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Spidey Harem Porn Game Android Apk


Spidey Harem Porn Game Android Apk
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LeapofFaith-1.0.1c - Chapter 1-4 2 GB
LeapofFaith-1.0.1c - Chapter 1-4 2 GB
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Viewing most recent comments 1 to 40 of 374 · Next page · Last page
Leap of Faith may contain content you must be 18+ to view.
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Having spent 2 years wondering why your girlfriend left your seemingly perfect relationship out of the blue, you finally decide to move forward. And while you're opening your eyes to the world, it seems to be opening it's eyes to you as well. 
Before long you've connected with 6 different girls, all with their own stories to tell. From that girl you save from a horrible fate, to the superstar pop singer - even the returning ex. girlfriend. This is the story about your journey together. Which, through choices and opportunities, will lead you down a path you never could have imagined.
Leap of Faith consists of over 12,500 static renders and 85.000 animated frames full HD - 1920x1080 resolution, with about 69.000 lines of source and dialogue, using RenPy as engine, accompanied by a fully licensed soundtrack.
In addition to the normal VN choice menus, you will have to interact with your phone as a tool to explore opportunities, or even discover them. Leap of Faith does not intend to offer you every experience in it by advancing through dialogue alone.

Full game removal from Itch - Announcement!
Due to circumstances outside my control, I've had to remove the full game from Itch. You can still play chapters 1-4 as a demo, but you will have to drop by my Patreon or look it up on Steam for the full game.
If you bought Leap of Faith through Itch earlier and need to access the full download again, drop by my Discord and drop me a message .
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You asked for a measly $5 Drifty, so I paid it, but this game turned out to be one of the best games I had played, the only tiniest complaint was too much geared toward the Lexi ending and Cece ending.... But please somehow get Itch to leave the "pay extra" up, and allow previous purchasers access to it, Because I have no ability as a purchaser to do anything. If I click on download, it just allows me to download straight away, as I have purchased it, so no ability to see the page with the $5 and pay more tabs!
You could support them for a month on patreon or buy the game on Steam if you want to send more money their way.
The story moved my heart. I laughed, I cried, and then I cried some more. What an amazing journey!
This was a fun game. I would highly recommend it. Please tip the author.
Got to say Cece's story hit home hard. Been through similar situation and its was handled brilliantly. Not often to writers get that topic, relationship and feelings so accurate. Brilliant hats off to you. 
ima need that android download 👀👀👀👀
Why is the game not working on joiplay...someone?!
Absolutely loved the game. And love it, I still have a few endings to go through. Thank you so much for making it, it's beautiful, and you do tell stories well. See you in your next game!
Hey dev i absolutely love your work
But doc it's a very personal question,you don't have to answer you don't have to say any thing if you don't want,i m just curious and truly wants to know this but if you don't wa nt to answer no need 
THis is too hard to ask even for me since i fear for worse but i will still,did your daughter cece got the good life like in avn or something 😔😔 sad 😭😭 happened,you don't have to say i know i asked something horrible just wanted to wish her a good life however she is,wherever she is.
can any one explain the end scene on the boat and the old man in the park at the end?
It is probably your Grandfather who is the old man in the park. Your Father probably pulled some strings to allow him to have 15 minutes with you. In the background you see a man, he is Marvin, Steph's partner at Homeland, after the conversation, you see Marvin putting him in the police security van.
As to the boat, I don't know what you mean? If you could explain more, I may be able to help.
the boat is probably his next game. The shows must go on.
No, I think he means Lexi's boat, which is in the game, but I don't understand what he means by end scene on the boat.
Nah man he is talking about a ship that's seen in one of the ending,that's not Lexi boat he is talking about which mc travelled in wo 4 it's a different one
Never seen that. Do I have to go for a certain girl to see it?
I'm assuming when you say 'end scene on the boat' you're talking about the after credits scene with Kevin, Chris, and James on the yacht. 
