Spit Guys

Spit Guys


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Cartoon courtesy of Grea, sangrea.net
How disgusted are you when you see someone hocking a glob of gunk out of his throat and shooting that loogie onto a sidewalk, onto a stadium’s turf, onto the road from out the car window, directly into your face, and well, resurrect your memory as to where you’ve seen it land.
Does spitting belong to guys only, or is it a behavior that belongs to both sexes? When is spitting acceptable or understandable, and when is it not?
For the record, some people simply can’t spit up a hock that lies deep down in the throat, for physical or emotional reasons. They can cough it up, but they can’t spit it out. I happen to be one of them. When I was a kid and had a pleghmy cough, my mother would say, “Don’t swallow it, spit it up into this hankie.” There was no way I was going to spit gunk into a hand embroidered Irish linen hankie. Nosiree. There are spitters, then there are spit swallowers.
So, why do guys spit? Why do people spit? Why do you spit?
Spitting isn’t new; it’s been around for a long time. Let’s consider a few chemical, historical, and cultural aspects of the substance and practice of spitting before coming to a conclusion about why guys spit.
What is spit? Spit, purely speaking, is saliva. Produced all day every day in the mouth, it is mostly water to which is added a slippery element from the salivary glands, mucus from glands in the mouth, plus a few other chemicals including oxytocin and cortisol. Its purpose is to start the digestion process by mixing with the foods you chew. As you can imagine, even pure spit can be loaded with bacteria.
When it comes to using the verb “to spit”, the material which is spat is not so purely defined. In fact, it can be anything from the camel's undigested stomach contents to watermelon seeds to kudu dung.
Early Spitting Evidence Spitting has been around for a long time, as evidenced in ancient civilizations around the world.
Around 2,000 years ago, it was the rage among southwest Native Americans to chew shredded yucca leaves into wads, called quids, and then spit them out. Not much is known about why these early people engaged in this practice, because yucca leaves don’t taste very good and they have no mind-altering or known medicinal properties. However, scientists have had amazing success analyzing these quids for DNA and are using the results to track early migration routes.
More than 3,000 years ago, ancient Egyptians documented quite a lexicon of spells, including those that require spitting. Should you need to hex a foe, spit on one of his belongings. On the other hand, should you need to purge yourself of evil demons, spit heartily and with purpose.
Considering the robust history of spitting, I imagine many people throughout millennia had strong opinions about the practice. I don’t think we are the only ones.
The Symbolism of Spitting There is no doubt that spitting, like other base bodily functions, is drenched in its own symbolic content. As spitting is an act of purging, it can be said that spitting signifies ridding yourself of a bad feeling or a paralyzing fear. Even today, some who are superstitious believe you can rid yourself of bad luck by spitting three times after waking up from a bad dream. Spitting can represent hatred and anger as well, and in this sense it is akin to cursing at or casting spells upon a person or object, just as it was deliberately intended by the ancient Egyptians and many cultures that followed.
Acceptable and Necessary Spitting Apart from the symbolic or subconscious underpinnings of spitting, there are acceptable and necessary reasons for spitting. I think most will agree that there are situations you just can’t get through without it. Examples are getting rid of that nasty infected phlegm my mother insisted I deposit into a lace hankie, discharging the excess mucus that can build up during strenuous physical exercise and potentially interfere with effective breathing, and getting rid of the profuse moisture generated by chewing more modern quids such as chewing tobacco.
Contrary to popular opinion, camels don’t really spit, and what they eject isn’t spit (in the purest sense) at all. Spitting requires narrowing the lips and then propelling the contents of the mouth outward using a stream of air.
Camels simply fill their mouths with regurgtated food from their fore-stomachs, part their lips, and then fling their heads. This means that you should first, not provoke a camel, and second, keep your distance from a provoked camel.
Camels can fling enough of their partially digested food to cover the upper half of your body.
It may be just because they can. From the viewpoint of some sociologists, the act of hanging out and spitting just for the hell of it may be a sign of males establishing territory, much like what happens when dogs pee on hydrants or bears scratch their butts against trees. Of course, human males don’t have the olfactory ability to respond to this kind of marking through scent, but they do have the ability to respond through observing gesture. Says sociologist Robert S. McCarl , "Spitting is more than just something coming out of the mouth. It's a way to appear stronger and mark your space…Males are more concerned about turf than women are. You get a group of males together, and there is a lot of posturing going on…It's basically them throwing down a challenge."
Let’s talk about the baseball field for a minute. Who hasn’t witnessed loogies being spat at all times, just about everywhere they can be? I found a fascinating series of comments right from guys’ mouths about why they spit while playing ball. Many younger players openly admit that they do it simply because they think it’s a way to look cool, just like their heroes. Others say it’s a way to relieve tension during the game, especially if you’re in the dugout, warming up, or waiting out a referee’s disputed decision. Here’s my favorite comment about why guys spit in the ballpark: On the baseball field it is acceptable, so every guy out there is getting his fill before he has to go back to the real world and stop .
