramp, parallel to the line of the wall, led. Thus, all those who entered the fortress were under the gunpoint of the garrison guarding it.

Abizanda and its castle

Agüero and Mallos rock formations

Aínsa – a Historic-Artistic Site

Alquézar and its collegiate castle-church of Santa María la Mayor

Ansó and its attractions

Barbastro and its attractions

Benasque and its landscapes

Canfranc International railway station – Titanic of the Mountains

Castle of Loarre – a National Monument

Echo and its landscapes

El Grado reservoir

Ésera river and Linsoles reservoir

Graus was declared a historical-artistic site in 1975

Huesca – the door of the Pyrenees

Jaca – former capital of Aragon

Monzón and its castle

Roda de Isábena and its Cathedral of San Vicente

Royal Monastery of San Juan de la Peña

San Pedro castle

San Pedro de Siresa – a Romanesque monastery

Santa Cruz de la Serós and its First Romanesque churches

Torreciudad Sanctuary

Tower of Fusiliers

Cerler with 77 km of slopes, including the longest in Spain (9 km)

Candanchú is one the highest ski resort in the Spanish Pyrenees

Astún: 50 km of ski slopes

Inside the fortress there were palaces, temples, service and utility rooms, including a treasury. The square building of the treasury had blank walls and a flat roof. Probably, in the last years of the existence of the Parthian state, the treasury was damaged by an earthquake, perhaps it was robbed. But even what archaeologists have found suggests what great values ​​were stored in it. Details of Parthian weapons and precious horse harness, various vessels, both locally made and Egyptian and Syrian, fragments of jewelry made of glass, mastic, bone, shells, gems and precious metals, coins of Alexander the Great, Seleucids, Arsacids and kings were found. Greco-Bactrian kingdom. Some of the coins were counterfeit. Therefore, vigilant Parthian treasurers tested them by cutting them on the side or cutting them in half.

Numerous and well-preserved works of art were found: sculptures made of bone, metal, stone, part of the ceremonial throne of the Ar-Shakid kings and a large number of rhytons - horn-shaped ivory vessels decorated with carvings, paintings, and sculptural details. Perhaps these precious vessels were used during solemn ceremonies or palace feasts.

Avilés – a Historic-Artistic Site

As Figueiras and its attractions

Candás and its attractions

Castropol – a Historic Site

Cudillero and its attractions

Gijón – the capital of the Green Coast

Jurassic Museum of Asturias

Indiano Archive Foundation and its museum

La Quinta de Selgas – Asturian Versailles

Lastres and its attractions

Llanes and the Gulpiyuri – shortest beach in the world

Luanco and its attractions

Luarca and its attractions

Navia and its attractions

Oviedo – the capital of the Principality of Asturias

Ribadesella and the International Descent of the Sella

Sanctuary of Covadonga – cradle of Spain

Tapia and its Peñarronda beach

Tazones – the Historic-Artistic Complex

Torazu and its rural architecture

Aguinaga Museum of Mercedes-Benz

Armintza – a fishing village

Bakio – ideal for surfers of all levels

Bermeo and its attractions

Bilbao – the most visited city of the Basque Country

Biscay bridge – a World Heritage Site by UNESCO

Butron castle inspired by Bavarian castle models

Cabo Machichaco lighthouse – the northernmost point of Basque country

Castle of Muñatones dates back to 1339

It is known that among the Parthians there was a widespread custom to drink an intoxicating drink, "giving comprehensive knowledge." During this ceremony, they discussed especially important matters.

One of the Nysian rhytons is decorated with a relief image, the plot of which can be associated with the legend of the Theban king Pentheus. The curious king secretly entered the festival dedicated to the god of wine, Dionysus. Among the participants in the sacred rites in honor of Dionysus - the Bacchantes - was the mother of Pen-they, Queen Agave. Intoxicated with wine, the Bacchantes mistook the king for a sacrificial animal and tore it to pieces, sacrificing it to their god. This Greek legend was the basis of Euripides' drama "The Bacchae", known at the Arsacid court. It was once played by actors in the presence of Tsar Orod, the winner of the Romans at Carrhae. At the climax of the performance, a crowd of actors portraying Bacchantes brought onto the stage on raised thyrsus rods not the rag head of the mythical Pentheus, but the head of the defeated Roman commander Crassus and threw it at the feet of the Parthian king to the enthusiastic cries of those present.

