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15 Attractive Girls Who Asked To Be Roasted And Got Burned

Oct 24, 2017

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Many social media users are probably familiar with Reddit’s /r/roastme section. People post their selfies and strongly urge the other users to throw out the most ruthless, savage and clever insults they have to offer. While it might seem bizarre that people actively seek out verbal abuse online, the results are actually quite hilarious, with plenty of witty observations and unbelievably funny remarks. This is definitely not for the faint of heart. The extremely savage comments from other users could definitely mess with an emotionally-weak person’s head for days, or even weeks. For those who are confident in their own skin and are just doing this for fun, however, the whole thing can be a great source of enjoyment.
As the whole point of the subreddit is to roast someone for their looks, no one—not even the attractive ladies—is safe from the fires of roasting. Many girls who think they are attractive upload their photos to the subreddit, expecting that nobody will have anything bad to say about the way they look. Unfortunately for them, roasters are quite merciless, and they often learn this the hard way. Here are 15 attractive girls who got exactly what they wanted:
Roasters almost always base their attacks on appearance. With that in mind, you’d think that someone blessed with good looks—a gorgeous Instagram model for example—would be able to turn potential vicious comments into pleasant compliments. But make no mistake, the Redditors of /r/roastme take their job of humiliating people very seriously and without discrimination. Model or not, keyboard warriors will always be able to find flaws to pick on. Such was the roast session for this Instagram model, and the taunts were so awful that she ended up taking down her Reddit account. The merciless comments ranged from implants and too much makeup to sex doll resemblance and lack of real talent. Despite being a hottie, she must have found the mockery too hot to handle.

It doesn’t really matter where you are. Once you submit your selfie for a roast session, commenters will find you and they will kill you, or rather, your self-esteem, with some pretty sick burns. They don’t miss any detail either, and if you so much as give a little information about yourself in your caption, you can be sure that it will be used against you in every way possible. Reddit user thebronzejames must have realized her blunder when she gave a hint to her location . Aside from all the comments related to traveling and going away, the five-dollar bill tucked in her shirt made it easy for roasters to play the lady of the night angle as well. Just goes to show that savagery can go the distance.

There’s no shortage of creativity on roast threads roasting attractive women, but when you’ve already seen hundreds of them, you might find that a lot of insults have the same themes. For some roasters, roast comments of subpar quality are a disgrace, and they feel like it’s up to them to deliver insults of high standards. This post by Reddit user kileyc941 had some pretty dank remarks focusing on her looks and the selfie itself, just like the first comment. A roaster known as shiggydiggypreoteins wasn’t having it though, and he unleashed a roast so dark and intense, it might have just burned the whole thread into ashes. Note to future roastees: Mentioning your mental history opens up a world of possibilities for some seriously disturbing ridicule.

Roasting is no easy feat. Sure, it’s not that hard to take a jab at someone by stating their most obvious flaws, but the real artistry of roasting can be found in clever, unexpected ways to deliver the burn. So how do you know that the roast is solid? It’s solid when it’s not only insulting, but also hilarious as hell. This English major known as daddysufjan drew a number of grade A roasters, and many of them have dished out some witty comparisons featuring her physical features. From her forehead to her nose ring to her boobs, the metaphorical disses were pretty brutal. The hottest on the list? Redditor scruntfuttock’s simple yet imaginative insult about gums which everyone who’s ever been in high school can definitely relate to.

When reading about people getting brutally roasted, one can’t help but feel bad for the person who’s the subject of cruel mockery. But then you remember that these people literally ask for it, so you just sit back, grab some popcorn and watch the flames burn. This 16-year-old student isn’t just pretty, she’s pretty darn ballsy as well for writing that she lost her virginity in the thread title. But you see, roasters are in no way the type of people to shy away from a challenge. When you ask to be obliterated, know that you will be. The girl’s confession about losing her virginity became the focus of the roast, bringing on a slew of savage sexual comments in the thread which is definitely not for the faint-hearted.

Ah, the aches of heartbreak. Being dumped is something that almost all of us have to face at some point, even those who are lucky enough to be born with good looks. One way to cope with the ordeal is by getting support from the people around you, usually in the form of kind and comforting words. Redditor lanadoomis who had to deal with a breakup took a completely different route, and went for a good ol’ roast session . There were plenty of chuckle-worthy roasts such as those about rehab and incest, but the one from user Andrew_Squared made us LOL for sure. As if the burn from that comment wasn’t enough, someone even tagged her supposed ex. Way to be supportive while being a total savage, bro.

“Daddy issues” is one of the phrases that are commonly associated with teenage girls in the world of roasting. Though it’s more of a behavioral thing, trolls are often at the ready to diagnose attractive young women with deep-seated, unresolved problems with their fathers, just based on how they look like in their selfie. One cutie under the username of variazioni probably expected comments related to her penchant for video games and lack of interest to study when she uploaded this photo, but those weren’t all she got. She also got slammed by user SwixSwax with a comment about how her father never paid any attention to her, and the subtly delivered burn probably earned the roaster some Internet points. Based on her response, it seems SwixSwax was right.