 Fairly certain it's just a nod to his next big project and was a fun way to display his new logo. At least in the version I played after the scene showing the three of them on the yacht it showed the trailer for his next project.  I thought he made a pretty good effort to make it clear that's what all that was about. Really just a nifty way to get that trailer out to folks who aren't following him here or elsewhere. 
spoiler ish so dont read if not played
first drifty well done and this hit home and the bit with the in loving memory bit was really hard hitting so sad to read and you did just that wrote a story.
second with cece i was good-ish at the first attempt because i thought well plot armor or so i thought. did not see the second one and was not ready for it or for it really to be dark. not something i should have continued even when warned but i was curios with what was next. it really fucked me up in head space especially right now after just losing a close family member to their demons couple weeks ago and kinda related to holly in this. however i actually decided to power on anyway. little rough but actually glad it did was a nice first go ending (Cece route). i gotta say 10/10 great story and the depiction of how one moment everything seems fine, smiles, laughs, and fun then bam their gone. its to spot on and why it made it super rough other then that i ended up far more engrossed in story and characters then most other vn's. honestly if you make this it into a book and ill read it 1000%
i only have one down for this and a minor thing really. i really hate that even with linda route cece always leaves on that bus if didnt chose her. its to sad. 
long winded thing and sorry but had to say it.
👍🏻 why the fuck we can't keep her as a friend? Why she has to be so good 😊 😊 who knew what to do for mc and when she knew now mc is happy she leave him not to make him sad but to make someone else life happy,she only remain with mc in her route because then only happiness of mc is her and she wants to make him and everyone happy,she feels like a character that changes your life for best, sometimes we notice these people, sometimes we don't, sometimes we remember them, sometimes we forget them,but CeCe is one of the girl in the world who lives for others.I would have loved if in any other route she get some type of happiness in her life,but stil happy that dev showed us real life
Steph is My Fav Girl.. ( I believe in true love ..)... Sadly the ending did not go How I wanted .....So many missing Storys that hasnt even Finished.. Ch8 is waaaaaaay to Short!...( cece and Lexi are only two that are finished WTF .. What about other girls ) some of stories doesnt even make any sense.... I am not try to be rude Just being honest here.... Anyways its okay story but Need More work with others girls
Well buddy if you believe in true love go for Linda,mc first love was her not Steph and i m sorry to say but i hate Steph,for her fucking stupid and nonsense story which felt like a lie,and she was still hiding so i don't trust her,and never trust the guys who leaves you for whatever then come with their stupid ass story like Steph,you know na story mc was depressed for two fucking yrs because of that bitch,he only got low lvl jobs because of her stupid not able to do good job as some sort of secret agent (is this some nepotism who give 18 yr old girl job as secret agent and let her work even after wasting two yrs in paid salary for doing nothing),and then the first meeting was my end for her,who the fuck not slut does that what she did in first meeting?like fucking and then throwing mc when her so called 'husband' comes,her whole story is just construction of her words nothing proven it could all be a lie,with her instead of love felt like a fling and she runway in next scene after you get together everytime fucking annoying,and even after throwing up, playing her route by skipping everything to just find something good like any romantic scene in her path,only thing i got is steph getting jealous when mc clicked photo with a girl,great a Fucking slut cheating on her husband gets jealous for this and who says she doesn't fuck around like whore? Fucking No one there to confirm her sorrow(stupid unrealistic story).
The main ingame screen mentions something about a Walkthrough, how do I access that?
Seems to be on Steam but not Itch.io at this moment.
The Walkthrough DLC can be found on the Steam version, or the $10 Patreon Tier for Drifty's Patreon, according to the Dev.
I've just finished the Steam edition and wanted to say that i very much enjoyed this journey with all its ups and downs. It was an awesome story. I'm very curious what your next project (?) will be.
See the "New Game" development log above ...
Go all the way through the end credits, and you'll see the trailer (if you didn't already). :)
I downloaded cp 1-4 and extracted the files and went to joiplay and did like usual but the game just froze....am i doing something wrong??
I just played through the first 4 chapters to get a taster of the game and all i can say is this is an absolutely amazing game with comedy, romance, gut wrenching scenes at times that make me just wanna give em all a hug. You've done an amazing job with this game and I will most definitely playing the rest of this game. 
