Sport Unites People Эссе По Английскому

Sport Unites People Эссе По Английскому


Sport Unites People Эссе По Английскому
Sport unites people (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)
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Nowadays, there are differing opinions about whether sport makes people truly united or not. Some claim that sport unites us, whereas others challenge this view.

In my opinion, sport helps us be closer. Firstly, if one does any kind of sports and is keen on it, there is always an opportunity to invite friends who can join it. This may help individuals form a team, hence, communication and understanding has a chance to happen among them. Secondly, with the help of sport teammates will have a desire to support each other. Thereby, it will make them truly united and cement their friendship.

However, some argue that sport does not allow people to become connected. It sometimes causes conflicts between people, especially when they lose.
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Furthermore, they accuse one another of setbacks and become divided. Besides, it takes a big amount of time to do trainings. Therefore, sportsmen spend little time with the family and friends. This often leads to lack of communication and does not contribute to unity.

Nevertheless, I disagree with this point of view. Conflicts between teammates do not occur because people do sport, they arise because of their traits of character. If they are ambitious and sensible, sport will enable them to unite. Moreover, members of the family should take interest in sportsmen’s achievements and support them, which will strengthen their relationships.

In conclusion, despite the opinion that sport does not help people be closer, I am sure that it makes them truly united.
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