Outfit choice is a key factor when posting selfies on social media. It’s even more important if you’ve submitted a photo to be judged by Internet savages who are always hungry for causing humiliation, body-shaming included. So if you want to be roasted, you should know that these people have the ability to sniff imperfections from a mile away. The girl in this photo submitted by xXSunsNRosesXx wore high-waisted jeans and a cropped top, and the fact that it showed an unusual blemish on her tummy made it so easy for the folks in the thread to tear her apart. User Spawndaemon even pointed out that her flaw looked much like a C-section scar. Ouch. That one roast is definitely going to leave a mark.

If you’re one of those people who spend almost the whole day online, you’re probably familiar with the saying that goes, “There are no girls on the Internet.” As ridiculous as it may seem, this implies that the worldwide web is filled with male Internet users who pose as women. For poster throwa-way1110 , a lot of elements came together that brought this catchphrase to mind, and it made roasters suspicious about her real gender. A handful of roasters thought that the amount of makeup on her face, the race car bed behind her and her lack of larger cup size seemed to suggest that she might be a boy in disguise. Check out the comment from user xgp15a2 and you’ll know just what we’re talking about.

What you don’t know won’t hurt you. If you can’t hear the insults that are being thrown behind your back, you’re most likely not going to get affected by them. For those who enter deep into the fires of roasting, however, it’s a totally different ball game. If you asked to be roasted, it might mean that you think it’s better for cheap shots to be said right to your face. This 18-year-old Catholic student going by the username dendr0philiac must have had an idea of how bad the burns can get, and yet she still went in for a spin. One comment poked fun at her chest looking like that of a 10-year-old’s. Hey, at least that roast fits the school girl stereotype, right?

Nailing the perfect selfie takes the right combination of light, angle, setting, and of course, the looks that you were born with. Now, even if you followed all these and you posted your perfect photo on /r/roastme, you’d still be brutally insulted. But there is a chance that it would make it harder for roasters to find imperfections to use against you. Redditor lazycat44 may or may not have followed any selfie-perfecting tip, but bashers readily noticed the 20-year-old mechanical engineering student ‘s rough complexion and used it to fuel their flammable taunts. Posting a close-up photo does have its risks. User scruntfuttock served up a particularly perfect roast featuring her rough skin and a match pun, and we think it deserves a gold star.

You need to have an unbelievably high level of self-confidence to be able to compare yourself to someone famous. If you’re able to do it as you’re submitting your photo for a roast session, you’ll also need to have skin that’s thicker than an alligator’s, because trolls will feast on you for sure. Poster G_saucey should be given an award for taking risks because she just compared herself to someone who exposes her nearly perfect body for a living. Alexis Texas, you say? Well, the roasters on the thread begged to differ, and they proceeded to throw hilarious low blows here and there. One simple yet striking comment directed attention to her arms, and other Redditors quickly followed suit. Might we suggest some aloe for that burn?

One of the best things about roasting is you don’t need to know someone’s true character or any of their personal background whatsoever to be able to dish out some mean disses. All you need is a keen eye for observing details, the readiness to judge others through visual cues and of course, a merciless soul. Sometimes captions can make a roaster’s job easier, as they provide information connected to the photo posted that is vital to crafting a hurtful yet funny insult. Redditor trilldaddy94 included a wordy caption to this girl’s photo which described her possible self-centered attitude, and other roasters were probably thankful for it. Whether or not this girl is really full of herself in real life, we don’t know but somebody better get her to the burn unit.

Some girls are naturally photogenic. They are those who flash sweet smiles in every single selfie they take. Most of them also give off the halo effect, in which their attractiveness can make other people think that they have nice personalities as well. LittleOrangeTaurus, a cutie who likes pineapple on her pizza , could count as one of those picture perfect girls. Redditor Smorts56 doesn’t seem to think so, though, and instead says that she seems like the type of girl whose online dating photo doesn’t match her real-life looks, making her date want to just drive by once he sees her. We’re not sure why she wanted some roast, but we’re pretty sure she got what she wanted and them some. Maybe driving far away from this thread isn’t such a bad idea.

What’s worse than a beloved pet passing away? Everyone who’s ever had one knows how sad it can be to say goodbye to a dear, furry friend. But instead of piling up tissues and watching adorable puppy videos saved on her phone, this lady with the username katpai decided to deal with her grief by getting roasted. Whatever her reasons were, roasters were happy to oblige. Needless to say, she got buried six feet under the ground with the brutality of the comments that followed. Some of them masterfully combined the concept of death with lewd remarks, which we admit was disturbingly amusing. One particular user known as mylarky even implied that the girl’s dog killed itself just to escape her. Better file this under dark roast.
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One-sided fight between two Latino girls. Humiliating fight involving choking, pinning, spitting, and possibly even a fart at the 25 second mark if you listen closely.

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its not enough that the dumb bitch got her ass kicked, but the ghetto ninja had to slap her up too!

That fight was kinda arousing! I loved the way the big girl took charge of her! That was definitely a fart and it sounded like it came from the big girl on top! Even in the video u can tell! And damn she threatened to sit on her head and suffocate her!

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reminds me of superbad... "so I told her what time it was"

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