Splatter Sperm

Splatter Sperm


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Followed by Sperm Splattered 2 (2006)
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I remember my first encounter with sperm. There was nothing sexual about that moment. I was 16, and was cleaning my room. I was chucking things in the trash, and at one point had my hand far up in there. It touched a ball of toilet paper that felt surprisingly moist. Only after a moment I realized what it was. My brother must have had an enjoyable afternoon, and sadly, I accidentally touched what was left of it.
After spending the next five hours washing my hands, I quickly finished my chores, and emptied out the trash, this time only touching the can itself and not its contents.
This experience didn’t leave me scarred. Actually, it did just the opposite. I had seen semen before, in porn, and was always a little frightened of it. From the movies, it seemed more liquidy than what I touched. But, then again, in these movies women seemed to like it splattered on their faces, which I knew was just a flat out lie. I could see it on their expression. Just before they moaned in enjoyment, I would notice them flinching, closing their eyes. They were scared of it. And that made me a bit scared too.
After feeling its texture in real life, even for a split second, I wasn’t so scared anymore. It didn’t seem like something that was acid-y, or pee like. It didn’t resemble bodily fluids that I associated with going to the bathroom. So I was able to start thinking about it in a more sexual way. This wasn’t something to be grossed out by, because it comes from an act of love. Or at least lust.
My first sexual encounter was with my second boyfriend, in the last year of high school. There were a few times where I would go to his house and we would make out, ending the session with me jerking him off. It usually went that he would cum on his stomach and just a little in my hand, then we both wiped off and go back to watching Friends reruns. But there was one time when his parents were out of town and we did it in the living room instead of his bedroom.
He undressed, and I took off everything but my panties. I never took my panties off with him. We were on a boob-only agreement. I gave him the usual handjob, and this time, having no toilet paper in arms reach, we both went to the bathroom to clean off. He had two bathrooms in his house, so we split up.
I entered the bathroom with cum on my hand. I paused for a bit, deciding not to wipe it off immediately. I looked at it, and ran my fingers through it for a few seconds. It wasn’t too sticky, and for some reason it excited me. I was still semi-naked, and god knows what made me do what I did next — I rubbed it on my chest, as if it was Ben Gay. I rubbed it until I couldn’t see it anymore. I washed off and came back to the living room, not mentioning anything.
I felt wrong for being interested in this. I felt like I was a pervert. I thought most girls just wipe it off, or ignore it. It was certainly not something they would think about. But I would.
I started having sex in college. At first it was pretty ordinary. he would come in his condom and throw it out. When we got serious, and I was safely on the pill, I told him we could start fucking without rubber. The first time we did, moments before he was done, I told him to pull out and come on my tits. He probably attributed it to me being scared of getting knocked up even with the pills. But I wanted to feel it on my body.
He came on my breasts. I felt the heat hitting me. I liked it. And I hated myself for it. I felt like the girls in the porn. I still thought they were laying when they moaned over it. But I wasn’t lying. I really did like the way it felt.
We went back to the condoms. I told him I wasn’t sure enough about the pill. I didn’t want to continue being shot on, because that would be accepting my gross fascination. Blow jobs were the same – he would give me notice before coming, and would do it into a tissue, keeping the stuff away from me.
It was only with my current boyfriend that I felt good enough to accept my strange fetish. It’s funny calling it a fetish, since I’m still not sure whether this is a common thing or not. I let it come from him – when he first pulled out, he asked “Come on you or bring something”? In the heat of the moment I told him it was fine. I didn’t mind him shooting his load on me. He thought I was just fine with it, rather than it being something I really wanted.
Finally, I’ve come to accept my strange affair with sperm. I confessed it to my guy, and after a few experiments (did not like it on my face, nor in my mouth) we settled into a comfy routine of me rubbing it on my body, just like I did in my high school boyfriend’s bathroom.
Sometimes I still think I’m a pervert. Maybe I am. But I’m not ashamed anymore. It comes from love. Or at least lust.
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By Guest | 13 posts, last post over a year ago

Kate Smith
answered this
How to Masturbate for Beginners: Safe Masturbation Techniques for Teenage Girls and Boys

I'm a guy, and recently I was just cured of bladder infection. The cause of this because one time, I was masturbating, and when my sperm came out, it had a little bit of blood. My doctor gave me some pills to take, and after I was cured. But today, I masturbated in the shower again, and when my sperm came out, there was blood again, even more blood, I think so. I don't know what is wrong, but could someone please help me solve this? I will tell my doctor everything, but I would like to hear some of your opinions on this, and how to avoid situations like this. I'm also only fourteen years old.

