Split Penis

Split Penis


Split Penis



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By Ryan221166774 | 9 posts, last post over a year ago

I have quite tight foreskin and i was streching it, then the line at the tip of my penis seemed to have split and got longer.

I have been to the doctor and he gave me soda cream but i am not sure if he gave me it for like a lube to help streching or for the actual split, what do you think?

How long do you think it will take to heal??

I just want it to heal and get back to normal!

I have also been trying to stop masturbating i don't want to stop or anything like that, its so that i don't strech the split or make it worse. Could you please give me tips or anything to help me to stop.

Please Reply ASAP!

It's pointless for me to speculate on how long it will take you to heal, because I have not seen the injury or the area. Your doctor has. You should be asking these questions of him!

That's part of the responsibility of being a doctor.... to make sure that the patient understands the treatment and what to do. You might also ask the chemist or pharmacist about the "soda cream" and how it is to be used. I've not heard that expression before, so I defer to your doctor on this one.

It is possible that you have hypospadia (a second hole in the penis that connects to the ureathra, but I would have thought the doctor would have explained that if that was the finding.

Thank you for the reply

I hope you understand about what i'm talking about,the line at the tip of my penis were you unrinate out of has split/got longer i would say it about just over a cm long now. Any idea at all how long it would take to heal?

Ive seen on other websites different comments about what to do. Ive seen one saying " Just give it a rest and it should heal back to normal like a cut on your skin". Another would be to use lots of lube untill it heals.

I'm almost sure i don't have hypospadia i think i would have noticed but thanks for the info.

Plz Reply ASAP

Well, I think you're getting about the same response from several sources... if you leave it alone and let it heal, it will probably be alright.
Keeping it lubed with a water base lube will probably n ot hurt it.

If the slit is only a single millimeter longer, I'm not sure what the problem is. But I think you said a full centimeter, which would be a serious split.
If it is giving you pain, I would report to a doctor for an exam. In fact, that's what I would recommend anyway.

Good luck.

PS: What's soda cream?

Thank you for the reply

I mean overall the line at the tip of my penis is over a centimeter long, but it has only split about a couple of millmeters.

Its not giving my any pain what so ever.

I has been about 3 weeks now since it split, i was going to wait about a month or so to see if it is getting any better before i go to the doctors but i will deffently go if there's no improvment.

Sorry i ment sudocrem, its the way i pronouce it lol

OK, so what's sudocrem?

An extension of just a millimeter or three is nothing to be concerned about... I thought it was a rip or a tear.

Definitely bring it up if you see the doctor soon. They can advise if you have a concern.

Thank you for your reply

Sudocrem is like a thick white cream to be put on the skin,i think to heal cuts or rashes things like that. Look it up on the internet im not 100% sure what all it does. You can buy it from any chemist or pharmacy.

Also do you know anything i could do about my tight foreskin?
I can retract it when it is not erect but i have not retracted untill it goes over the whole head of the penis. The doctor told me to keep doing streching exceries and it should be ok.But will it ever be retractable as a penis should be?.
I have to wait unitll this split has healed because if i retract the foreskin it will strech the split and make it worse.

I have also stopped masturbating because it will make it worse and i'm finding it very difficult!

But will it ever be retractable as a penis should be if i do the streching exercises?

P.S Any type of surgary is out of the question

Please Reply

mabey noones replying because whenever someone gives you a direct answer, you link the answer to another question which you have done 2-3 times so far.

In re-reading the questions above, I'm beginning to wonder if he's suffering from hypospadia... which basically means that he's got an extra hole in his penis where urine could come out. I can't tell without an exam...and that's what I would suggest to him anyway.

It sounds like he's got an on-going slit that is going to require evaluation by a doctor.

True, a doc told him to continue gentle stretching of the foreskin, and that's good. But the fact that a small tear is involved tells me things are still too tight.

Though Ryan doesn't want to consider surgury, there are a few things that can be done in the doctors office on an outpatient basis that might make this better.

Ryan, ask you doc about a dorsal slit that would basically give you more looseness in the foreskin to retract back all the way. It can be done quickly, and heal within a week or two... but it also means care, cleanliness and no sex for that period.

Anyway, short of circumcizion, this MAY be your best option. ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

The cord that holds my skin has split and got very thin. Will this heal on its own? It happened while I was having sex with my girl.

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No, thanks


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