Durango and its historic center

Gaztelugatxe viewpoint

Guernica and its tree

Lekeitio and its attractions

Mundaka is famous for its surfing

Ondarroa and its beaches

Torre Loizaga car museum and its Rolls-Royce collection

Balenciaga Museum – born to be fashionable

Beasain and its attractions

Deba and its beaches

Getaria and its attractions

Hondarribia​ – the northernmost resort of the Costa Vasca

Irun and its attractions

Mutriku and its beaches

Oñati and its first Basque university

Orio and its Antilla beach

Pasaia – a fishing village

Orodes did not enjoy his military successes for long. Behind him, a conspiracy was brewing, headed by Prince Fraat. In 37 BC Horod accepted death at the hands of his son, who was named King Phraates IV. Having taken the throne, the parricide king faced problems vital for the state: an exhausting military confrontation with Rome, battles in which the most talented commanders and brave Parthian warriors died. During military clashes, trade froze and the flow of gold to the state treasury dried up. Finally, the ongoing strife both in the family of the king and among his courtiers largely contributed to the weakening of the state. In 20 BC the Parthians had to conclude an agreement with Rome, according to which they returned all the surviving captive soldiers of Crassus and his successors. Later, four sons and four grandsons of King Phraates went to Rome as hostages. But the fate of those who remained at home was even worse. A few years later, all members of the Arshakids family died as a result of palace unrest and conspiracies. The Parthian throne turned out to be free, and Roman diplomacy, supported by the troops, helped its man, Vanon, occupy it. The once mighty Parthia found itself under the control of an old adversary. It seemed that her glory and power remained in the distant past. However, in 10 AD. son-in-law of Phraates IV Arta-ban rebelled, expelled the Roman henchmen and proclaimed himself king, initiating a new Parthian dynasty of younger Arsacids.

Sanctuary of Loyola

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Arantzazu

Sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe

San Sebastian – Spanish royal resort

Tolosa and its attractions

Urkulu Reservoir and its hiking routes

Zarautz and its longest beach in Basque coast

Zumaia – the longest set of continuous rock strata in the world

Abbey of Santa María de Viaceli

Bárcena Mayor and its rural architecture

Carmona and its rural architecture

Castro-Urdiales – a Historic-Artistic Site

Comillas – the Spanish royal resort since 19th century

Ebro reservoir – one of the largest reservoirs in Spain

Juliobriga – Roman city

The state of the Parthians was to exist for more than 200 years. These were difficult times. The Parthians had to defend the western borders from the onslaught of the Romans, repel the raids of the nomads, suppress the uprisings of the conquered peoples, gradually recognizing their independence. Trade grew weak, goods were sent in other ways, palace unrest led to disorder and complete anarchy in the state. When in 212 AD. an uprising broke out in the southwest, in Pars, the Parthians did not have the strength to suppress it in time, because. the state was ruled by two irreconcilable enemies - the brothers Vologez V and Artaban V, unable to reconcile and act together.

Laredo – a Historic-Artistic Site

Liérganes – a historical-artistic complex

Mogrovejo – a Historic Site

Picos de Europa – national park

Potes – a historic complex

Puente Viesgo and its caves

Reinosa and its attractions

Santander – the capital of Cantabria

Santillana del Mar – a Historical-Artistic complex

Santo Toribio de Liébana monastery – a National Monument

San Vicente de la Barquera and its attractions

Torrelavega and its attractions

Tudanca – a historic complex

Arévalo – a site of cultural interest

The following types of tourism are distinguished by duration:

- short-term (weekend tours, trips for a period

up to 7 days);

- medium-term (tours lasting from 9 to 12 days);

- long-term (tours for a period of 15 to 30 days).

By the use of vehicles involved

During the trip, the following types of tourism can be distinguished:

- railway,

- aviation,

- motor ship / water (sea and river),

- automobile,

- bus,

- bicycle,

- using other means of transportation.

According to the intensity of visits, tourism is divided into permanent

ny and seasonal.

Permanent tourism should be understood in relation to

uniform visits to tourist regions and objects during

the entire calendar year.

Seasonal tourism is visits to tourist regions, the frequency

which depends on the climatic conditions of the region and subjective

characteristics of the tourist site. Seasonal species include

sti recreational and congress and exhibition tourism.

The type of tourism also influences the seasonality of tourism.

There are high, middle and low seasons. High season character-

is terized by the conditions for the most complete use of tourism

hundreds of tourist resources. On the seasonality of one or another type of tu-

rism is significantly influenced by natural and climatic factors, general

national and religious holidays, vacations, mass events


Depending on the age category of tourists, you can

to divide such types of tourism as:

- children's,

- youth,

- middle-aged people

- persons of the third age.


The World Tourism Organization has proposed a gradation of tourism

sts by age: children traveling with their parents

lyami (up to 15 years); youth (15–24 years old); economically active mo-

young tourists (25–44 years old); economically active tourists

age (45–64 years); tourists of the third age (from 65 years).

In the practice of the enterprises of the tourism industry for the purposes

statistics distinguish the following age categories:

0-2 years - infant (baby);

3-12 years old - a child;

14-18 years old - schoolboy;

18–25 years old – youth (students);

26-45 years old - adults;

46-65 years old - adults;

65 years and older - pensioners (third age).

For tourism planning, age is important in terms of motivation.

travel and financial support for a tourist trip.

According to the sources of financing tourism can be subdivided

into commercial and social types.

Commercial tourism is focused on obtaining tourist

enterprises profit, is the main source for the development

service production. In an effort to maximize profits, tourists

sk firms are constantly looking for the most optimal combination between

the value of costs and the final price of the tourist product. Provide-

the tourism services they provide are mainly customer-oriented

with middle and high incomes.

Social tourism is subsidized from funds allocated for

social needs in order to create conditions for tourism

ny categories of citizens. Subsidies are allocated both from the state

both from non-state funds, as well as from charitable

mi organizations. The Manila Declaration states that social

Tourism is a goal towards which society should strive

for the benefit of the less wealthy.

The concept of social tourism is based on three main


1) providing rest for each member of society by involving

bringing low-income people into the tourism environment;

2) subsidizing tourist trips for poor citizens;

3) participation of state, municipal and public

structures in the development of tourism.

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