Update: I just finished the chapter 6 for Cece and that shit destroyed me, I hate and love how this game makes me feel. Its written so damn good that this is the second visual novel to make me tear up. You have outdone yourself 
Well I just finished Chapter 8 and with that teaser for Euphoria ima have to check it out. Once again amazing work on this game.
Played ep 1-6 on joiplay. Redownloaded everything for 7-8 and it wont even start.. is this by design ?
Have really been drawn into this game, well-produced and illustrated; I especially enjoyed the music, so am disappointed that on downloading the final chapters and unzipping them into my game folder it all runs perfectly, except silent, - no sound at all. Can I correct this?
Unfortunately, you can't patch the final release with any earlier release.
Download all three files and patch them like usual and the music will be there.
  So I have to download chapers 1-4, 5-6 and 7-8 and combine them?
I just bought the final two chapters and finished the Lexi run first. Dang, the story, the feels, the whole nine yards. Really excellent work on this and I can't wait to see whatever project you have next. I'm going for a Cece run now. Thank you.
Just finished the game for the first time. I went for Lexi, and the story was SO interesting! I was sad to see Euphoria has been cancelled, so please tell me you are working on another game? You are a brilliant storyteller!!!
Also, given how good this game is, put all the chapters into one big file, and put it on Steam. I think it would sell like crazy! At the moment it seems silly that to replay the game, I have to delete the install folder and re-download chapters 1-4, etc!
1. Thanks. 2. Cancelled? 3. It was released on Steam, on February 11th. :)
On Itch.io Euphoria is shown as cancelled, there was a trailer for it at the end of Leap of Faith. It is not on Steam, though there is a puzzle game called Euphoria.
Leap of Faith being on Steam (which I just checked) means I must be going blind. So now I can't complain that I have the Itch.io version and need to 1-4 then 5-6 then 7-8! 
Although it is £8.79 on Steam and $5 on here, so It does mean A) There is another reason for not complaining, and B), I should add a couple of dollars to my purchase, given how much I enjoyed the game, and how by choosing a different girl, I can see new scenes!
Can't add a couple of dollars, as my download purchase page doesn't allow for additional payment, and obviously the download page expects $5 or more, so won't take $2. I could pay $5 but then I would just own 2 copies of the game, or maybe even Itch would remind me I already have purchased the game. For any dev that has a "don't have to pay anything", there should be a way of leaving an after purchase "tip". If there is such a thing, let me know.
SPOILERS AHEAD So wait, what the hell happened in the post-credits scene on the boat? I'm confused
its almost like end of world shit.. or your ass got drone striked maybe because that call steph gets at the ritz when she takes the call (if you dont bring her with) is homeland saying to watch you to protect you so maybe. maybe its playing in to euphoria (the next game he's making) in some way. i have no idea but i wanna know too.
So anyways. Hopefully someone can shed some light on this at some point.
it kinda just looks like driftys logo colors lighting up their faces the more you look at because it then it moves to the logo and trailer for U4ia.
That might be the case. I was hoping it would be something more substantial ;)
I bought the game. Played 1-4, downloaded and installed 5-6 in the installation folder, started the game and it started it up and got episode 5. Finished 5-6 and download 7-8 and installed that into the installation folder, and when I started it up, I am back to episode 1! Please help.
EDIT: while I played 1-6 with no issues from my "Leap of Faith" folder, by going to "manage", I saw the install folder was now "leap-of-faith 2", hence why episode 7 wasn't loading. Changed the folders name to what Itch.io wanted, and now it works. Don't know how the installation folder changed though, an Itch thing maybe?!
Can anyone walk through how to patch the versions on a mac? I've tried doing it a hundred different ways, and it either ends at chapter 4, or only runs the patch files (i.e. says "this is the patch version, cant be played"). Do I need to drop both ch5-6 and ch7-8 into the original game file? Do I need to open the contents folder, or drop the new files outside of that folder? Do I replace or merge files?? I can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated
Did you get any answers? I'm having the same issue, I've installed 1-4, tried copying 5-6 & 7-8, but either I only get to the end of ch4 or I get the same message "this is a patch version" and it quits... need some help for patching on a Mac. Thanks!