Unfortunately, there seems to be no universally accepted reason for guys spitting. They've been doing it for thousands of years, and despite laws against spitting as well as negative public opinion , they'll probably be doing it for thousands more.
Cartoon courtesy of Grea, sangrea.net
Women spit, like men do, for many of the same reasons: to show contempt, to ward off evil, and for health reasons. What they don't do, usually, is spit to mark territory. Apparently, once again according to Robert S. McCarl, women in general are less territorial than men; women don't have a tendency to hang out on street corners and posture with their spittle. However, their spitting can be just as shocking. In the 1948 film, Key Largo, Lauren Bacall's character, Norma Temple, disregards any fear she has for the dangerous Rocco, played by Edward G. Robinson, when she sprays his face with perfectly spat spit.
If you spit, guy or gal, why do you? If the poll questions don't cover your reasons, please feel free to elaborate in a comment.
My about to be son-in-law spits his tobacco over the side of our boat and over the side of our back deck onto the sand below and into a empty water bottle when he's indoors, it's absolutely disgusting and is driving me crazy, how do I say something without hurting anyones feelings? My daughter is so classy I can't believe she thinks this is ok?
i spit because everyone around me spits so i just sort of copied to begin with. I'm 16 and go to an all boys school and literally everyone spits. I definately feel cool spitting and i fit in with everyone around me. But i still spit outside of school simply because i think its cool and it definitely asserts a sort of masculine dominance. I don't plan on stopping spitting anytime soon and i aren't ashamed to do it.
I'm a young, healthy, educated male adult, and I spit at least 30 times every day and blow my nose like 20 times a day. What I spit is NOT only SALIVA, it is mixed with bogeys from my nose, which sometimes stay in the nose so I have to blow my nose, but half of time it goes down into the throat, probably post-nasal drip that accumulates in the neck area of the throat, and it gets stuck there. Does anyone try to swallow the bogeys from their nose? I don't think so. Sometimes it is just a little bit, and sometimes it is a HUGE ball of weird sticky stuff. And if it's already stuck in my throat then it's obviously not an option to swallow it, since it were just saliva I would have swallowed it without thinking. The problem is that this bogey is too sticky and my "swallowing muscles" cannot make it roll down my esophagus into the stomach. BUT if I take a deep and hard breath, this force WILL make it go down, but it will make it go down the trachea and into my lungs and make me choke. So I have to roll up my throat and eject it into my mouth and then spit it out forcefully to make sure it doesn't just stay stuck onto my tongue and then I have to brush it off with my finger.
Also, it is not an option to cough it up into the mouth and then try to swallow it through the glotis and into the stomach, since it is very STICKY and it just won't go down the glotis, instead it will GET STUCK AGAIN in the same place in the throat.
The spitting (and blowing my nose) usually concentrates in the morning when I wake up, whenever I'm working out or in a tense situation where I need to breathe perfectly to perform properly, and for 30 minutes after that; and finally at night when I'm trying to fall asleep.
I actually searched the internet to find out how girls can live WITHOUT spitting. All I have found is a bunch of delusional thoughts about bravado, so I'm going back to my "scientific" approach.
I have read that smokers spit a lot, and I think that might be one of the reasons why I spit so much, although I have never ever smoked anything, BUT my father smoked almost every day all his life, so he probably conditioned my genetically to have mucose problems. I have also stopped consuming "milk products" and "gluten" products 6 months ago, which has improved my health in many ways, but it hasn't reduced my mucose production yet.
But since most girls clearly don't spit EVER and most guys spit ALL THE TIME, and the ratio of smokers and non-smokers in both sexes is similar, and diets are also similar, there must be ANOTHER physiolgical reason, and the only one I can think of is this: currently MOST men use their physical strength much more often than MOST women, so they are USED TO TAKING DEEPER AND STRONGER BREATHS, which make it NECESSARY TO clear your breathing vents when there is something stuck in it. Consequently, men will spit even when they are not exercising vigourously just because they are VERY SENSITIVE to their breathing flow, and want to keep it at an optimal level even during everyday activities. On the other hand, MOST GIRLS even gross themselves out if they find out their own body is sweating, so obviously they have NO IDEA what strong physical exertion feels like, and they never breathe hard and deep enough to feel the need to perfectly clear their throats. I am pretty sure this is a valid reasoning, because recently I have seen an INCREASE in the amount of girls working out in an ACTUALLY vigorous manner (even sweating) at the fitness centre, and I DO see them blow their nose AND SPIT into paper towels quite often, which I had never seen until a few months ago.
And the reason why I often spit on the road is because I have to spit hard so the bogey-saliva mix doesn't stay stuck on my tongue, so I need a new tissue ALMOST every time I spit; because if the tissue has already been used it is less robust and also crumpled, so my spit can actually break through the tissue and make a mess in my hands. So I would go through at least 2 packages of pocket tissues every day, which in my opinion is much more harmful to the planet than spitting on the road (where the cars go, not on the sidewalk nor pedestrian crossing) or into a bin, so people should not have to step on it.