I don't know if this is rare or not, so please give me your opinions on this.


This does happen. It's called "hematospermia." Usually it is related to an infection of some kind, like what you were treated for before.

Without knowing the cause it is hard to say how to treat it or prevent it. You need to determine what kind of infection it is and where the infection is located.

Sorry I can't give you a specific answer.

Check with your doctor. I would recommend a urologist as this is their area of expertise.

Good luck.

Thank you. Also, I got a check with my doctor and he said it could be a pollup growth? Though I'm not sure what he meant, and I have no idea what growth that is. I got an Ultra Sound test and the results will be known during the week. My doctor gave me pills to take, just like the last time I had a bladder infection.

Thanks for the update.

A polyp is a growth of tissue. I'm not sure where he means, probably in your urethra.
You were probably born with it and it would be benign, non-cancerous.

Good. Keep us posted.

Thank you. I made another thread about this specifying my experience on this. You may want to read it.

Sharing my experience, I just want to on as many threads as possible as I about had a heart attack when this happened to me. Now that I realize I'm okay, I want to ease some others minds..

Not easy to go through, instant thoughts are cancer (BUT APPARENTLY IT IS A VERY RARE SYMPTOM).. Red Blood in semen is usually benign such as a broken blood vessel somewhere (it indicates new blood). Brown blood has been there a while and should be checked as it is most likely being produced in prostate or seminal vesicles.

Went to my dr. he said I had prostate infection. Took 1 week of AB's (Bactrim) - Killed the prostate infection but the blood still lingered on and off. He gave me 1 month of AB's (Cipro). Didn't clear up. After 2 months, magically it went away..

May have traced the problem to masterbation without lube.. I still have it sporadically, but only when masterbating and only without lube. Dr says he thinks its probably just a broken blood vessel in urethra that gets aggravated when stroked too hard.

Bottom line, if you have problems peeing or feel a fullness in your rectum, go to the dr. and he'll probably give you AB's. If not, be more gentile and use extra lube and see if it helps. It may help diagnose a broken blood vessel in your urinary tract somewhere. No cure for it, just lay off the beating it. Most people that have it happen more than a few times, will notice it again in their life sometime. Just dont worry about it too much, and trust your doctor.

Thank u so much ur answer realived me of my worries because i also thought i had cancer but ima still check with my doc

In reply to anonymous on 2012-02-29 - click to read

So very helpful as I've been single for quite some time but am taking 'good' care of myself and may have gotten a little too enthusiastic in the regard. Really appreciated these posts

just stop masturbate for a while you'll be fine it's just an infection it'll go away once you stop

In reply to anonymous on 2011-02-24 - click to read

Thanks so much. I just happened to me. I saw my Dr. and he gave me some pills that are supposed to clear things up. I was very much concerned about it happening again. But after reading about your experience I won't worry. I have no pain. No swelling. No discomfort of any kind. Except when I saw it I was immediately scared. And since taking the pills I keep wondering how soon can I begin masturbating again. I'm old. Live alone. It's one of my MANY pleasures I still have. So I want to continue ENJOYING it. :) Again, thanks for putting my mind at east. I won't panic even if I have to see my Dr. again - although I hope not. :)

In reply to anonymous on 2011-02-03 - click to read

I just had this circumstance just right now, my doctor said it's normal but take a lot of water and fresh coconut juice for your good health in sexual life, it may be scary but he told me not to worry much about this thing

In reply to anonymous on 2018-02-15 - click to read

I am also suffering from it from last few months. no pain or other side effects. its automatically goes away maximum time but can you please suggest how to get rid of this permanently?

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No, thanks


Why is there blood in my semen after I masturbated?

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Why do I have blood in my semen?

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Blood in Semen -- no other pains -- Temporary condition?

blood in semen

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Is anybody out there?



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