I think there might be an error with the music files for the new update (Ch 8). I can hear sound effects. just not music. 
Unfortunately, you can't patch your existing pre chapter 8 game. Due to upgrading to a new version of Ren'Py and changes to the music you have to download all three files for your system and patch like you normally would on a new game.
A bro just my thoughts,rest all girl is okay but why stephaine story is so stupid and meaningless,she is reason for mc life and all this events starting bit her own story is stupid and only girl with whom I hardly doubt someone could feel emotion even though her being past gf,she is kind of character portrayed as leave on her own.is there a reason for her story to be made this shitty and stupid which doesn't even develop,and According to me when things doesn't work out in past it's meaningless to think it will now with her.
I took a quick peek at your comments for the last 24 hours, and they are all negative for all games. Relax dude, it's just an adult game. :)
I m sorry buddy but my bluntness always gets to me,i try to understand story as irl things and character like this i always thought made for this reason to understand different parts of life and some character could be bad,but i guess no character in avn is made to be bad it's just their story is shitty and they do wierdo things,not to my liking but i should understand others feeling too when wierd and too many kinks are there which people like why not they would like a wierd character,i always think just from pov that's why i become way too into story and understand character on deep lvl.
Well when they are not made to be deeply drawn character no meanings for going too deep into understand ing their real character and just enjoy it while it last.
Dev a great avn you created,one of with best story and almost a great ending with every character with a bit here and there acceptable flaws. Thank you so much and your replying shows that you truly cares for others so thanks again.
But still Stephanie character and her story is stupid,maybe remove her😅😅
Is chapter 8 released? I can only play up to what I believe the end of 7. Also most of my saves crash with the new patch.
Working now. Thanks for a great game. Who was the guy in the park?
I'm currently on the scene [Chpt. 3 IIRC] in the cafe where the MC is telling Kira about meeting Lexi. I get this error. [Posted as footnote]. I can ignore it and continue on, but there's an obvious chunk of dialogue missing. I'm able to read between the lines and piece together the missing bits for the most part, but I figured I'd bring this to your attention.
For the record I have the latest versions of all chapters 1-8 and extracted them all to the same folder prior to starting the game.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
Exception: Sayer 'RRme' is not defined.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
 File "script03.rpyc", line 1365, in script
 File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\LeapofFaith-1.0.1c-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 881, in execute
  who = eval_who(self.who, self.who_fast)
 File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\LeapofFaith-1.0.1c-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 774, in eval_who
  raise Exception("Sayer '%s' is not defined." % who)
Exception: Sayer 'RRme' is not defined.
You can safely "ignore" that one - it just skips an image. I'll upload a new version in a bit.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
Exception: Sayer 'RRme' is not defined.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
 File "script03.rpyc", line 1365, in script
 File "C:\games\LeapofFaith-1.0.1c-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 881, in execute
  who = eval_who(self.who, self.who_fast)
 File "C:\games\LeapofFaith-1.0.1c-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 774, in eval_who
  raise Exception("Sayer '%s' is not defined." % who)
Exception: Sayer 'RRme' is not defined.
I had this error, so I copied my save files elsewhere, deleted, and re-extracted the game. Speculation: Did you start a new game / resumed a save from chapters 1-4 AFTER extracting/replacing/patching with the later chapters? And did that error occur while you were at the cafe with Robin and Kira?
So I paid for this game when it cost less, but currently can't access Chapter 8 (since I paid less than the $10 required to access it, I guess?) 
Now I just wonder: Do I need to pay more so I've paid $10 total, or pay a flat $10?
It should be enough to pay the difference of what you paid originally. If it's not, please tell me, and I'll fix it.
Normally you have to pay the full $10 for itch to recognise that you paid enough. I've been bitten by that before on itch, or I did something wrong. OTOH, a game this great.... even if you paid 19,99 it is still a steal.
Best AVN by far. Made me laugh, made me sad, made me smile, mad
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