Спорт Плюсы И Минусы На Тему Эссе

Спорт Плюсы И Минусы На Тему Эссе


Спорт Плюсы И Минусы На Тему Эссе

Сочинение на теиму ПЛЮСЫ И МИНУСЫ СПОРТА

1. He was nominated for the best actor ______.
2. Many athletes feel the effects of air ______ during outdoor exercise.
3. Our team took ______ in a f

ootball match.
4. He won a gold ______ in the 100 metres.
5. We are all really ______ of you!
6. He is an important ______ of our team.
7. These materials are ______ into other packaging products.
8. Already a well-known businessman, he is now running for ______ of Bogota.
9. He's recently branched ______ into the restaurant business.
10. His love of ______ was expressed through his wildlife paintings.
Вставить правильно слова: nature, Mayor, award, out, proud, pollution, medal, member, recycled, part.

Нужна срочно помощь. Ответьте до 14:00 плиз. Нужно дополнить предложения1. There is a large ________ for clothes near the bed. 2. There is a ________

on the floor. 3. There is a comfortable _______ near the desk. 4. The carpet is in the _______ of the room. 5. There is a flower on the _______.

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Listen to and read the article ONCE AGAIN and find the word with the following meaning. Exampleanswer: do Примечание: Глаголы нужно писать без части

цы to, а существительные - без артикля. To let someone have or do something – ____________ THE COMPUTER THAT BEGAN IT ALL At the Science Museum in London photographers try to get pictures of an old-fashioned black computer and keyboard. It doesn’t look particularly special. But this computer was the machine that was used by British computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee to create the World Wide Web back in 1989. In the beginning, there was no big plan to change the world. The only idea was to improve communication between the thousands of scientists working for CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research). Sir Tim was a 34-year-old physics graduate working as a software engineer at CERN in Switzerland in 1989. He saw the need for ‘a universal linked information system’, a way of using networks of computers to talk to each other. To do this, he created the first ever web browser. This web browser became the World Wide Web. Sir Tim thought of this name in 1990. Before that, probably not very seriously, he had considered the name The Information Mine, or T.I.M. for short. In 1993, CERN allowed the technology to be freely used by all. And, within a few years, millions of people worldwide were using it. Now there are more than 600 million websites worldwide and the web has changed things forever. People are able to access information and share things in a way which was not possible before. It has provided a new dimension of communication. And it’s enormous. Billions of people are online every day. Hundreds of millions of messages and pictures are sent and billions of dollars are spent every day by online shoppers. Today, Sir Tim believes we need to defend the principles that have made the Web successful, and to continue expanding the possibilities of the Web. The main principle is that the Web should continue to be free for everybody to use and particip

Мерри поппинс домашнее чтение, автор :Памелла Линдон Треверс, страница 12 номер 2 и 3Люди sos у меня в 11:00 инглиш

напишите на англиском как вы используете телефон 10 предложений.Даю 60 баллов.​Если не знаете то не пишите.Ответ если например будет "я не знаю" тогда

я ставлю вам бан.

Употребите правильное время глагола.1. Water (boil) at 100 C.2. He (watch) TV now.3. Jan (read) the newspaper when the phone rang.4. We (have) robotic

housemaids in 2100.5. Jan (be) in England in 2001.​

Определи точку графика линейной функции y=5x-4​

Общие вопросы Правила Как получить баллы? Реклама Политика конфиденциальности Responsible disclosure program

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