As a final note, of course some men spit "with social intent" and some spit in inappropriate places, but they would have to spit anyway. It's just like peeing, every animal hast to pee anyway. Dogs could just pee in a dedicated spot every time if they wanted to be polite, or they can also use it to mark their territory, but that has nothing to do with the actual physiological necessity to pee at one time or another in the day.
Whenever I see a man spitting (I've never witnessed a woman doing so) I think he's a low-class bum with no good sense, no manners, and no decent upbringing about him. In fact, if a spitting man comes near my car, I'll honk and tell him he doesn't need to do that so openly near my car, or in front of other people, or where others are about to walk, because it is terribly disgusting and dirty. And if he has aides or Hep C, and so on, well... sheesh, that's a no-brainer that he certainly has no comprehension of how not to spread disease. He can carry a handkerchief, a can, or a jar which he can later properly dispose of. If you must spit, you should never do it in front of others and especially not where people could fall over into your disgusting fluids, you neanderthal.
Several years back as I was walking into a grocery market, some low-class neanderthal scrum-ball stopped right at the entrance of Homeland and spit a giant one, right on the entrance walk-through. He didn't even look back to make sure he didn't get it in anyone's path, or on anyone! As it was, my 14-month old was waddling behind him, so as that disgusting thing spat out his bodily fluids, I scooped up my baby as he toddled over, just missing that slimy pile of who-know-what!
Spitting like that in public areas should be made illegal. In fact, all because of that stinky, low-life, poor excuse of a man, we left that market, Homeland, and never returned there ever again. That is a mental pictured scarred into my memory, and my "baby" is now 19 years old. My husband has never - not ever, spat in front of me, thank goodness! He's a gentleman, so not all men are disgusting. We raised our sons to respect people, and other things like knowing better than to spit in public.
Lastly, it may be his "right" to spit, but others have rights, too, and many of us wish not to be subject to your nasty ways. Take it behind a large bush, you pig.
Chris Johnson on November 26, 2014:
Spitting in public is not too classy. I personally do it only when I am sick and need to spit something out but that is the only time. Otherwise, people need to use a spittoon or something, have some manners folks. By Chris Johnson with http://www.flasr.com/
Kathleen Cochran from Atlanta, Georgia on October 24, 2013:
My theory has always been that the reason women tend to outlive men is that we don't spit.
I have a bad experience regarding spitting. When I was 7 years old, my babysitter spat on my cheek and mouth purposely . I knew she did in term of playing . Now I am 43 , expecting she come and do again ....so weird
Spitting for men is only another one of the pleasures they like to experience like having an orgasm, gas, and other discharges from their bodies whatever they may be. Though they will never admit it. They feel a sense of relief with any if them.
Well there may be ambivolence but not much here across the pond. Granted our wet and rainy weather in this summer has caused a few more colds and such like recently and increased the number of ladies spitting here... All I can say is I am far from alone. If exercised carefully and away from another person then what is the problem? Without lowering the tone of this blog, you cannot tell me that the "anti" females do not indulge in spitting in certain private moments behind closed doors so to speak! They are not concerned about public perception and spreading germs at these moments I guess. So why criticise those of us that have no problem with this issue? Would be interesting to see the honest truth if a survey was conducted regarding public spitting of maybe one hundred women. I'm hitting the London shops with my credit card in a while, if I feel the need to spit, I will. I will not be the only one by far. I'd wager a thousand pounds on that one.....Oh, by the way, ours is a free country as is yours so I do hope the day never arrives that I have to locate a spitoon or face a hefty fine!! Thanks for listening/reading! Sue
Oh my goodness, I kept meaning to look this up on google because unnecessary spitting by men has bothered me for decades! I guess what finally drove me to research this tonight is my eight year old son's recent habit of spitting outside for no reason. My husband does not spit usually (except when exercising vigorously- I read the comments of some that suggested this is a normal phenomenon- although I have never experienced this personally during vigorous excercise- and I suffer from both environmental allergies and asthma). I cannot get my son to stop, although I've told him it is disgusting and that girls don't like it. The psychology of men doing it to appear "tough" makes sense to me and it seems obvious the ones that exhibit this behavior the most are probably the most insecure...which is why I find heterosexual men that are not afraid to wear pink extremely masculine. As for necessary and unnecessary spitting...if you are in a public place and realize you've inadvertantly put something in your mouth that is dangerous (took a bite of something with peanuts when you have anaphylactic peanut allergy, accidentally bit into the suicide chicken wings when you can only handle mild, etc. it is acceptable to do whatever you need to, including spitting- to eradicate the danger from your mouth). Also, when you have congestion in your lungs- it is acceptable to hock, hack, or cough up whatever "fur balls" you need to, in order to clear your lungs...IN THE BATHROOM!! Sometimes you may have to cough that "phlegmy cough" in front of others when you cannot excuse your
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